LIYALAN – Patches de Ouro 24K para Olheiras e Inchaço – Máscara para os Olhos
Os Patches de Ouro 24K da LIYALAN são a solução perfeita para quem busca revitalizar a área dos olhos, combatendo olheiras e inchaço de forma eficaz. Com 60 peças em cada embalagem, esses adesivos são enriquecidos com ingredientes poderosos como Ácido Hialurônico, Colágeno, Nicotinamida e Aloe Vera, que atuam em sinergia para proporcionar um tratamento profundo e eficaz. O uso do ouro 24K não só confere um toque de luxo, mas também potencializa a absorção dos ativos, promovendo uma pele mais firme e radiante.
Os benefícios dos Patches LIYALAN são notáveis. Eles melhoram visivelmente a aparência das olheiras, suavizam rugas e linhas finas, e reduzem o inchaço, restaurando a elasticidade da pele. O Ácido Hialurônico, um dos principais ingredientes, garante uma hidratação intensa, combatendo a opacidade e proporcionando uma sensação refrescante e leve. A aplicação é simples e prática: após limpar o rosto, basta retirar os patches com a colher fornecida, posicioná-los na região abaixo dos olhos e deixá-los agir por 15-20 minutos. Após o uso, a pele ao redor dos olhos fica mais nutrida e revitalizada, pronta para enfrentar o dia.
1. Eficácia Comprovada: Formulados com ingredientes ativos que melhoram a aparência de olheiras, rugas e inchaço.
2. Hidratação Intensa: O Ácido Hialurônico proporciona uma hidratação profunda e duradoura, combatendo a secura da pele.
3. Fácil de Usar: A aplicação é simples e os patches se ajustam perfeitamente à região dos olhos, permitindo que você continue suas atividades.
4. Resultados Rápidos: Com uso regular, a pele dos olhos se torna mais firme e rejuvenescida, com redução visível de olheiras e inchaço.
5. Garantia de Satisfação: A Vitaminer Shop oferece garantia de devolução do dinheiro, priorizando a satisfação do cliente.
Para obter os melhores resultados com os Patches de Ouro 24K LIYALAN, siga estas instruções: após limpar bem o rosto, utilize a colher fornecida para retirar os patches da embalagem. Coloque um patch em cada região abaixo dos olhos, garantindo que estejam bem aderidos à pele. Deixe agir por 15-20 minutos para permitir que os ingredientes ativos penetrem profundamente. Após o tempo de aplicação, remova os patches e massageie suavemente a área ao redor dos olhos para otimizar a absorção dos nutrientes. Para resultados visíveis e duradouros, recomenda-se o uso regular, preferencialmente duas vezes por semana.
Kinley –
I love these under eye patches! I deliberately waited until I’d been using them regularly for two weeks before I posted a review, and I’m still loving them as much now as I did when I first tried them. First off, there’s *60* patches, meaning plenty of quality product to last you for weeks. Secondly, they’re hydrating, not slimy, which can be a concern with snail products. Finally, I see an actual, visible difference in my eye crinkles when I use them. I like to pop them on in the morning as part of my morning skincare, and the effects last most of the day- I’d say between 8-10 hours. Definitely worth the purchase!
Ann Marie Carter –
My fiancé and I love to do face masks and this was the perfect way to elevate it. Very moisturizing and a great price for how many it came with.
Samantha Watkins –
Start now! This is a game changer in the skincare routine. I put these on every morning and it helps will fine lines, wrinkles and puffy eyes. This is a must have essential!
Yolanda –
Me parece fabuloso🤩 …me desinflama las ojeras ,😍 lo recomiend💓
Made in China 🤪 –
the eye patches are so coated with serum they slide around and are impossible to get to stay in place. they also burned my undereyes after one minute. don’t recommend 🙂
Made in China 🤪 –
I had to return my first order as the container arrived cracked at the bottom and some of the liquid was spilled everywhere. Either they are a bit too big or my face is too small (?) but they are coming down on my cheeks and the curvature is a bit weird. On the good side though they work really well, or at least they did for me. I put some on and since they are kind of slippery I had to lay down so they won’t slide off my face and I actually fell asleep with them on and slept with them on overnight. By the morning they were almost dried but not uncomfortable and my under eye seemed a lot more plump. I got no irritation on my face and thankfully I didn’t get any of it in my eyes so I don’t know if the gel/liquid would irritate the eyes. They are also a good deal as you get 60 of them so you can have enough for a month if you use them every day, and the price is pretty good for the quantity received. Overall, despite the funny shape, I really like them and I am happy with the results.
Erin & Jeff –
I have used several different kinds of these jelly eye masks, and these are HUGE! They are also very very slippery and like to slide down your face, for the first 2-3min until the moisturizer starts to soak in a bit. I “wipe” each one on the edge of the container as I take it out to help with this. Also their size is giant – don’t give this to a teenager/pre-teen it won’t fit right. I even have to flip them around and put the pointy end on the outer edge of my eye instead of inner, to keep it in place. For the price and as as often as I like to use them (once a day), they’re fine. But personally the Florence By Mills ones work and stay on WAY better overall (just a lot more expensive)!
Lauren –
Haven’t noticed a huge difference and they do not seem to stay in place very well unless you’re lying down. They do feel nice and cool when they are in place and the price of the item is great for the quantity!