Linhart Whitening Toothpaste – Pasta de Dente Branqueadora, Fortalecedora do Esmalte com Sabor de Menta (Pacote com 2 unidades)
- A Pasta de Dente Linhart é a resposta definitiva para o clareamento dental. Ideal tanto para dentes regulares quanto sensíveis, essa pasta de dente branqueia natural e suavemente os dentes. Sua fórmula de alta qualidade remove manchas e placa bacteriana, proporcionando um sorriso mais branco e saudável.
- Além disso, a Pasta de Dente Linhart fortalece o esmalte dos dentes graças à sua fórmula exclusiva LinämelTM, composta por três ingredientes essenciais. A TEOBROMINA, um extrato do feijão de cacau, ajuda a fortalecer o esmalte. O FLUORETO, um ingrediente natural encontrado em rios e fontes termais ao redor do mundo, remineraliza e protege o esmalte contra ataques ácidos. O XILITOL, um açúcar natural, previne a cárie dentária mantendo o pH da boca neutro.
- Além dos benefícios para os dentes, a Pasta de Dente Linhart também promove uma boca mais saudável. O extrato de ALOE VERA, conhecido por suas propriedades curativas, ajuda a acalmar e curar as gengivas. O sabor refrescante de menta proporciona um hálito fresco e duradouro, deixando uma sensação de frescor.
- Perfeita para uso diário, a Pasta de Dente Linhart possui uma textura suave e sabor agradável, tornando-a uma ótima escolha para dentes mais brancos e limpos.
- Fabricada nos Estados Unidos, os produtos de cuidados dentários Linhart foram criados por dentistas de Nova York, com base em 10 anos de desenvolvimento e experiência em pacientes de todo o mundo, além de quase 100 anos de expertise da Linhart.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Clareamento Natural
- Fortalecimento do Esmalte
- Proteção contra Cáries
- Ação Calmante para as Gengivas
- Sabor Refrescante de Menta
- Clareamento eficaz e natural, proporcionando um sorriso mais brilhante e atraente.
- Fortalecimento do esmalte dental, prevenindo desgastes e danos ao longo do tempo.
- Proteção contra cáries, contribuindo para uma saúde bucal duradoura.
- Ação calmante para gengivas, promovendo conforto e bem-estar durante a escovação.
- Sabor refrescante de menta, garantindo um hálito fresco e agradável ao longo do dia.
Para obter melhores resultados, recomenda-se escovar os dentes com a Pasta de Dente Linhart pelo menos duas vezes ao dia, durante dois minutos cada vez. Aplique uma quantidade adequada da pasta na escova de dentes e escove suavemente todas as superfícies dos dentes, incluindo a parte frontal, traseira e as superfícies de mastigação. Enxágue bem após o uso. Para manter uma boa saúde bucal, consulte seu dentista regularmente e siga as orientações profissionais.
Myrab –
I am picky when it comes to toothpaste. I want it to be foamy and effective, I want good ingredients and I want it to look nice on the bathroom counter. Normally I go for Marvis but decided to give this a go because it actually includes fluoride. It foams nicely, tastes fresh. Overall nicely designed and such a nice
Little treat/upgrade of a bathroom must.
Hostilefreak –
I hate toothpaste with SLS in it but I do think fluoride is important, so it can be hard to find a good toothpaste. So many of the SLS free pastes are also fluoride free. Very happy to find this one! It leaves my mouth feeling clean and balanced, very pleasant.
Myrab –
I didn’t like the texture, it has no scrubby feel at all and kinda feels like using kids toothpaste. The taste is pretty nice, subtle orange and clove flavor. Overall just didn’t leave my mouth feeling clean after. Disappointed to realize it has SLS which I avoid because it can leave me prone to canker sores after a while. I wish the texture was better, it’s hard finding a fancy toothpaste with fluoride. Been looking for one since Marvis reformulated but the best I’ve found is still Hello.
Hostilefreak –
This isn’t ADA approved but it’s made by dentists so it should be ok. It has a light minty flavor. Other then that it’s just toothpaste. It is good though.
Amazon Customer –
Upon getting this, I was skeptical. I have toothpaste in my house and use it several times a day and felt that the dead was being done. Upon getting and using this toothpaste, I’m so surprised at the huge difference compared to Cologate, which is what I was using. I felt like my teeth were smoother and my breath was fresher. The taste, I can’t seem to put my tongue on it, but it’s not a horrible taste. (I also like the baking soda like toothpaste though.) It does foam up, like a normal toothpaste, but it doesn’t seem to overwhelm my mouth that I have to spit so much. I could almost go the full two minutes. My tongue feels super fresh as well. At times, I’ll randomly nap throughout the day, and when I would awake, I always felt like I had morning breath. With using Linhart Whitening Toothpaste, I don’t notice that as often and/or as strong. I can’t say that I notice much whitening happening but I also didn’t take a before picture so even if the chance was minimal, I’d be able to see something. I took a picture this morning and will keep an eye on that and update the review if needed.
Blue rosé –
I am a loyal fan of this excellent toothpaste. I wanted to find something that protects enamel and contained Flouride, as much of my enamel was stripped years ago due to heavy acid reflux. I have sensitive gums (thanks TMJ) and Linhart doesn’t irritate them at all. The taste is pleasant as well. I haven’t been tracking any whitening progress, but I chug tea and coffee all day so I am not expecting miracles.
Anna –
Leaves you teeth feeling clean
Jacob –
Minty fresh lovely and natural, what’s not to love? Back to Marvis after this tube tho- and WAY better than Jason’s or that other overpriced organic crap dentifrice!