Lignans for Life – Pó de Linhaça Moída Orgânica – Ômega 3
Descubra o poder da natureza com o Lignans for Life, um pó de linhaça moída orgânica que traz uma rica fonte de lignanas, um antioxidante poderoso que promove a saúde do coração, equilibra hormônios e fortalece o sistema imunológico. Produzido a partir de sementes de linhaça orgânicas, este pó é uma maneira eficaz de incorporar os benefícios das lignanas em sua dieta diária. As lignanas, extraídas das cascas das sementes, são conhecidas por sua capacidade de combater radicais livres, proporcionando uma defesa natural contra o estresse oxidativo.
Além de seus benefícios para a saúde interna, o pó de linhaça também é um aliado essencial para a saúde da pele, pelagem e cabelo. Com uma abundância de ácidos graxos Ômega 3 e Ômega 6, este produto é ideal para promover uma pele saudável e um cabelo brilhante, tanto em humanos quanto em animais de estimação. As sementes de linhaça orgânicas são ricas em fibras e nutrientes que rejuvenescem o corpo de dentro para fora, tornando-se uma escolha superior para quem busca melhorar a saúde da pele e do pelo.
Feito exclusivamente com cascas de linhaça orgânica, o Lignans for Life garante um suplemento concentrado e puro, com um mínimo de óleo de linhaça. Isso significa que você está recebendo um produto potente, repleto de antioxidantes e fibras, sem aditivos desnecessários. A versatilidade do pó de linhaça permite que ele seja facilmente incorporado à sua rotina diária: adicione-o a smoothies, polvilhe sobre refeições ou utilize-o em receitas de panificação. Seu sabor suave e noz proporciona um toque especial às suas preparações, enquanto os benefícios de alta fibra apoiam a digestão.
Ideal para toda a família, incluindo os pets, o pó de linhaça orgânica promove o equilíbrio hormonal e reduz os níveis de cortisol, além de melhorar a saúde da pelagem dos cães. Com uma solução natural e holística para o bem-estar, este produto é perfeito para uso diário, garantindo que todos em casa possam desfrutar de seus benefícios.
john Adair –
It mixes well
Rachmaninoff Fan –
Good product and good quality. I hope it does what the doctor said it should do.
Valerie A Schupbach –
I stir it up in my yogurt, an easy way to eat it.
HRWeather –
I purchased to try out in comparison of the FHL Flax Hull Lignans, as it was a slightly better price. Now, you can’t even buy the FHL brand on amazon anymore…and in checking, their website is gone as well. Shame, it was a good product and probably my favorite.
Lignans for Life has a pretty good ad campaign on why to choose their product over others, which appealed to me. As far as I have seen, true pure lignans from the hulls (shells) on the flaxseed plant are pricy and very price controlled. If you do your own research you will find that a lot of product speak of having “lignans” within their flaxseed powder. It is not the same thing and the amount of lignans in regular flaxseed is nowhere near the amount in pure flaxseed hull powder. Lignans are found in other food sources, but again, not nearly as many are contained in them.
There is not much room for price variation between the few brands out there. Most likely they are all getting their product from the same sources (my theory). In now purchasing 3 different brands, I will say this is my least favorite one. I am in no way calling it a bad product or ineffective. It was mainly how the actual power looked. It was lighter and more powdery than the other two – which were a richer color and more “moist” in texture, as you pressed it together it stuck. I capsule my powder so these things were noticeable to me and it was easier to work with the other products. This is the only one I see that is also listed as organic, so that might be the dealbreaker for some people. I find the term organic is thrown around and validated for higher price just way too much these days…but that’s just me.
the product I have decided to continue with is Premium Gold Lignans, 5.3 Ounce Jar, which is *nearly* the same weight and about $6 cheaper, also with free prime shipping.
I started researching breast pain/swelling and overall breast health and hormone balance, and the products I found to aid with that appeared to be comprised of lignans. I am specifically referencing Brevail – a brand name product that isnt exactly cheap. Nor is bulk powder of true lignans (like this product), but switching to bulk powder has made it be spread out further. Is it helping? A lot of this stuff is speculation and I’ve made a ton of changes in my diet and supplement routine in addition to it. But the issues I was having seem to be gone, so I will continue to take it. In researching lignans, there are just so many benefits that it’s a great addition to your health even if you don’t have an acute problem.
J.J. –
We bought it for the all-around health benefits of fortifying the body’s defenses. It’s also great for hormone balance. We don’t use a whole scoop, as it suggests…way more than you might want, as it is an intense roughage. We only use 1/4 to 1/3 of a scoop on cereal, or any other food we choose to use it on. The texture and depth of color speaks for itself. It is a very high quality product. Love it! I am adding a footnote to this review. I was using a scoop from a different brand of this product, because the scoop in this container was hidden deep into the contents. I found out later, after finding the buried scoop, that this one is way smaller…and is just fine for a full scoop…even if you fill it so that it is slightly rounded. Sorry for the confusion.
Apopleo –
Very worthwhile product to help with Canine Cushings – administer this with Melatonin and it definitely helps abate some symptoms. I started that regimen with my dog and she almost immediately started growing her fur back, pu/pd slowed down greatly and she wasn’t panting as much. A better quality of life alternative than Trilostane which has severe side effects. Don’t expect your dog to live forever though – Cushings is pretty much a death – sentence unless you want to spend $15K trying to keep your dog alive with meds and constant tests – I thought that was inhumane. My dog had great quality of life right up until the end.
Happy –
Tastes great! Scoop inside makes it easy to dispense.
David alexander –
I like the ease of use