Descrição do Produto: Lipo Flavonoid Plus
Lipo Flavonoid Plus é um suplemento inovador, amplamente reconhecido como a solução mais eficaz para o alívio do zumbido nos ouvidos, recomendado por otorrinolaringologistas (ENTs) em todo o mundo. Este produto é formulado com um complexo natural de bioflavonoides de limão, que inclui uma rica combinação de vitaminas essenciais como C, B1, B2, B6, B12, além de cálcio, colina bitartrato, inositol, niacina e ácido pantotênico. Esses nutrientes são fundamentais para fornecer suporte nutricional ao ouvido interno, especialmente para aqueles que sofrem de tinnitus e síndrome de Menière.
Com mais de 50 anos de uso e observação clínica, os benefícios terapêuticos do Lipo Flavonoid Plus foram amplamente reconhecidos, tornando-o uma escolha confiável para o tratamento do zumbido. A recomendação de uso é clara: para obter os melhores resultados, deve-se tomar 2 caplets três vezes ao dia, totalizando 6 caplets diariamente, por um período mínimo de 60 dias. Além disso, o produto oferece uma garantia de devolução do dinheiro; se você não encontrar alívio do zumbido nos ouvidos após 60 dias de uso conforme as instruções, poderá solicitar o reembolso, desde que apresente o recibo ou comprovante de compra.
– Alívio Eficaz do Zumbido: Considerado a solução número um para reduzir o zumbido nos ouvidos, proporcionando conforto e tranquilidade.
– Suporte Nutricional Completo: A combinação de vitaminas e minerais ajuda a nutrir o ouvido interno, promovendo a saúde auditiva.
– Uso Clínico Reconhecido: Com mais de cinco décadas de estudos, o produto é respaldado por evidências científicas que comprovam sua eficácia.
– Fácil Regime de Uso: A dosagem simples de 6 caplets por dia facilita a adesão ao tratamento.
– Garantia de Satisfação: A política de devolução assegura que os clientes possam experimentar o produto sem riscos.
Para maximizar os benefícios do Lipo Flavonoid Plus, recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 caplets três vezes ao dia, totalizando 6 caplets diários. É importante seguir essa dosagem por pelo menos 60 dias para observar resultados significativos. As caplets devem ser ingeridas com um copo de água, preferencialmente durante as refeições, para facilitar a absorção dos nutrientes. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, e sempre consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer novo regime de suplementação.
Milomir –
I have purchased it with hope of getting some relief from tinnitus. As soon as I took the first dose of two caplets I got very strong pain in my stomach. Then I went to to see if I can return it but the requirement for refund is taking 6 caplets per day for 60 days which, of course, I cannot do without making great harm to my digestive system. So, it was complete waste of money.
Blackhawk –
3 stars because I have mixed feeling as to whether this helped or not. I had to take quite a few before I noticed any difference-and even then I’m not sure it was because of these as my tinnitus comes and goes at random anyway. I’ve had 2 other people say that it did seem to help, so might try another bottle but since tinnitus is so evasive as far as medical studies are describing-could be caused by quite a few different reasons, this might not be effective at all for some. I’ve had more than one doctor diagnose me, and apparently there is no definitive therapy as at least my doctors don’t seem to agree as to what causes it in the first place! Someday maybe, as this truly a maddening problem for those of us that have had to live with it.
Mimi Watts –
This will help the ringing in your ears
You use it as it says to use it
And you save money buying through Amazon
Lui J. –
Buen suplemento y si ayuda a la salud del oído
Arrived on time, good product which I already used on my cat’s scratching posts. Thank you –
I used this tablets back 7 years ago for my ringing ear. Unfortunately after loud concert my ear started to play again so I decided to purchase this product again. Now is all good.
Amazon Customer –
65 male here who developed tinnitus 8 months ago. First, see your health care provider who will probably refer you to an ENT. Many causes for tinnitus, both internal and external. May be as simple as excessive ear wax or as complicated as a brain tumor, so it should be checked out. I had to have surgery last year and where my blood pressure was high had to go on hypertension medication prior to surgery. All went well, then I continued medication and within 2 months had ear ringing. Discontinued medication and ringing went away in a few days. The tinnitus returned two months later on its own, but I doubt it was the medication I took months earlier and had discontinued. Anyway, it was driving me nuts, saw this stuff on Amazon and bought it. For 3 and a half weeks no effect with 6 tablets a day. Then I did notice a difference almost a month into it when it kicked in. From a 6 out of 10 to a 1 out of 10 now. I dropped the dosage to 5 tablets a day and may drop to 4 soon. One clue. Every time I shopped in a busy supermarket my ears were roaring by the time I reached the checkout counter 45 minutes. So anxiety does exasperate the problem. Perhaps something to do with my serotonin levels or in my case old age. If I go into a quiet room, I still notice it once in a while, but nothing like it was. It should be noted that in addition to the Lipo, I take one strong vitamin B12 tablet daily. We will see how it continues. Hoping for the best. But I agree with many of the sufferers, it a horrible experience, and I wish you all the best of luck.
Ruby –
These truly work, the ringing in my ears/tinnitus, after about 20 days of taking two tablets three times a day, per the directions & FINALLY … RELIEF 🙌 They made all of the 100% CONSTANT buzzing / verrrry loud & annoying ” dial tone – like” noise that would not go away had been driving me absolutely insane and crazy. I continue to take them and buy a new bottle every month of 100. If I go a day without them the buzz/ringing begins to come back and I do not want that to happen! I do still hear the whooshing sound to the beat of my heart after I move around and do too much… But it is so much more bearable because when I lie back down or rest again and my heart beat slows, that beating heart sound “whoosing” diminishes. I went to an ENT Doctor Who told me that my tinnitus is due to the clenching of my teeth teeth and I have grade 3 TMJ disorder…( I clench so hard on my teeth when I sleep, and even when I’m awake I noticed that I do it, but I can’t stop from doing it, I’ve broken molars, crowns made of porcelain and gold clean off from how hard I clench my teeth… ) and I have bought many expensive mouth guards made by my dentist from molds of my upper teeth, but whenever I get a new crown or something done to any of my teeth ( which is often ), they have to make a new one, and I find myself clenching my teeth harder on the mouth guard when it’s in my mouth, it may protect my teeth …but it is awful bad on my TMJ/jaw! I was so surprised that was the cause of this for me, because My primary care doctor had been giving me anabioticS saying I had an ear infection; when in fact, I did not have an ear infection whatsoever! The ringing and as loud a opera singer’s voice in a nonstop VERY loud dial tone sound (tinnitus) that was in my left ear SO bad I was certain it was an ear issue, but nope! I am beyond thankful for these Lipo-flavonoid pills, I don’t ever want to be without them ever again! Plus they have great vitamins in them that are good for me and I need to take anyway! Thank you, thank you, thank you! The relief that they provide me is beyond incredible! I wanted to cut my ear drums off from hearing, and thought I was going to go insane it got so bad before these… So happy I found something that helped ❣️❣️ I made the decision to protect my jaw, because it’s easier to replace the teeth that I break then it would be to replace my (TMJ) jaw bone/s. Sorry for repeating myself, but seriously never want to live with how it was before I started taking these.
Essau R. –
Probé el producto por un mes pero no vi ningún cambio, en lo personal a mi no me funciono.
Hana –
منتج مفيد
robinh20s –
This combination of OTC ingredients is the only thing that gives me any relief. I take this daily as directed. Will take 30 days or more to kick in but then you will notice the ear wax to drain and the ringing to diminish. Did not totally take away the ringing but has made it bearable at least.
BTW, I tried the Walmart Equate brand and it did nothing but allow the ringing to come back.