Descrição do Produto: LilyAna Naturals Face and Neck Moisturizer
O LilyAna Naturals Face and Neck Moisturizer é um creme hidratante facial e para o pescoço, formulado para mulheres e homens. Com uma textura suave e leve, este creme penetra na pele, proporcionando hidratação profunda e ajudando a suavizar e minimizar os sinais de envelhecimento, como linhas finas, rugas mais profundas e textura áspera. Além disso, ele também trata problemas de desidratação, descamação, ressecamento e sensação de aperto.
Este creme é perfeito para ser usado como base antes de aplicar vaselina ou geléia de petróleo, se você estiver praticando a técnica de “slugging”. Ele potencializa a hidratação intensa e prolongada, garantindo resultados duradouros.
A fórmula do LilyAna Naturals Face and Neck Moisturizer é enriquecida com uma combinação premium de ingredientes botânicos e ativos que deixam a pele com uma aparência jovem e radiante. Entre esses ingredientes estão destilado de rosa, suco de aloe vera, ácido alfa lipóico, DMAE, provitamina A, vitamina C Ester, vitamina E, extrato de cranberry, limão e laranja.
Este creme é indicado para todos os tipos de pele, incluindo pele normal, seca, oleosa e madura. Além disso, pode ser usado com segurança em condições de pele como rosácea, eczema e dermatite. Sua fórmula é absorvida instantaneamente pela pele e não obstrui os poros.
O LilyAna Naturals Face and Neck Moisturizer é um produto limpo e natural, feito nos Estados Unidos, sem fragrâncias ou cores artificiais. Além disso, é livre de glúten, parabenos, ftalatos, SLS, SLES e derivados de petróleo. E, é importante ressaltar que nunca foi e nunca será testado em animais.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
Hidratação Profunda
O LilyAna Naturals Face and Neck Moisturizer proporciona uma hidratação profunda, penetrando na pele e suavizando os sinais de envelhecimento, como linhas finas e rugas.
Textura Leve
Sua textura suave e leve permite que o creme seja facilmente absorvido pela pele, sem deixar uma sensação oleosa ou pegajosa.
Ingredientes Naturais
A fórmula deste creme é enriquecida com ingredientes naturais, como destilado de rosa, suco de aloe vera e extratos de frutas cítricas, proporcionando benefícios para a pele de forma suave e eficaz.
Indicado para Todos os Tipos de Pele
O LilyAna Naturals Face and Neck Moisturizer é adequado para todos os tipos de pele, incluindo pele normal, seca, oleosa e madura. Também pode ser usado em condições de pele como rosácea, eczema e dermatite.
Produto Livre de Substâncias Nocivas
Este creme é livre de substâncias nocivas, como glúten, parabenos, ftalatos, SLS, SLES e derivados de petróleo. Além disso, nunca foi testado em animais, garantindo uma escolha ética e consciente.
1. Hidratação intensa que combate a secura e a desidratação da pele.
2. Redução visível de linhas finas e rugas, promovendo uma aparência mais jovem.
3. Textura leve que não obstrui os poros, ideal para uso diário.
4. Fórmula natural e livre de substâncias químicas nocivas, garantindo segurança e eficácia.
5. Adequado para todos os tipos de pele, incluindo as mais sensíveis, como rosácea e eczema.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique o LilyAna Naturals Face and Neck Moisturizer diariamente, de manhã e à noite, na pele limpa e seca. Massageie suavemente o creme no rosto e pescoço, evitando a área dos olhos. Deixe o creme ser absorvido completamente antes de aplicar outros produtos de cuidados com a pele ou maquiagem. Com o uso regular, você notará uma pele mais hidratada, suave e radiante, além de uma redução visível nos sinais de envelhecimento. Aproveite os benefícios deste creme natural e cuide da sua pele com qualidade e eficácia.
General Customer –
This face cream is great! It is one of my favourites now as it smells subtly good, is wonderful for sensitive skin, and is reasonably priced.
Wildflower –
Let me start by saying that I have used a LOT of creams/lotions/serums, etc. over the years. At 34 and with oily/combination/blemish prone skin I’m very picky about what I put on my face. I need something thoroughly moisturizing because my skin can get extremely dry and I also want to minimize the progression of wrinkles and aging, but it can’t be too oily/heavy or cause me to break out. That’s sometimes a hard combo to find. While I’ve discovered a handful of products that I do love, this face cream is truly and honestly my favorite — EVER! I had been eyeing it on Amazon for awhile and finally decided to splurge on myself one day. I’m so glad I did! Here’s a breakdown…
TEXTURE/CONSITENCY — Not only is the packaging adorable, but the cream feels divine… rich, smooth, and creamy, but not at all greasy or oily. It’s not as thick as a body butter, but a little richer than some facial lotions. I also use this as my all-over eye cream and it’s great for that purpose as well (just don’t accidently get any in the corner of your eye… ouch… trust me). It’s rich enough to give that delicate area the moisture it needs, but without interfering with makeup application or causing my eyeliner or mascara to smudge as the day wears on. Another one of my very favorite things about this cream is that it doesn’t “pile” or roll off after application. One of my biggest beauty product pet peeves is when a product just sits on top of your skin after it dries and then if you touch your face or try to apply something else it balls up and rolls off. This cream doesn’t do that at all, even when I apply another product underneath or on top.
SCENT — It really has no scent to speak of, perhaps just an ever so faint “natural” smell that is barely detectable, so it definitely won’t clash with your signature scent or other products you might wear.
ABSORBTION — One of the things that amazes me most about this cream is how lightning fast it absorbs! I mean, it’s seriously fast! You can apply makeup virtually immediately after applying it, no waiting around. It also plays nicely with other products, meaning you can add some of your own favorite essential oils or mix it with your serums, etc., without any weird consistency issues. It moisturizes incredibly well, but with absolutely zero greasy feel or shine. My face feels SO silky smooth after I apply it… so much so that I find myself touching my face to just enjoy how soft it feels. 🙂 You can tell it really absorbs in and feeds your skin.
PACKAGING — A quick note on the packaging… when I purchased this it came in a 2.1 oz jar. Upon leaving this review I noticed the packaging has recently changed to a 1.7 oz bottle (I believe the price is still the same). Nonetheless, it is still well worth it and I will definitely be purchasing more when I run out! A little goes a long way and my 2.1 oz jar is still about half full even after over a month of use, so I think the price is fair for the quality you get.
Amazon Customer –
skin care es algo muy dificil de evaluar, cada cutis es diferente, la crema la senti como cualquier otra que es “rich”, tengo el cutis mixto pero sensible, y las tirandole a piel grasa, y para mi tipo de cutis la senti muy pesada, me salia de bañar, la aplicaba cuando seguia en el baño, (el baño todavia con vapor, etc) y sentia que cuando ya la habia aplicado y me estaba peinando la estaba sudando, cuando me lavaba la cara en la mañana y salia al super, con el calor sentia que la iba sudando la crema en el carro, nunca me pude poner maquillaje porque siento que nunca se absorbio en mi realmente. Talvez es buena idea en el cuello o para alguien que viva en clima frio con piel mas bien seca. Para cutis parecido al mio, esta no es la crema.
La crema en si no tiene olor creo, no note nada fuerte, lo que si me gusto mucho fue el frasco en el que viene, muy practico y facil de usar, y a mi se me hizo bonito, lei comentarios de que salia mucha crema, y si, pero yo el exceso me lo ponia en el cuello y escote.
Anita M –
I have very sensitive skin, with rosacea, and I have been on what feels like an EPIC quest to find a facial moisturizer that I actually like. Most moisturizers I’ve tried are either too harsh for my skin, don’t moisturize enough, or leave my face feeling greasy.
I don’t know if this is necessarily the moisturizer I’ve been looking for, but it’s the best I’ve tried so far. It feels nice going on, it absorbs into the skin so it doesn’t sit on top of my face like an oil slick, my skin feels nicely softened after I apply it, and it has a nice light rose scent to it, not too heavily perfumed like some other products I’ve tried.
I’m only 32 and don’t really have much in the way of wrinkles yet, so I can’t really attest to it helping in that department, haha. I do like that it is mostly natural. It also doesn’t seem to inflame my rosacea, which is a plus. So far, I’m satisfied. I will probably buy it again, unless I find something else I like even better in the meantime.
Sabrina –
This has been great for my skin. It’s inexpensive and works well. During the summer I do find it a bit heavy. Eye cream is wonderful as well.
This eye cream is the very best natural one out there! It is gentle & effective! I love it!
Amazon Customer –
I like this moisturizer but I have a few comments to mention:
1. it’s really lightweight – this is a lovely consistency (thicker, doesn’t run down hand if turned vertical), but it was not what my dryer skin needs during winter months. During the heat this is a great cream though.
2. lasted for 5 months! – I used this day and night and it just ran out on me, it lasted a lot longer than what I thought.
3. Smoothes into skin (mostly) – this melted into my skin and absorbed quickly with a dry face.
4. doesn’t layer well – I’m a skincare junkie of sorts (masking mostly) and this cream did NOT want to melt into the skin with any wetter product on underneath, even not completely dried toner or water left over from washing will turn this cream into a streaky white mess. Since i’m pale I couldn’t tell if this left a white-cast, but I think it would if on wet skin.
5. Definitely moisturizing!! – this cream is a step up from the drugstore creams I have been using. It is much more comfortable on the skin, and does not irritate my sensitive eyes. I would definitely recommend this cream for summer or oily skin year-round. But for my winter dry skin I’ll be moving on to something a bit thicker.
6. Doesn’t irritate acne!!! – my acne loves to flare up with a bad cream, but this one did not trigger it.
7. I absolutely love the fact this has a pump – pumps keep bacteria from gathering from hands into products, so it’s a definite plus.
I may purchase this again when the summer heat rolls around since it is a good lighter formula.
Best of luck!!!~~
Thelma –
It makes your skin feel so soft, no allergic reaction and very inexpensive. I love it.
Adam Kroeker –
I use this daily every morning on my sensitive skin and feel great! Lightweight and easy to use. Love that it’s cruelty free and vegan!
Patricia –
Rich and creamy. A little bit goes a long way. I like the scent. My skin feels refreshed. Soft and not dry! I don’t see any spf on the label. That is the only thing I am disappointed with