A Loção para Olhos Sensíveis – Marca: Sensitive Eyelids – Fórmula Suave – 30ml é um produto inovador, desenvolvido especialmente para atender às necessidades de quem possui pálpebras sensíveis. Sua fórmula suave e livre de fragrâncias é ideal para acalmar e hidratar a delicada área dos olhos, proporcionando alívio imediato e duradouro da irritação e desconforto. Com uma combinação de ingredientes naturais e propriedades calmantes, esta loção não apenas limpa, mas também revitaliza e refresca os olhos, tornando-se um aliado indispensável na rotina de cuidados diários.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- 1. Limpeza suave e eficaz: A Loção para Pálpebras Sensíveis é uma solução aquosa que remove impurezas e maquiagem sem irritar a pele sensível.
- 2. Alta tolerância: A fórmula é livre de fragrâncias e não oleosa, garantindo conforto para os olhos sensíveis e é adequada para usuários de lentes de contato.
- 3. Tratamento para blefarite: Recomendada para a higiene diária das pálpebras, a loção ajuda a aliviar sintomas como coceira, vermelhidão e irritação.
- 4. Fácil de usar: A aplicação é simples, sem necessidade de enxágue, podendo ser feita duas vezes ao dia, de manhã e à noite.
- 5. Ingredientes de qualidade: Contém componentes como Polissorbato 20 e Poloxamer 184, que oferecem limpeza eficaz e propriedades hidratantes.
A Loção para Olhos Sensíveis oferece uma série de benefícios que a tornam uma escolha ideal para quem busca conforto e cuidado para a área dos olhos. Entre os principais benefícios estão: 1) Alívio imediato da irritação, proporcionando conforto instantâneo; 2) Hidratação profunda, que ajuda a manter a pele ao redor dos olhos saudável; 3) Prevenção de problemas como blefarite, garantindo uma higiene adequada; 4) Praticidade na aplicação, facilitando a rotina de cuidados; 5) Segurança para usuários de lentes de contato, permitindo que todos possam desfrutar de seus benefícios sem preocupações.
Para obter os melhores resultados com a Loção para Olhos Sensíveis, recomenda-se a aplicação duas vezes ao dia, de manhã e à noite, ou conforme necessário. A aplicação é simples: basta aplicar suavemente a loção sobre as pálpebras e cílios, massageando delicadamente para remover impurezas e maquiagem. Não é necessário enxaguar após o uso, o que torna o processo ainda mais prático. A loção é segura para uso diário e pode ser utilizada por pessoas com pele e olhos sensíveis, incluindo aqueles que usam lentes de contato.
bnick2k11 –
Wonderful product and I’ve used it daily twice since my last of 6 eye infections with clogged ducts and for the first time in 2 years I’ve gone now for 2 months straight without the pain from clogged eyelid ducts… We moved to a new town to retire in and it’s very arid high planes desert area… We came from a very moist town where we lived for 40 years and in which I never suffered with these clogged eyelids yet here I was getting them in both eyes every 3 months or so for the last 2 years… They often lasted 4 to 6 weeks or more… My eye Doctor told me we may have to move from this area because of my dry eyes triggering these painful clogged eyelids… I read about this product and it has to be experienced to feel how wonderful and refreshed your eyes feel after wiping them with this product… It was just as others had written in their reviews… I only use 3 drops on a clean soft hand towell per eye and have done this twice a day… We will positively order more when we run out but with only using 12 drops a day the big bottle is barely down from full after 2 months so it has really lasted for me…
JoJo –
Good for sensitive skin
Marielle –
I was super excited to use this because of the good reviews. I’ve been struggling with blepharitis for the past few months and nothing seems to help. I’ve been searching for any product that will help get rid of the swelling in my eyes. This product works as a makeup removed/micellar water, which I liked the idea of. I applied the product to my right eye, just to test the product to see how it would react. As I was removing my mascara/cleaning my eyelid with the product, I noticed almost immediately that my eyelid appeared redder than normal. I decided to wash my face and made sure my face was clean, and sure enough, my right eyelid had flared up and was bright red and more swollen than normal. My right eyelid is now burning even though I washed the product off. All in all, after one use this product made my blepharitis worse. I went to see if I could return it and to my surprise, its nonrefundable. $21 down the drain.
Andrea –
Sehr gut
Dara –
I do not think I have ever written a review but like so many others that have this condition I had to report back. I have searched for 3 years for a “cure” to my stye(s) that eventually turn into chalazion(s). I have had surgery twice and each one is highly traumatic as the procedure is painful and scary. I have tried many products and processes from hot packs, tea bags, compresses, eyelid massages, every natural and steriod product I could find I did. My last and current chalazion has been with me for 6 months but I refused to go back and have surgery so this really was my last hope. I got the lotion and 2-3 weeks later my chalazion has decreased to a size that I can barely see it. I would wake up everyday with a red puffy eyelid in the unaffected chalazion eye but that has disappeared as well. I use the lotion 2x a day very carefully with a q-tip as I find using a cotton ball to be too rough and wasteful of the lotion. I still get the dry flaking (what I assume must be blepharitis) but barely any compared to before using this product. Good luck and I hope it works for you.
princess –
This lotion (not really a lotion in consistency, it is a liquid like water), is specifically designed to treat blepharitis, (an eye lid problem) whereby there is a buildup of foreign matter on the edges of your eyelids near your eyelash roots, and the small oil-glands that are along that same eyelid edge. The biggest problem most people have is that U.S. products tend to be too strong, and eventually cause an irritation as you consistently use the those products. The blehasol is far more mild, and does a better job of clearning away the buildup.
It is a terrific product, and we would not hesitate purchasing it again as it runs out.
One additional note. If you have this particular ailiment, it would be wise to have a variety of different cleansing agents at your disposal to avoid relying on just one treatment alone. Even just plain soap and water can be alternately used. This condition effects everyone differently, and experimenting with various products and cleansing methods can be worthwhile until you find what works best for you.
We have found that often times the philosophy of “Less is More”. is a good philosophy to live by when experimenting with personal health issues.
After using this product for awhile, I’m including this up-date.
Initially the results were very positive, however, after awhile, I began to find the product too harsh for my very sensitive eye-lids, and had to discontinue its use. Please read the attached comments for more detailed information. Thank you.
rhianne benn –
Recommend by our optician on an eye test. Excellent value for money. So quick to apply and does not leave a sticky residue. Good size bottle and an all round quality product.
Fred –
The DUO comes with their own pads/wipes which are much nicer on the eyelid than regular cotton pads. Great product nevertheless as it works well on sensitive eyelids.
Kpacific –
Having dry eyes and blepharitis, I’m always looking for something new that might help with my problem. I’m back for a second bottle, even though the price is quite steep. I found that after using the product for approx 2 months, my eye lashes had improved. They were longer and thicker. I assume that this was because the base of the lashes was cleaner.
Elizabeth –
Efficient delivery albeit carrier left it on an external gatepost. Useful product