O Livingood Daily Gut Cleanse Detox para Mulheres é um produto inovador que se destaca no mercado de suplementos, promovendo a limpeza e desintoxicação do intestino de forma eficaz e natural. Com uma fórmula 13 em 1, este detox foi especialmente desenvolvido para atender às necessidades do organismo feminino, proporcionando uma série de benefícios que vão além da simples desintoxicação. Com 120 cápsulas vegetarianas, o produto é ideal para quem busca uma solução prática e saudável para melhorar a saúde intestinal.
Os ingredientes naturais que compõem o Livingood Daily Gut Cleanse incluem Pó de Ulmus rubra, Aloe Vera, Raiz de Alcaçuz, Raiz de Althaea officinalis e Vagem de Quiabo. Esses componentes são conhecidos por suas propriedades que ajudam a aliviar o desconforto estomacal e a promover uma digestão saudável. Além disso, a fórmula é enriquecida com uma mistura de enzimas digestivas, como Amilase, Celulase, Lactase, Lipase e Protease, que facilitam a quebra dos alimentos e a absorção de nutrientes essenciais. A adição de uma mistura probiótica também contribui para a saúde do microbioma intestinal, promovendo um equilíbrio saudável.
A recomendação de uso é simples: para obter resultados ótimos, é sugerido que a dosagem de 4 cápsulas diárias seja dividida em duas tomadas, com 2 cápsulas pela manhã e 2 à noite, preferencialmente durante as refeições. Este método não só maximiza a eficácia do produto, mas também se adapta facilmente a qualquer estilo de vida, sendo livre de alérgenos, organismos geneticamente modificados e glúten, o que o torna uma escolha segura para dietas vegetarianas.
– Promove uma digestão saudável, reduzindo a sensação de inchaço e desconforto.
– Ajuda a reparar e restaurar a mucosa intestinal, essencial para a saúde gastrointestinal.
– Alivia o desconforto estomacal, proporcionando um alívio rápido e eficaz.
– Melhora a absorção de nutrientes, garantindo que o corpo receba o que há de melhor dos alimentos consumidos.
– Produto formulado por um especialista renomado, Dr. Blake Livingood, garantindo qualidade e eficácia.
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Recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas de Livingood Daily Gut Cleanse Detox para Mulheres pela manhã e 2 cápsulas à noite, preferencialmente com as refeições. É importante consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, para garantir que o produto se encaixe nas necessidades individuais de saúde e bem-estar.
Tina Palmer –
My wife tried this and she liked it. We will def use it again.
Professor H –
I’m am an avid believer and user of supplements, but reviewing them is problematic, and my results may not be your results for these reasons:
1) I am not a laboratory scientist, I do not play one on tv, nor do I know one, so who knows what’s exactly contained in them.
2) It is difficult for consumers to see any actual difference in how you feel within a few days to a couple of weeks. Some supplements take as much as ninety days to see results.
3) Even if we do notice a difference, we all take other meds or supplements that may affect our results one way or the other.
4) We all have different physiologies, and are just different in so many ways (lifestyles etc). But we can hope for the best when we see others having positive actions going on, that are attributed to said supplements.
So my personal non doctor opinion of my own results:
These seem to help and don’t add any bloat feelings
Amazon Customer –
Mel Sanchez –
Took about 3 weeks to feel a definite improvement in my gut. After years of taking prescriptions, this product actually worked for me.
Geist –
I have a very sensitive stomach, so taking new probiotics or anything that targets the gut will often be a shock to my system. When I first started taking apple cider vinegar, turmeric with ginger, blackseed oil supplements; all turned my stomach upside down for the first week or so of taking them before my stomach adjusted.
I’m on the fence with this product as I didn’t feel a severe reaction when I first took it, but randomly will get a severe reaction on some days I take it versus others. It is not consistent, so I don’t know if it is a severe reaction depending on what I consume\eat during the day.
I would say I did get some positively reinforced reactions; when eating carbs, my gut is instantly unhappy. Put that together with cheese like pizzas, I must brace myself for a nightmare. But when I took this product with two slices of pizza, I waited for the worst but was pleasantly surprised that I was feeling quite good. The dosage recommendation is two in the morning and two in the afternoon with meals but somehow, I think that may be too much. There are days when I get severe stomach discomfort when taking this product but have a pleasant experience taking it on other days. I think cutting back on the recommend dosage may work better for me.
I will continue to finish the remainder of the bottle but cut back from taking two capsules to one. I will have to see if I get a more consistently positive results that way. If that is the case, I will bump my rating up one star from 3 to 4. For now in my opinion, the product’s current price is just too high for inconsistent results and repeated purchasing to keep yourself supplied.
**Update: 10/30/2022**
I’ve tried this product with a reduced serving size from 2 capsules in the morning and another two in the afternoon, to one capsule in the the morning and afternoon. I’ve had more consistent results this way with less stomach issues and more satisfaction with the meals I eat. I still think the price is too high otherwise I would give it five stars.
Jimmy Pro –
Having a healthy gut may prevent many illnesses. This product os great for all ages and I highly recommend. You get what you pay for. Many natural ingredients.
jeff –
Benefits are real
Brenda Otey –
This is a great product. Helped my stomach tremendously. We’ll stay on this one.