O Liposomal Methylated Multivitamin B-Complex da Core Med Science é um suplemento vitamínico em cápsulas macias, contendo 90 unidades. Sua fórmula não contém organismos geneticamente modificados (OGM) e é composta por uma combinação de vitaminas do complexo B altamente biodisponíveis. Esse complexo vitamínico é especialmente formulado para promover a saúde do coração, fortalecer o sistema imunológico e oferecer benefícios para a saúde geral.
- LIPOSOMAL MEGA-MULTIVITAMIN: O Liposomal Methylated Multivitamin B-Complex da Core Med Science é um suplemento alimentar de alta qualidade que oferece todas as 8 vitaminas do complexo B (B1, B2, B3, B6, B9 ácido fólico, B12, B7, B5), minerais traços e antioxidantes em formato liposomal para uma absorção ótima. Pode ajudar a melhorar o humor, a fadiga e a função imunológica. Este multivitamínico ultra abrangente oferece conveniência e eficácia em cápsulas fáceis de engolir. 30 porções (90 cápsulas) por frasco.
- ALIMENTE SUA VIDA DIÁRIA: Nosso Liposomal Methylated Multivitamin B-Complex com minerais ajuda a fornecer suporte diário para quase todas as funções metabólicas do corpo humano. As vitaminas do complexo B ajudam a apoiar a produção de energia, enquanto as vitaminas A, E e C apoiam essas funções. Também pode ajudar a saúde do coração, o pensamento mais claro e um sono melhor. Minerais traços como iodo, zinco e selênio ajudam o corpo a utilizar a vitamina B de forma mais eficaz.
- TECNOLOGIA DE ABSORÇÃO MÁXIMA LIPOSOMAL: Ao contrário dos suplementos tradicionais, onde os ingredientes ativos são destruídos pelos ácidos no trato digestivo, a Core Med Science utiliza a Tecnologia Liposomal para proteger os nutrientes com uma “bolha” liposomal para entregar com segurança os nutrientes na corrente sanguínea para uma absorção ótima. Fornece até 80% mais absorção e também é mais suave para o estômago.
- INGREDIENTES CONFIÁVEIS: Nós selecionamos apenas ingredientes da mais alta qualidade para desenvolver nossas vitaminas e suplementos. Ao contrário da maioria dos fabricantes de suplementos, nossos produtos são orgulhosamente feitos do início ao fim nos EUA em uma instalação cGMP. Todos são livres de OGM e álcool, mariscos, trigo, laticínios, ovos, nozes, soja, peixe e amendoim. Se você não estiver satisfeito com nosso produto, entre em contato conosco dentro de 90 dias e teremos prazer em ajudar.
- NOSSA HISTÓRIA: O Dr. Bogdan Popa fundou a “IV for Life”, uma clínica de terapia nutricional intravenosa no Condado de Orange, Califórnia. O método “liposomal” de entrega oral de nutrientes fornece um canal de absorção ideal para entregar os mesmos nutrientes oralmente como os usados na terapia intravenosa. O Dr. Popa criou a “Core Med Science” para fornecer suplementos lipossomais orais com nutrientes “correspondentes” aos ingredientes das infusões intravenosas mais comuns e populares, como Glutationa e Vitamina C.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Mega-multivitamínico lipossomal de alta qualidade
- Suporte diário para funções metabólicas
- Tecnologia de absorção máxima lipossomal
- Ingredientes confiáveis e de alta qualidade
- Desenvolvido por um especialista em terapia nutricional intravenosa
- Melhora da saúde do coração, promovendo uma circulação sanguínea saudável.
- Aumento da energia e redução da fadiga, contribuindo para um dia a dia mais produtivo.
- Fortalecimento do sistema imunológico, ajudando a prevenir doenças.
- Melhoria da clareza mental e foco, essencial para atividades diárias e trabalho.
- Suporte ao sono reparador, promovendo um descanso de qualidade.
Recomenda-se tomar 1 cápsula por dia, de preferência com uma refeição. É importante consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. A absorção ideal é maximizada quando o suplemento é ingerido com alimentos, facilitando a assimilação dos nutrientes pelo organismo.
J. L. –
These are high quality products all the way around! Love these guys! Buy their stuff!
Randall W. Graves –
I am recovering from Lyme’s disease. As Lyme’s infected people know, the recovery period – post antibiotic treatment – can be prolonged and difficult. If you suffer from this disease, you become an expert on symptoms, treatment, and recovery. It is becoming more apparent that the recovery portion is directly related to making the body well again through nutritional supplementation. In doing my own research, I found that the Core Med Science brand is on the very cutting edge of liposomal technology. Now, into my second month post antibiotic treatment, I can attest that the Core Med Science products have very effectively helped me feel better. I am recovering. I am healing. And I attribute much of this to these products. As importantly, the customer services at Core Med Science are the absolute gold standard. They respond to questions far faster than I ever imagined. They have even suggested other brands or products. I recommend Core Med products without any reservation. I am currently utilizing a regimen of: (1) liposomal glutathione (2) liposomal Active B Comple (3) liposomal liquid C and (4) PC Complex. I am getting better and this has much to do with Core Med Science, their help and their products.
Tia Lita –
I’m really impressed with how much better I feel after taking this multi vitamin this past week. My energy level & stamina are both much improved. The vitamins & minerals are exactly what my body needs along with the increased absorption. I’m very happy with this purchase & am signed up for subscribe & save.
Sabrina –
This product has given me my life back. I ran blood work and I was b2 deficient. For a few months I have lost all energy, it tanked. Which in turn made me moodier. Well since less than 2 weeks of just consuming one pill a day I am already buzzing around again w energy. Other things I noticed is that my skin is less dry and I’m sleeping better. And I hope I’m not speaking too soon but my mood has been a lot happier which is huge for me. Makes me wonder just how long I have needed a good b multi like this. If you have any reason to believe your sluggish existence and dry skin and moodiness is in any way tied to Bs then def give this a try! I’m so damn happy to have my life back!
Cherie –
I like this B vitamin also has other vitamins. I take it like a multi.
Arminius Mignea –
I received this Liposomal Active B-Complex a week ago. A doctor recommended this type of vitamins to address my lack of energy and my tendency to get tired quickly and to get sleepy. After seven days of three gells daily I feel a real, significant difference in my tonus and personal disposition. I have somehow a sense of clear mindedness and that it is simpler, more straightforward to understand my work plans and to complete them.
I was always skeptic that nutritionists and doctors achieve an in depth undestanding of the metabolism and cellular processes so that they objectively characterize the results and possible benefits of medicines and various supplements. I may balance this skepticism with the knowledge that some good, real progress was made in understanding cellular metabolism after so many years of research and incremental progress.
I am pleased so far that I tried this one and after the Core Med Science was notified that Amazon delivered the Complex they emailed me the extensive list of Vitamins and supplements that are part of this product. The list is very long and I don’t know if a review has a limit on the text allowed. But here it is:
* Liposomal Technology ensures very high absorption of otherwise poorly absorbed B Vitamin, Minerals and Antioxidant ingredients. By surrounding the ingredients with phospholipids to form a microscopic sphere, the liposome resists stomach acid, bile and digestive enzymes degradation. You can think of liposomes as “vitamin-carrying cell”. Since the outer shell is made of the same phospholipids as cell membranes, when a liposome reaches the small intestine, where all nutrients from food get absorbed, it fuses with small intestine cells to release it’s contents into the blood circulation.
* Vitamin A (as Palmitate) – involved in vision, antioxidant and immune function, gene expression and cell growth.
* Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid) – antioxidant essential in collagen production (skin, bones, blood vessels, tendons), cholesterol metabolism, White Blood Cell (WBC) production & function, antibody formation, synthesis of adrenaline and carnitine.
* Vitamin D3 (as cholecalciferol) – modulates immune system and cell growth, lowers inflammation, autoimmune regulation.
* Vitamin E (as D-alpha tocopherol and mixed tocopherols)– major antioxidant, regulates immune system, cell signaling, inhibits clotting.
* Vitamin K (as K-2, MK-7 and K1) – key vitamin involved in clotting regulation, bone growth
* Vitamin B-1 (as Thiamin) – required cofactor in the production of energy from food & synthesis of ATP, DNA, RNA, NADPH.
* Vitamin B-2 (as Riboflavin) – involved in energy production, methylation cycle, detoxification and antioxidant function
* Vitamin B-3 (as Niacinamide and Niacin)– involved in cell differentiation, fatty acids & cholesterol synthesis, NAD+, NADPH production (key in mitochondrial energy production), DNA repair.
* Vitamin B-5 : (as Pantothenic Acid) –involved in utilization of fats and carbohydrates for energy, CoQ10 production, manufacturing of adrenal hormones and red blood cells.
* Vitamin B-6 (Pyridoxine as P-5-P ) – necessary in the synthesis of neurotransmitters, methylation cycle, glucose formation, glycogen breakdown, DNA base pair synthesis.
* Vitamin B-7 (Biotin) – involved in fatty acid synthesis, fatty acid oxidation for energy, DNA replication, glucose synthesis, maintains stable blood sugar levels.
* Vitamin B-9 (as L-5-MTHF active Folate ) – necessary in DNA synthesis, neurotransmitter & hormone synthesis and breakdown, Red Blood Cell (RBC) formation.
* Vitamin B-12 ( as methylcobalamin active B12 ) – key role in energy production from fat and protein, methylation, synthesis of hemoglobin, Red Blood Cells (RBC), nerve cell conduction (myelin), DNA and RNA production, neurotransmitter and hormonal balance.
* Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) – key antioxidant, recycles other antioxidants, involved cholesterol metabolism, synthesis of collagen (bones, joints, soft tissue, skin), adrenalin and carnitine (fat metabolism).
* Iodine – mineral, 60% concentrated in the thyroid gland; essential for thyroid hormone production, which controls basal metabolic rate, cellular energy, and proper immune function.
* Zinc – mineral, plays a vital role in immunity, protein metabolism, hemoglobin synthesis, reproduction (testosterone-estrogen conversion), digestion (gut permeability), antioxidant function.
* Selenium – trace mineral, strengthens immune system function, essential in thyroid hormone production, boosts antioxidant function, lowers cancer risk
* Manganese –trace mineral, plays an important role in antioxidant function, blood sugar control, urea cycle (detoxification), bone and cartilage formation, energy production and digestion
* Chromium – trace mineral, important in blood sugar regulation, helps insulin transport glucose into cells; also plays an important role in metabolism of fats and protein.
* Molybdenum – trace mineral, co-factor which helps enzymes convert toxic sulfites (as in red wine) to sulfate (inert) in the sulfuration pathway (SUOX)
* Lycopene – phytonutrient and key antioxidant with benefits in eye health, macular preservation and anti-cancer function potential
Brian D –
Excellent product works great wish I could use it but doctor says NO . Everything in it is Great Except high potassium.wish I could get without the Potassium!!!!!!!!!!
Paula Booth –
Doctor recommended and it seems to work well.