LIYALAN Creme para Remoção Instantânea de Bolsas nos Olhos
O creme para os olhos LIYALAN Instant Eye Bag Removal é um hidratante profundo que combate o inchaço, rugas, olheiras e sinais de envelhecimento ao redor dos olhos. Sua fórmula rica em colágeno nutre a pele, proporcionando uma aparência mais jovem e saudável. Este creme instantâneo para remoção de bolsas nos olhos é enriquecido com colágeno e essência de ácido hialurônico, que atuam de forma eficaz na redução de bolsas e olheiras, além de resolver problemas comuns da pele na região dos olhos, como ressecamento, flacidez, opacidade e linhas finas. A nutrição e a hidratação profundas que ele oferece são essenciais para revitalizar a área dos olhos.
A fórmula natural do LIYALAN promove a produção de colágeno, reduzindo a aparência de pele flácida e melhorando a elasticidade da pele. Isso resulta em um tom de pele mais uniforme e uma aparência mais firme e jovem. Com uma textura leve e refrescante, o creme é rapidamente absorvido, proporcionando conforto imediato. O design prático do frasco de pressão é pensado para facilitar o uso, permitindo que você extraia a quantidade ideal de produto com um simples toque.
Para aplicar, pressione suavemente o frasco para extrair uma quantidade adequada de creme. Aplique uniformemente ao redor dos olhos, dando leves batidinhas para facilitar a absorção. Deixe agir por cerca de 5 minutos para que os ingredientes ativos penetrem na pele. O creme pode ser utilizado antes da maquiagem, garantindo que a pele do contorno dos olhos esteja hidratada e pronta para receber a aplicação de produtos cosméticos. Para melhores resultados, recomenda-se o uso diário antes de dormir, permitindo que os nutrientes atuem enquanto você descansa.
1. Redução de bolsas e olheiras: Formulado especificamente para minimizar a aparência de bolsas e olheiras, proporcionando um olhar mais descansado e rejuvenescido.
2. Hidratação profunda: A combinação de colágeno e ácido hialurônico garante uma hidratação intensa, combatendo o ressecamento e a opacidade da pele.
3. Melhora da elasticidade da pele: A presença de colágeno na fórmula ajuda a tonificar e firmar a pele, melhorando sua elasticidade.
4. Textura leve e refrescante: A textura do creme é leve e de rápida absorção, evitando qualquer sensação pegajosa após a aplicação.
5. Fácil de usar: O design do frasco de pressão torna a aplicação prática e conveniente, permitindo que você aproveite os benefícios do produto sem complicações.
Aplique uma quantidade adequada de creme para os olhos ao redor da área ocular, evitando o contato direto com os olhos. Massageie suavemente até que o creme seja completamente absorvido pela pele. Para resultados otimizados, utilize o produto duas vezes ao dia, de manhã e à noite, garantindo que a pele receba a hidratação e os nutrientes necessários para uma aparência saudável e revitalizada.
April –
I ordered this with hopes of giving me some relief to my under eye puffiness and sometimes awfully noticeable bags. I used this over several days and noticed while it is not a miracle serum, but it does help to decrease the puffiness. It seems as if it almost smooths it out enough to where I can use this and then apply a concealer and you can never tell I had bags under my eyes just a few hours ago. There were a couple of times there was no real improvement also. All in all though I feel like this is definitely worth using. I hope my review has been helpful for you.
Matthew Guider –
While there are some ingredients in this that I don’t love and wouldn’t necessarily prefer in my eye cream, there are others that are great and ones I consider staples if good creams, and they balance out some of the harsher chemicals. The most important thing is the result, and while I’m not certain if the orange tint of the cream plays a significant role in the softening of dark circles and bags under my eyes, the result is nonetheless pretty fantastic and I’d even say are better than results I got from expensive eye cream 3x or 4x the price of this one; so the value to result ratio is outstanding. It softens the harshness of lines or bags from lack of sleep or stress and minimizes dark circles to the point that I feel it takes 5 years off with one application. Whether repeated use of this product actually improves the skin under your eyes or is beneficial is reducing lines around the eyes long term I don’t know. But the immediate result is very good, providing a more youthful and rested look immediately.
L.B. –
This comes out of the bottle very moist, and seems like it will be great moisture for under eyes. However, after applying, it is SO dry, almost chalky feeling on my skin. I cannot use this before applying concealer unless I also use additional moisturizer or it cakes up and creases. I often wake up with puffy undereyes and I have not noticed any significant improvement by using this. Would not buy again.
Lourdes –
Calidad, barato y efectivo
James T. Kirk –
I wanted to try this cream because when I get less sleep than I would like, I wake up with bags under my eyes that usually last for the morning, but then gradually seem to fade away. Well last night, I got about 4 hours of sleep and had some luggage under my eyes, so I thought, ‘what a great time to try my new anti-bag cream’.
The small container oozes out a small, controlled dot, that didn’t have a strong odor. The cream was quickly absorbed into my under-eye skin after rubbing for about 30 seconds. I noticed no special feeling – no tingling or immediate tightening. I continued to check my eyes for the next couple of hours; I checked in the mirror and with my wife, but I never noticed any kind of, ‘instant eye bag removal’.
After I spent a morning of staring at my under eye bags, I realize that I need to find a cream that really works, because this cream didn’t work at all for me. My bags disappeared by the afternoon, but that is how my eye bags normally go away so I can’t attribute that to the cream. Your results may vary, but for me I don’t think it worked as I had hoped. I’ll keep trying the cream and if I see results, I will update my review to reflect anything new.
This seemed to help with my eye bags a little and just overall smoothed my undereye area out and it almost looks a little brighter too. I think this isna really good product! My only complaint is the size of the container. It’s very small and if you use it often you’ll run out very quickly and have to keep purchasing more to keep up the results.
Cole –
While “instant” is an overstatement in the product description, this eye cream does make an appreciable difference over time. The amount of time it takes to make this difference is relative and subjective, of course. If your under-eye issues are minimal, for example, you will see noticeable differences much sooner than most people with more serious bags, dark spots, or fine lines. My issues are mild to moderate. This product works for me and has been a pleasant addition to my daily face care routine. The scent is mild and the moisturizing properties are effective for me. I have no complaints.
Dayna Davis –
This is that stuff you see all over the internet that you apply and in a few minutes the puffiness goes away. What I found is that you can’t wear make up over it. It’s pink in color and you can see doesn’t even help puffiness that well. I can feel it on my skin. .