Descrição do Produto:
A fórmula estomacal Lily Of The Desert é uma solução inovadora e natural para quem busca alívio e bem-estar digestivo. Composta por suco de aloe vera orgânico, a fórmula é enriquecida com uma mistura exclusiva de ervas, incluindo olmo escorregadio, camomila, hortelã-pimenta e gengibre, que trabalham em sinergia para proporcionar alívio eficaz de episódios ocasionais de azia e indigestão ácida. O suco de aloe vera bioativo presente nesta fórmula é uma fonte rica em vitaminas, aminoácidos e enzimas digestivas, promovendo uma saúde digestiva holística.
O diferencial da Lily Of The Desert é o Aloesorb, um ingrediente patenteado rico em polissacarídeos que potencializa os benefícios do aloe vera, garantindo que cada gole traga um impacto positivo para o seu organismo. Este produto é livre de glúten, não contém organismos geneticamente modificados (não-GMO) e é vegano, tornando-se uma escolha ideal para aqueles que buscam uma abordagem natural e saudável para o cuidado digestivo.
Para um uso eficaz, recomenda-se consumir 2 onças da fórmula estomacal Lily Of The Desert conforme necessário, até quatro vezes ao dia. Com uma história de compromisso com a saúde e o bem-estar, a Lily of the Desert, fundada em 1971 em Denton, Texas, se dedica a melhorar a qualidade de vida das pessoas e do planeta por meio de produtos de aloe vera sustentáveis, inovadores e eficazes.
– Alívio Natural: Proporciona alívio rápido e eficaz para azia e indigestão, promovendo conforto digestivo.
– Saúde Digestiva: A combinação de ingredientes naturais apoia a saúde do trato digestivo, ajudando na digestão e absorção de nutrientes.
– Ingredientes de Qualidade: Formulado com aloe vera orgânico e ervas selecionadas, garantindo um produto livre de aditivos artificiais.
– Fácil de Usar: A dosagem prática permite que você leve o produto para qualquer lugar, facilitando o uso em qualquer momento do dia.
– Compromisso Sustentável: A marca é reconhecida por suas práticas sustentáveis e por oferecer produtos que respeitam o meio ambiente.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir 2 onças (aproximadamente 60 ml) da fórmula estomacal Lily Of The Desert até quatro vezes ao dia, conforme necessário. Agite bem antes de usar e, se desejado, pode ser diluído em água ou suco para um sabor mais agradável. É importante observar a resposta do seu corpo e ajustar a dosagem conforme necessário, sempre respeitando as orientações de uso.
DanF –
After years of awful diverticulitis and then the horrible antibiotics that absolutely ruin your body from the inside, I was given an old bottle of this incredible aloe vera stomach formula from some very sweet, elderly people, who were totally into holistic alternatives.
I started taking it immediately and within a few weeks I was so much better!!!
I kept taking this product daily for over a year and I was completely healed of diverticulitis…
Did not really change my diet a lot as the Dr. wanted me to quit eating anything with seeds, and I still remained well, no more intense pain, no more needing to go see the Dr. and get another 2-weeks of those awful antibiotic meds…
I have referred this product to many people since my experience, who also had awful stomach issues, including ulcers at the beginning stage, and they have all said they same thing – I am feeling and getting better…
Am so grateful for the great people who make this particular formula and all the work they do on their own farm to insure quality aloe vera plants are used, and all I can say is that if you take this as I did, 1-2 capfuls a day mixed with some water, this miracle elixir will do the rest..
Dan F
Nadia catino –
Since using this my child’s acid reflux has improved tremendously . It’s really amazing .
Chelsea –
Im about to give way too much info, but I think in context, its vital to purchasing this product.
I have had consistent digestive problems my entire life. As a teenager I got ulcers that I was medically treated for. I have always had GERD or acid reflux. And in my adult days, I have been experiencing a list of symptoms that can only be described as hell. Whenever I eat, no matter what it is that Im eating, I feel pain after it reaches my stomach. Sharp, stabby pain. Ive had ulcers, and it is not the ulcer pain, its a different kind. After it would pass my stomach, I could feel my intestines get extremely bloated and they would gurgle all day, extremely loud, until it reached my bowls. This is where the TMI comes in…I would start to feel clammy, nauseas, like I was going to vomit, and would sit down to go to the bathroom. It would be burning, come out loose (not diarrhea) and would cause severe cramping. When I would look at my poop, I could see the fragments of food that were not digested at all. Whole freaking pieces of my dinner, that were not broken down. This was happening for months. Like I said…Hell. Food is one of my passions, because I love to cook. I am a clean eater too. Ive been vegetarian, part time vegan for several years now. And this didnt seem to make a difference. Food was betraying me, and I felt hopeless because I knew if I went to a doctor, I would not only have to pay hundreds of dollars for a cut and dry diagnosis – but the diagnosis would most likely be the blanket term: IBS. I wasnt interested in paying for a Web MD diagnosis from a professional…so I just did what I could do, avoided caffeine, alcohol, spicy foods, dairy, raw foods, really anything enjoyable in life. THEN I WENT TO WHOLE FOODS. I walked around their herbal department and came across this bottle, front and center people! Stomach formula!!! I read the back of it, and was excited about the ingredients. Im very holistic when it comes to medicine, so I have been taking ginger in my tea, slippery elm in capsule, and chamomile in tea, and aloe every once in awhile. But all these things separately are hard to remember. But this is compact into one bottle.
I have been taking this stuff before every meal, for a week now, and let me tell you something…it works. Simple as that. My poop is solid again, I don’t feel like Im going to vomit every time I go, I don’t have sharp pains after I eat, I don’t feel like Im going to float away in the air from being so bloated, and I feel the love for food again that I have been missing for months. This stuff is magic. Really its just all the best stuff for your stomach crammed into one gooey formula. But otherwise, its known as magic.
FY: it tastes disgusting. Life is full of trade offs. You can suffer for months or you can cringe for a moment. I decided the latter. Just chase it down with some juice and eventually you will accept one nasty sip is a part of a long, prosperous life.
Buy this from Amazon, because at Whole Foods, 1 bottle is 20$. On Amazon, you can get 2 for 26$ or 1 for 11$. I will drink this stuff for the rest of my life because of how quick it was to help me.
Neil Lizotte –
This stuff really makes a difference, love it
ChattyCathy –
UPDATE: It’s been a few years. I was starting to get acid reflux at 2am and intestinal cramping and pains again. I, in no way shape or form, want to go to the GI and get put on those awful meds (that didnt even work) again. I ordered two more bottles of this stuff and have been taking a capful every morning. Now, keep in mind you also should watch your diet and use this product with a healthy diet. It’s not going to work magic if you eat McD’s and fried foods etc every day. However, I have been eating normally (with a pizza here and a slice of cake there) and am already experiencing relief. I can’t believe I let myself run out and stop taking it. It tastes a lot more pepperminty than it did in the past, but it still works so i can overlook the taste and throw it down like a shot of whisky.
Stuff works like magic. I have pretty bad stomach issues that required surgery in the past. I took a good deal of immune suppressing meds and they barely ever worked. Now if I feel pain starting to crop up I adjust my diet (cut out grease sugar any crap foods) and take two doses of this a day. So far it has worked for three years. It is also good for minor heartburn. If you have severe heartburn it may not work though. Its really worth the money to invest in a bottle if you have any digestive issues at all.
Wendy C –
I liked the taste and it settles my stomach, it kind of tastes minty and sour at the same time…lol
John –
Gastric discomfort
ph –
I am a nurse practitioner , and I have just spent a little over 3 months suffering from Hpylori infection, which caused gastritis and painful ulcer type symptoms. Endoscopy showed chronic gastritis, no ulcer. Today I found out the follow up test is Negative, and the infection cleared with approved 2 week course of 3 medications 10 weeks ago. However, despite twice a day Nexium, I had a painful stomach for many weeks, and was following a very careful diet. Like others, I turned to aloe as a last resort, and I can honestly say it soothed the pain almost immediately. As many say, it is nasty tasting BUT there is no aftertaste, and all you need to do is to chase with something such as a yogurt smoothie ( also loaded with probiotics ) and it is very manageable. the last 2 weeks i was unable to have any Nexium to prepare for the test. I think this saved my life, dosed once a day late afternoon, 2 oz. . As a scientist, I cannot say for sure this is what made the difference, but I highly recommend trying. Also add good probiotics.
Zen –