Descrição do Produto: Limpador de Língua para Bebês 50 Unidades
Conheça o Baby Tongue Cleaner 50 Pack, um limpador de língua descartável aprimorado, projetado especialmente para a higiene oral de bebês e crianças de 0 a 3 anos. Com um design inovador, este produto conta com um cabo de papel flexível que permite alcançar todos os cantos da boca do seu pequeno com facilidade e segurança. A cabeça de cerdas ultra macias e abrangentes torna a limpeza uma tarefa simples e eficiente, garantindo que a higiene oral do seu bebê seja mantida em dia.
Após cada alimentação, é fundamental passar suavemente pelas gengivas e língua do bebê para remover qualquer resíduo de leite ou comida. Isso não apenas evita o acúmulo de sujeira na língua, mas também previne problemas dentários futuros, como cáries, úlceras bucais e doenças gengivais. O Baby Tongue Cleaner não só promove uma boca saudável, mas também proporciona uma experiência agradável para o bebê, podendo ser utilizado para massagear as gengivas e aliviar o desconforto durante o período de dentição.
A segurança é uma prioridade com o Baby Tongue Cleaner. Fabricado com gaze de grau médico 100% segura para uso em bebês, as cabeças de cerdas são costuradas com costuras duplas, garantindo que não se soltem mesmo se o bebê morder ou mastigar o limpador. Cada limpador de língua vem embalado individualmente a vácuo, assegurando higiene e conveniência. Mantenha algumas unidades no seu porta-moedas ou bolsa de fraldas, prontas para uso a qualquer momento.
1. Higiene oral eficiente: O Baby Tongue Cleaner alcança todos os cantos da boca do bebê, garantindo uma limpeza completa e eficaz.
2. Prevenção de problemas bucais: Remove resíduos de leite e comida, evitando o acúmulo de sujeira na língua e prevenindo cáries, úlceras bucais e doenças gengivais.
3. Conforto durante a dentição: Pode ser usado para massagear as gengivas do bebê, aliviando o desconforto durante o período de dentição.
4. Seguro para o bebê: Feito com materiais de alta qualidade e costuras duplas, garantindo segurança mesmo se o bebê morder ou mastigar.
5. Praticidade para levar a qualquer lugar: Cada limpador vem embalado individualmente, facilitando o transporte e garantindo higiene onde quer que você vá.
Para utilizar o Baby Tongue Cleaner, remova a embalagem individual e segure o cabo de papel flexível. Com cuidado, passe a cabeça de cerdas macias pela língua e gengivas do bebê, removendo qualquer resíduo de leite ou comida. Realize movimentos suaves e circulares para garantir uma limpeza completa. Após o uso, descarte o limpador de língua adequadamente. É importante higienizar as mãos antes e depois de cada uso para garantir a saúde e segurança do seu bebê.
JAylina –
This is perfectly package. Each individual brush is individually package. The thing it sits in a cylinder easy for me to keep it on my bathroom counter and throw some in my diaper bag if I needed it for a little go on the road.
Belle –
It doesn’t clean much. The item isn’t bad.
Melissa –
– This is a great way to maintain a good oral hygiene for your baby. I have previously used a finger toothbrush for my older kid but i find this gauze more effective and efficient for cleaning my baby’s mouth overall. With this one i also don’t have to worry about baby accidentally biting on my finger.
– Each gauze comes individually wrapped ensuring hygiene and this also makes it very convenient to have some of these in your diaper bag for on the go.
– The way you use this is soak it in water first and squeeze the water out before putting it into your baby’s mouth. I suppose you could just use it dry if your baby is younger than 6 months.
– I like that these are a 100% medical grade gauze and they seem to be stitched well and is firmly attached to the paper handle so i don’t have to worry about the gauze coming off while cleaning my baby’s mouth.
– Overall i really like this baby tongue cleaner and would definitely recommend this.
monique –
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A convenient way to clean my new born’s tongue. A holy grail for a first time mother like me whose baby is truly sensitive.
Caro –
Love them
Samantha Skottegaard –
These baby tongue cleaners are very good. The baby’s tongue is actually white a lot and using this cleaner help keep their tongue a bit cleaner. These help keep the gums clean as their teeth start to come out. I haven’t heard much about how much of a problem it is not to clean a baby’s tongue, but it doesn’t hurt to help maintain better oral health on a baby. I tried one of these on myself and I was surprised that these actually do clean pretty good. When using on a baby you just have to be careful when they are fussy.
MMCast –
These cleaners are easy to use and clean my baby’s tongue and mouth well. I like that they are meant to be long lasting so I don’t have to rush to use them and I also like the amount they come in.
fraz –
I like that each of Sticks came individually wrapped, which made me feel secure in the fact that it was sterile. However, I did not like that. The cotton that is on the stick is so hard even after you wet it.
Aunt Beck –
I used the baby tongue cleaner to clean my dog’s teeth. He has such a little mouth nothing else would fit. I rescued him with a stinky mouth, and now his mouth smells great! It works so well, and it’s comfortable for my little Lou, too!
Melissa –
I have a recent lot date, with a 3 year expiration date. These are individually sealed, but I don’t see anything that says they are sterile – nor were they listed as such. I found it difficult to try to peel back, and tried to poke it open from the stick – which bent – so I tested others by cutting the package with scissors. I like that the plastic is strong and well sealed, as expected since vacuum packed, but I was hoping they would peel or tear open without cutting. The count is 50.
Never the less, the paper stick is still rather strong, just not strong enough to rip that package open without bending. Think, a strong lollipop stick. The Gauze is nicely pleated and sewn onto the end. I was not able, as an adult, to pull it off with my teeth, wet or dry. So, well made. Very well made.
The clear plastic storage container has some flex, yet is sturdy. It has a well made screw cap. 3-1/4 inch diameter, by 4-3/4 inch tall. Hospital level quality to me – and better, much better, with that gauze, than a sponge that they use for adults to moisten the mouth in hospitals. I say this would be very nice for adult patients as well.