Descrição do Produto
O Lipozene Weight Loss Pills é um suplemento alimentar que ajuda no processo de perda de peso. Cada embalagem contém 2 frascos com 30 cápsulas cada, juntamente com um frasco de MetaboUp Plus com 30 cápsulas. Este produto é formulado com ingredientes cuidadosamente selecionados para auxiliar na redução do apetite e acelerar o metabolismo.
O incrível poder das fibras do Lipozene permite que elas absorvam até 200 vezes o seu próprio tamanho em água, criando uma sensação de saciedade que pode durar horas. Como suplemento alimentar, recomenda-se tomar 2 cápsulas 30 minutos antes das refeições, até três vezes ao dia, com pelo menos 240 ml de água. Ao contrário de outros supressores de apetite, o Lipozene ajuda a sentir-se saciado mais rapidamente, sem estimulantes.
O MetaboUp Plus contém uma combinação de ingredientes projetados para ajudar a alcançar seus objetivos de perda de peso. Ele inclui extrato de chá verde e folha de chá Oolong, ambos conhecidos por serem potentes antioxidantes, além de extrato de semente de guaraná, que é frequentemente usado como estimulante e supressor de apetite.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Auxilia na perda de peso
O Lipozene Weight Loss Pills é especialmente formulado para ajudar na redução do apetite e acelerar o metabolismo, auxiliando no processo de perda de peso.
2. Sensação de saciedade prolongada
Graças às suas fibras poderosas, o Lipozene tem a capacidade de criar uma sensação de saciedade que pode durar horas, ajudando a controlar a fome e evitar excessos.
3. Estimulante livre
Diferente de muitos supressores de apetite, o Lipozene é livre de estimulantes, o que significa que você pode desfrutar dos benefícios de redução de apetite sem os efeitos colaterais comuns dos estimulantes.
4. Ingredientes naturais
O Lipozene é formulado com ingredientes naturais cuidadosamente selecionados, como fibras e extratos de chá, que são conhecidos por seus benefícios para a saúde e perda de peso.
5. Acelera o metabolismo
O MetaboUp Plus, incluído neste pacote, contém ingredientes que são conhecidos por acelerar o metabolismo, ajudando a queimar calorias de forma mais eficiente.
1. Redução efetiva do apetite, facilitando o controle da ingestão calórica.
2. Sensação de saciedade prolongada, evitando lanches desnecessários entre as refeições.
3. Fórmula livre de estimulantes, proporcionando uma abordagem mais suave para a perda de peso.
4. Ingredientes naturais que promovem a saúde geral, além da perda de peso.
5. Aceleração do metabolismo, contribuindo para uma queima de calorias mais eficiente e rápida.
Recomenda-se tomar 2 cápsulas do Lipozene Weight Loss Pills 30 minutos antes das refeições, até três vezes ao dia, com pelo menos 240 ml de água. Para melhores resultados, combine o uso do Lipozene com uma dieta equilibrada e exercícios físicos regulares. É importante seguir as orientações de uso para maximizar os benefícios do produto e garantir uma experiência segura e eficaz na busca pela perda de peso.
Stephanie –
I’ve lost over a hundred pounds with this product I’m so happy that I tried it he fat just goes away trying to loose thirty more pounds if I do I’ll be back to the weight I was in high school this is great it really works if you want to loose fat and keep it off it works so use it I’m very happy
Ernestina –
This product took a while to start working for me. (I feel it takes a lot of things a while to affect me) I know it is supposed to make you feel fuller and eat less, but it didn’t really do that for me at first , I LOVE food and I tend to over eat. About a week and half into taking the pills I noticed I was becoming more full and eating less. I haven’t noticed a weight loss, I also haven’t weighed myself lol, I wasn’t aiming for tracking weight loss I was aiming for trying to eat less and curve my over eating, which this is helping with. The extra boost pills seem to help a tad with energy, also again I feel certain things don’t effect me, (energy drinks, things along that line) or I just need I higher dose of it to feel the effect. I take the pills in the morning when I wake up, and I have noticed the difference in myself as far as having the energy to do more then I usually do.
All in all the product is fare. IT REALLY ISNT FOR THOSE WANTING TO LOSE LESS THEN 10 POUNDS. I’ve seen a lot of reviews saying that it didn’t help them lose weight. This product is more for overweight people.
Sheyla Wilson –
I’ve been taking these pills for about 5 days now and I haven’t weighed myself yet because I want to wait a month but I can already tell that they are working! My family has seen that I’ve lost a couple pounds an I will continue to take the pills, I thought they wouldn’t work at first because all the bad reviews I’ve seen but they absoutlely work , I’m hardly ever hungry when before I would eat just to eat. I have so much energy and when I go to the gym I run my mile in 5mins when it use to take me 15mins , the metabo up plus is so amazing, my work outs are feel so great now after I’m finished in covered in sweat and I feel so satisfied. I have changed my eating habits as well, no junk food no fried foods and no fast food, I eat 3 meals a day with a snack in between. Only take the metabo up TWICE A day don’t take anymore than that or you will be bouncing off the walls. Honestly guys this pill does work but you also have to diet and exercise as well if you really want to see the results. I’m 5’9 and last time I weighed myself I was 187 pounds, I want to be 150 so of course I have a ways to go but I know it’s possible and it will be quick. i will post BEFORE & AFTER PICTURES once I get to my goal weight and I will update my review with how long it took. Also I have had no side affects, DRINK LOTS OF WATER these will make you so thirsty. You can also find these pills for cheaper in wal mart, didn’t find that out until after I got it.
Bee –
I’ve used lipozene on & off since around 2017 & it’s the only weight loss pills I swear by. Not sure about the metabolism pills included because I’ve never tried them before but I just opened my package just now, today. UPDATE: I’m impressed. Lipozene, thermal metabolism, & conjunction with a good colon cleanse pill works wonders. Bloating & constipation would trick me into thinking there was less progress being made than it was until I discovered the combination I just named.
Amazon Customer –
These didn’t work!
Bug’s Mama –
I got my shipment of Lipozene a week ago. I started out taking only 1 capsule 2 – 3 times a day at first because I wanted to make sure how I was going to respond to it. The first day that I took the metabolism booster, I felt more energetic and didn’t seem to tire out. Also, I didn’t have that “crash” after a few hours or at the end of the day. I could tell that the Lipozene was helping me feel more full and I wasn’t having the junk food cravings like usual. I did increase my water intake quite a bit and I honestly feel better. I increased the Lipozene to 2 caps 3 times a day 2 days ago because I did get where I was feeling pretty hungry before the next meal. I know my body will have to adjust to the eat less but I have been doing pretty well with it. I did weight at work yesterday and I have lost a little over 5 lbs this week. So, I will continue in the meantime doing the 2 caps, 3 times a day with one Metabolism booster while trying to increase my exercise level because I want to change my lifestyle and right now, I think that Lipozene is going to be the stepping stone I needed to do that. I will probably check back in later on to share my opinion and progress.
cheryl –
The price but if it worked i would pay for it. But did not work for me.
Lillian Brown –
Tried this product before and it was very helpful in weight loss