Limpeza Rápida – Suco Detox de 3 Dias
Descubra a revolução na desintoxicação com o Limpeza Rápida – Suco Detox de 3 Dias. Este produto inovador é a solução perfeita para quem busca uma limpeza eficaz e prática, sem abrir mão da qualidade e do sabor. Com 21 pacotes em pó, cada um projetado para ser facilmente preparado apenas adicionando água, você pode levar sua rotina de desintoxicação para qualquer lugar. Em apenas três dias, você poderá revitalizar seu corpo, fornecendo os nutrientes essenciais que ele precisa para funcionar em seu melhor.
O Cleanse de Suco de 3 Dias é 100% conveniente, natural, vegano e garante a satisfação do cliente. Elaborado artesanalmente com ingredientes premium, este suco detox não contém adição de açúcar, permitindo que você desfrute de uma limpeza saudável sem comprometer sua dieta. Cada pacote é uma porção individual, facilitando o consumo em qualquer momento do dia. Além disso, o produto vem acompanhado de um plano diário de sucesso e instruções detalhadas, assegurando que você obtenha os melhores resultados possíveis.
Com quatro sabores diferentes, o Cleanse de Suco transforma a experiência de desintoxicação em um momento prazeroso. Você poderá experimentar combinações únicas de frutas e vegetais frescos, tornando cada dia uma nova descoberta. A praticidade de simplesmente adicionar água e desfrutar do suco torna este produto ideal para quem tem uma rotina agitada, mas não quer abrir mão da saúde.
1. Conveniência Absoluta: Ideal para quem está sempre em movimento, basta adicionar água e consumir.
2. Ingredientes Premium: Feito com ingredientes de alta qualidade, garantindo uma limpeza eficaz e saudável.
3. Plano de Sucesso Diário: Instruções claras para maximizar os resultados da desintoxicação.
4. Variedade de Sabores: Quatro opções deliciosas que tornam a experiência de limpeza mais agradável.
5. Garantia de Satisfação: Compromisso com a qualidade e eficácia, oferecendo suporte ao cliente.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Limpeza Rápida – Suco Detox de 3 Dias, siga o plano diário de sucesso incluído na embalagem. Adicione água a um pacote de porção individual e misture bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Consuma um pacote a cada intervalo de 2-3 horas ao longo do dia, complementando com uma dieta equilibrada e hidratação adequada. É recomendável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer programa de limpeza ou dieta para garantir que este produto se encaixe nas suas necessidades pessoais. Aproveite os benefícios revitalizantes deste Cleanse de Suco e sinta-se renovado e energizado!
Ryann S. Nelson –
I’ve completed a 3 day fast/cleanse a couple of times prior to doing this one, without any aid…drinking strictly water – which was challenging (to say the least). While I highly enjoyed the benefits – it was tough to get motivated to do it again… 15 yrs later – I decided to start adding 3 day fasts/cleanses to my routine – doing 1, 3 day cleanse, every quarter – the goal is to maintain my overall health, metabolism, weight, etc…however, this time I was on the hunt for something to help ease the challenge of doing “just” a water cleanse. Needless to say, I did a lot of research and decided to try this product – 1. It was free of just about everything I was trying to rid my body of and 2. It was low maintenance (“to go” packets made it easy to take with me). Results: I made it 65 hr (pretty good for the first 3 days cleanse in 15 yr) – I lost a total of 7lb during that time and I felt great! No bloating, my gut felt healthy, I was sleeping better, more energy, etc. I was impressed with this cleanse. They print the schedule on the side of the box and make it easy to follow by color coding the packets. Basically, you drink a different flavor (4 flavors total) every 2hr – which kept me busy, but also gave me enough flavor to make it through drinking more “water” – (I personally struggled with the pumpkin/carrot flavor, but that’s due to personal taste). Each packet tackled a different purpose (detox, vitality, etc) – and for the most part, they had a good, overall, flavor. I did read other comments on this product about the “taste” being bland – but I question the purpose those people were trying to accomplish with doing a “cleanse” – there is NO SUGAR in a cleanse…so if you’re expecting a “sweet” flavored “juice” – go somewhere else and reconsider why you are doing a “cleanse” to begin with. I did try a 1 day bone broth cleanse (out of curiosity) – however decided that the variety of flavors that this cleanse offers makes it a better experience. I enjoyed this so much that I have ordered it again (2 day cleanse) -breaking it into a 1 day fast/bi monthly. I plan on making this my routine, between my quarterly 3 day fasts. Ultimately, I have found this has maintained my overall health and metabolism goals. I hope you find this helpful. I’m happy to answer any questions – and happy cleansing!
Ryann S. Nelson –
I’m a soon to be 38 year old mother of two, working two jobs and in graduate school. For the past several months I have been changing my relationship with food and am a pescatarian vegan (no dairy only animal products I eat are seafood). I also don’t consume sweeteners (with the exception of maple syrup from time to time). Most cleanses use honey or other sweeteners that’s why I tried this 3 Day Juice Cleanse on the Go as it has no sweeteners of any kind added. I also liked that it had no fillers and was made from quality and natural ingredients. I did the 3 day cleanse and only had a few raw veggies the second day as a snack.
I have pictures below of the 4 different juice packets & the nutrition labels. All I did each morning was take out the packets for the day, write the number order (1-8and the time I was to drink each (I copied this info from the side of the box-however, having a small card to put in my pocket would be helpful). I then grabbed a water bottle and filled it with 16 oz of water and was off for the day. Between juices, I would rinse out my water bottle and then refill it with water for the next packet. You should shake them well to ensure the packet fully dissolves. My favorite flavor was the Revival which was a yummy blend of beets and berries (I like beets so that’s probably why it was my favorite). Next, the Detox juice was very green and healthy tasting-I still enjoyed it but those of you not used to green smoothies this one might be the one you want to quick chug down. 🙂 The third flavor was Awakening-which tastes like mango more than pineapple. The fourth and last flavor was Vitality which to me was the mild flavor which was a subtle carrot and pumpkin flavor. To me, the carrot flavor stood out way more than the pumpkin.
The cleanse helped me drink way more fluids than I usually do (16 oz every 2 hours). I definitely urinated more often but nothing crazy. I was also on a regular bowel movement schedule before the cleanse and this didn’t change must during the cleanse. Warning TMI about to occur: I will say that my number 2 was more like soft serve and came out way easier which was nice!)
After the 3-day cleanse I felt my stomach was flatter and my skin looked more hydrated and clearer. I also didn’t drink any caffeine for the entire 3-day cleanse (usually I have an expresso or Earl Gray Tea) and I wasn’t sluggish in the morning nor did I crash during my evening Graduate school class. I really had high energy and felt really good.
Next time I try this cleanse I think I will use my blender and mix with a combo of water and crushed ice to make more of a thicker smoothie consistency-especially for the Awakening and Vitality flavors as they had a pretty mild flavor and I think a thick drink would be interesting to try out.
I will do this cleanse again in the future-it was easy, tasted good, and I saw results!
Nicole A. Nance –
I like using powdered juice packets for cleanses because they’re easer to have on-the-go. These taste pretty good and have a nice mix of flavors. I do wish they included a protein pack to mix in as well. Overall its a good value and I like the ingredients.
I’ve done this cleanse 3 times and have had good results. I usually do full day of juice with a clean salad (no oil) in the evenings. Doing this method I usually drop ~5 lbs of water weight and use this to kick off some clean eating or correcting some bad habits (darn cocktails and ice cream!).
As others have noted, they don’t dissolve well, even with a shaker bottle, so you end up with noticeable powder at the bottom of your drink.