Descrição do Produto: 3-DAY Juice Cleanse
Em um mundo onde a correria do dia a dia muitas vezes nos impede de cuidar adequadamente de nossa saúde, o 3-DAY Juice Cleanse surge como uma solução prática e eficaz para quem busca um recomeço. Composto por 18 garrafas de sucos naturais de frutas e vegetais, este programa de desintoxicação de três dias foi cuidadosamente elaborado para proporcionar um reset completo ao seu organismo. Em apenas 72 horas, você pode limpar seu corpo e sentir um aumento significativo na sua energia.
✔️ CLEANSE E DETOX SAUDÁVEL EM 3 DIAS: Este programa de desintoxicação foi desenvolvido para oferecer uma maneira simples e eficaz de revitalizar seu corpo. Ao longo de três dias, você notará uma diferença notável em sua disposição e bem-estar.
🍋 SUPORTE AO SEU CORPO: Nossos sucos de limpeza são elaborados com ingredientes naturais, como limões, maçãs, gengibre e couve, que fornecem minerais, nutrientes, vitaminas e antioxidantes essenciais. Esses componentes trabalham em sinergia para apoiar seu sistema digestivo, imunológico e níveis de energia.
🌿 INGREDIENTES NUTRITIVOS E SAUDÁVEIS: A pureza é nossa prioridade. Por isso, o nosso programa de desintoxicação de três dias é feito apenas com ingredientes frescos e limpos, sem adição de produtos químicos agressivos, aditivos, enchimentos, corantes ou ingredientes artificiais. Isso garante um reset saudável na sua rotina.
💯 CHEIO DE SABOR: Os sucos são feitos com 100% de ingredientes vegetais crus, sem açúcares adicionados ou glúten. Com um sabor refrescante e naturalmente doce, a experiência de seguir sua dieta se torna mais fácil e prazerosa.
📦 COMO OBTER OS SUCOS?: O kit contém 18 sucos prensados a frio que são congelados, permitindo que você inicie a limpeza quando estiver pronto. É recomendado manter os sucos congelados e incluímos um cartão instrutivo para guiá-lo durante o processo.
1. Desintoxicação Eficiente: Promove a eliminação de toxinas acumuladas, melhorando a saúde geral.
2. Aumento de Energia: Os ingredientes naturais ajudam a revitalizar o corpo, proporcionando mais disposição.
3. Melhora na Digestão: Os sucos são ricos em fibras e nutrientes que favorecem a saúde intestinal.
4. Apoio ao Sistema Imunológico: Com antioxidantes e vitaminas, fortalece as defesas naturais do corpo.
5. Praticidade e Sabor: Fácil de consumir e com um sabor delicioso, tornando a experiência de desintoxicação agradável.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o 3-DAY Juice Cleanse, siga estas orientações técnicas: mantenha os sucos congelados até o momento do consumo. Descongele uma garrafa por vez, preferencialmente na geladeira, para preservar os nutrientes. Consuma um suco a cada 2-3 horas ao longo do dia, alternando entre os diferentes sabores para uma experiência variada. É recomendado evitar alimentos sólidos durante o período de desintoxicação para maximizar os benefícios. Após os três dias, retome gradualmente uma alimentação equilibrada, priorizando alimentos frescos e naturais.
Angel Torres –
If you are looking for a real Juice cleanse that has it all, look no further! I must admit I was a little skeptical at first but the quality of the juices blew my mind the first time I tried it. I had my tea around 8 am and I would drink a juice bottle every 2 – 3 hours and I had no problems feeling hungry or weak. If you have a big stomach (like I do) drink half of the bottle and fill it up with water again – there’s enough pulp in it that it won’t feel like a watered-down drink and I loved it!
I love the presentation and the packaging it was delivered in, everything was frozen and it had everything I needed to start my cleanse as soon as the next day.
I will get it again soon for sure! 5 Stars plusssss
Chelsea –
I have been doing a Juice cleanse for the last 2 years i do 1 every few months and have tried many different brands . This brand/company is my favorite for one they taste great and more filling than a Juice style with it being more of a smoothie. You get more of the benefits of the national pulp and vitamins from the fruits and vegetables.The other part is this company is a family run business that answers phone calls and emails with great support to help you through your journey and any questions you might have.They definitely take care of the customers like they have known you for years..
Pam S. –
I’m completely obsessed with this juice cleanse! I was looking for a “reset” at the start of the new year and found this cleanse. I loved it because all of the drinks are vegan and it’s so easy to follow – I don’t even have to think about it or prepare anything. It comes with the instructions and everything you need for the cleanse. The drinks are fairly large so it keeps me surprisingly full. When searching for a cleanse, this was by far the value I could find. I was also surprised with the taste. I’ve tried other cleanse products and they are unbearable. Every drink that comes with this cleanse tastes really good! I loved it so much that I ordered another one and am wokring my way through it right now. Highly recommend!
Ashley Norstegaard –
Let me start this by saying, I lost 8 lbs in 3 days!! This wasn’t the main goal but it definitely helped prepare me for my upcoming trip!!! The shipping was SO fast! I ordered on a Wednesday and received them on Friday! They came frozen and we’re shipped really well, I placed them in my fridge to defrost and they were ready to go for Monday! The juices were all fresh, delicious (seriously lol), and full of good pulp which is the best for vitamins and KEY to staying satisfied through the day. They even provided teas and limes to supplement throughout the day. I was literally full at some points haha. Also, I’m not sure if you’ve tried but I can’t even make these at home for a better price! I 100% recommend and will be using these all the time!
Lynn –
I detox twice a year for health, not to loose weight, etc. I ususally make my own drinks, but working so much, I decided to try this system. I have a scale that measures many elements and these were my results.
I followed the program exactly (smoothies, water, tea) and did my regular exercse routine.
I did the 3-day smoothie challenge and lost 3.8lbs. ad 3.5 inches off my stomach. I lost nothing in the chest and hips. This is the interesting part – I gained 7.1% body fat, lost 8.3 of my BMI, gained .8% subcutaneous fat, visceral fat stayed the same, metabolic age stayed the same, body water went up .5% (no surprise), protein went up .4%, as well a skeletal muscle by .4%, fat free body weight dropped .8 lbs, bone mass stayed the same, BMR down 6 kcal, and muscle mass dropped .7 lbs.
These results are typical of any diet plan for 3 days and feel this is a total waste of mobney. I had better results when researching and making my own smoothies. Most of the smoothies tasted okay and you can add water is taste was too strong. I urinated a lot more than usual, but no other “odd” trips to the bathroom.
Kacie M –
Got my juices delivered today. No ice left in box. All were super warm. And one got too hot or got opened and spilt all over all of them in box. I’m kinda scared to drink them if they were warm that long. ?!?
Chelsea –
Honestly, as a person who has ordered many juice cleanses, this was my least favorite. Every single one had so much pulp, it just made it very chunky and hard to stomach. Usually I love all juices I try, but I couldn’t make it through any of these. I’m not really one to leave reviews, but just disappointed I spent $90 on these, when I could have used that towards a different cleanse, that I would have actually drank.
Angel Torres –
My boyfriend is the one who uses these. He uses them every time he needs help jump starting his weight loss. He only needs to lose a few pounds each time. He also exercises. He does not enjoy the taste of them but they are effective and do what they claim.