A Fórmula para o Estômago Lily Of The Desert, suco de Aloe Vera Orgânico com Ulmus Rubra, Camomila, Hortelã-Pimenta e Gengibre, é um suplemento natural que promove o bem-estar digestivo. Com uma combinação exclusiva de ervas, este suco de aloe vera orgânico ajuda a aliviar ocasionalmente a azia e a indigestão ácida, proporcionando um alívio suave e eficaz.
A fórmula holística deste produto é enriquecida com aloe vera bioativo, que é naturalmente rico em vitaminas, aminoácidos e enzimas digestivas. Esses nutrientes essenciais ajudam a promover a saúde geral do sistema digestivo, melhorando a digestão e a absorção de nutrientes.
Uma característica exclusiva deste produto é o Aloesorb, um ingrediente patenteado rico em polissacarídeos que só pode ser encontrado nos produtos de Aloe Vera da Lily of the Desert. Com cada gole, você aproveita os benefícios do Aloesorb, que ajuda a melhorar a absorção dos nutrientes presentes no suco de aloe vera, potencializando seus efeitos benéficos.
Para obter os melhores resultados, é recomendado beber 2 onças da Fórmula para o Estômago de Aloe Vera da Lily of the Desert, conforme necessário, até quatro vezes ao dia. Este produto é livre de glúten, não contém organismos geneticamente modificados (OGM) e é adequado para veganos.
A Lily of the Desert é uma empresa confiável de produtos de saúde e bem-estar, fundada em 1971 em Denton, Texas. Comprometida em melhorar o bem-estar das pessoas e do planeta, a empresa se dedica a oferecer produtos de aloe vera sustentáveis, inovadores e eficazes.
- Promove o bem-estar digestivo, ajudando a regular o funcionamento intestinal.
- Alivia ocasionalmente a azia e a indigestão ácida, proporcionando conforto imediato.
- Enriquecido com vitaminas, aminoácidos e enzimas digestivas que favorecem a saúde intestinal.
- Contém Aloesorb, um ingrediente patenteado que melhora a absorção de nutrientes, potencializando os efeitos do aloe vera.
- Produto livre de glúten, não-OGM e adequado para veganos, garantindo uma opção saudável e inclusiva.
Para obter os melhores resultados, beba 2 onças da Fórmula para o Estômago de Aloe Vera da Lily of the Desert, conforme necessário, até quatro vezes ao dia. Agite bem antes de usar. Armazene em local fresco e seco. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de usar se estiver grávida, amamentando ou tiver alguma condição médica.
Veronica Fernandez –
My sister is mentally handicapped non verbal Down syndrome. She suffers from severe acid reflux. In the past slippery elm alone or plain aloe Vera has helped… but not anymore. She had stress and nothing helped until I bought this product. Wow!! She drinks it no problem. I serve her 4 ml and 20 minutes later she can eat!! Before every meal amd before bed time. After two days I finally calmed her acid reflux that she could function during the day. It’s a bit expensive but it works!! I may after a few weeks drop to 2ml before a meal but for now I see that 4 ml worked best for her. She has severe acid reflux. So 2 ml may work for others with less issues. I will never live without this for her. Don’t waste your money on other products give this a chance forest and calm your acid. She was on meds but those have long term severe side effects that are not worth it long term. This is natural. Best wishes.
Lynne –
It settles my stomach and digestive tract after about a week and a half. Awesome stuff.
BroBrock –
My daughter has gastritis and suffers a lot with digestive issues. Since using the Lily of the Desert Stomach Formula it has really helped her stomach heal and also helps in calming her digestive issues from gastritis. I was also helped when I used to use it a few years ago. I have acid reflux disease, and when I was using this Stomach Formula regularly every day, I was actually able to stop using acid reflux prescriptions so long as I used the stomach formula by Lily of the Desert every day. While using it I had no complications of acid reflux at all. The only reason I didn’t keep using it was because of not having the money to keep buying it regularly at the time. If I could afford to go back to using it along with my daughter, I would do it in a heart beat. It’s a great product and works amazingly great. As a side note, this Stomach Formula has also helped my daughter’s stomach to even heal from ulcers caused occasionally by gastritis. It coats the stomach very well which aids in healing and aids proper digestion.
candace brown –
The taste wasn’t the greatest but it did help with my acid reflux some. It didn’t take it away completely.
Michelle B. –
This is a product that is supposed to promote health, but the seller doesn’t list the ingredients anywhere in the advert. It turns out one of the ingredients irritates my system, so I can’t use it. Unfortunately, I can’t return the item. This is deceptive advertising at the very least. I fault Amazon as well. They can’t have it both ways. If an item can’t be returned, Amazon should require sellers to disclose all ingredients, warnings, etc. Or there should be no restrictions on returns/refunds.
Wanda –
I like the Presentation and the measuring cup provided with the Product.
Mary Lou Voegeli –
Helps settle my stomach after “mid-eating “
D. Kemperman –
Good stuff. Healed my very irritated stomach so I able to come off my prescription meds but price for 2 bottles have jumped from $25 to $36 in less than 3 months, will be using it sparingly