Lipo-Flavonoid Plus: Alívio para Zumbidos e Saúde Auditiva
O Lipo-Flavonoid Plus é um suplemento inovador, amplamente reconhecido por especialistas em otorrinolaringologia como a principal solução de venda livre para o alívio do zumbido nos ouvidos. Este produto é formulado com um complexo natural de bioflavonoides de limão, que inclui uma combinação poderosa de vitaminas essenciais como C, B1, B2, B6, B12, além de cálcio, colina bitartrato, inositol, niacina e ácido pantotênico. Essa composição única oferece um suporte nutricional abrangente para o ouvido interno, sendo especialmente benéfica para aqueles que sofrem de tinnitus e síndrome de Menière.
Com mais de 60 anos de uso clínico, o Lipo-Flavonoid Plus demonstrou eficácia consistente no tratamento do zumbido, proporcionando benefícios terapêuticos que melhoram a qualidade de vida dos usuários. Para obter resultados ideais no gerenciamento do zumbido, recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 comprimidos três vezes ao dia, totalizando 6 comprimidos diários, por um período mínimo de 60 dias. Além disso, o produto é fabricado nos Estados Unidos em instalações registradas pela FDA, garantindo padrões rigorosos de qualidade que asseguram a pureza, potência e consistência de cada comprimido.
Se, após 60 dias de uso conforme as instruções, você não sentir alívio dos zumbidos, oferecemos uma garantia de devolução do dinheiro, mediante apresentação do comprovante de compra.
– Recomendado por Médicos: Reconhecido como a solução líder para o alívio do zumbido por especialistas em otorrinolaringologia.
– Suporte Nutricional Completo: Contém uma rica combinação de vitaminas e minerais que promovem a saúde auditiva.
– Eficácia Comprovada: Mais de 60 anos de uso clínico demonstram resultados consistentes no tratamento do tinnitus.
– Uso Prático e Seguro: Fácil de incorporar à rotina diária com um regime de dosagem claro.
– Garantia de Satisfação: Política de devolução que assegura a confiança na eficácia do produto.
Para maximizar os benefícios do Lipo-Flavonoid Plus, recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 caplets três vezes ao dia, totalizando 6 caplets diários. É importante seguir essa dosagem por um mínimo de 60 dias para observar resultados significativos no alívio do zumbido. Os caplets devem ser ingeridos com um copo de água, preferencialmente durante as refeições, para facilitar a absorção dos nutrientes. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, e siga sempre as orientações do rótulo para garantir a eficácia e segurança do suplemento.
William –
Works for me. Helps the ringing. Not totally fine, but not screaming at me anymore either. No taste. Don’t make me sleepy. Value for your money since they work! Don’t think I had ear pain previously, so I don’t know about that.
This product is expensive, but appears to be the only product (OTC or prescription) which helps to reduce ear-ringing. Buying it in large bottles is the only way to make it more economical.
rcourey –
I know there’s really no cure, your brain eventually ignores any ear ringing except at night when it’s otherwise quiet, and that can definitely drive you crazy sometimes, so trying anything (even though you know there’s really nothing that can help) seems worth it. Given how many tablets this recommends you take daily, it could get pricey. Hey, if this works for some, it’d be worth it imo. They didn’t make any difference for me, tbh but it’s worth a try. The ratings are otherwise all over the map, too, so I am adding mine! Hope it helps
William –
I have tinnitus from my military service. It rings/buzzes 24/7 365. In my search for relief, I came across this product. I discussed this with my ENT MD and was informed that he was well aware of this product and the industry experience was only 5% positive at best. Because of no known treatment for this other than masking. I was willing to try this.
I elected to try it under his supervision. Sadly to say, nothing changed at all. After taking six pills a day for 60 days everything remained the same for me. Still ringing 24/7, 365.
I will file for my refund under this product’s money-back claim. Stay tuned I will let you know how that works.
Update on the refund.
Here is what is on the website to be able to request a refund:
If you don’t find relief from ringing in the ears with the use of Lipo-Flavonoid caplet products (Lipo-Flavonoid Plus or Lipo-Flavonoid Day/Night Kit) as directed for 60 days, just send us a copy of your cash register receipt and UPC code, along with your full name and address, and we will refund your purchase.
I sent them my Amazon receipt and I cut the UPC code off of the bottle and sent it to them. I received a letter today requesting the flowing: the UPC code, ( which I sent them) lot number, and expiration date. Which was not requested on their website. Lucky for me I did not throw out the bottle. I am holding it until I get the refund,
As you can see, they are adding more “HOOPS” to jump through, hoping that you have thrown out the rest of the none working product. So they will not have to be held to their own money-back promise!
This is the example of bait and switch that you hear about. I will contact Amazon about the misleading on the website.
29 Apr 2021 update.
I called the number on the letter, they apologized for the product not working and the miss information on the website. I gave her the lot number from the bottle and she said that this would be enough as I did send the receipt. The UPC code that they wanted was the one from the box it was shipped in. I informed her that Amazon repackaged the product into one of their boxes and had replaced the UPC code on the bottle, which is why it was not what they wanted.
I received my full refund check today !
david blackman –
Still have pretty bad Tinnitus after a few weeks taking this product.
Jeffer –
I have had tinnitus for a decade, but in the last few years it has come on very strong. At times so loud, debilitating and I feel so helpless. Went to the ENT doc, who recommended a hearing aid to mask the sound. But my insurance did not cover, so he asked me to try lipo-flavonoid. I took 6-8 a day for at least 5 months, with some success. Reduction of volume and frequency of about 30 to 50 percent. Because it is expensive (500 tablets on Amazon for $110) i stopped using last October. Several months went by and the tinnitus returned with such severity I could not even stand it and though or very serious alternatives. After a month, I gave in and spent the $110 again and immediately began taking 6-8 lipo-flavonoids per day. I started March 1 and after about 7-10 days I noticed a significant improvement. Obviously I do not know if it is the L-F or just an up and down event. Anyway, i have now been taking 6-8 per day for 7 weeks, and during this time had one significant event for about 5 or 6 days. But that is all, compared to the almost weekly events not on the L-F. I will know more at about a 6 month basis. The main constraint is that at 200 tablets a month, this is a $40 month OTC expense, so it is not cheap. I wish there were generics or this company lost its patent or something so it is cheaper. In any case, the bottom line is that evidently for some people there will be no benefit. For others, there will be. I would tell people to try it at least for 3 months, take 6-8 per day. You should know by then. For me, It reduces the volume and severity of the tones in my head by about 55-80 percent depending on I don’t know what. I know of know one that has gotten sick off of this, despite the one review I read here where someone said they did. That would seem to me to be very rare. It will either work for you or not, and since it is a natural supplement, i see no reason not to try. Works for me!
Robert Williams –
There is really nothing to write about a product that helps the ringing in my ears. It certainly does not cure the ringing.
I received exactly what I ordered.
Robert Maine –
I’ve been taking this supplement
for about a month and have noticed no change in my tinnitus…. so no results to report… good or bad.