Descrição do Produto: Lignans for Life HMR Lignans for Dogs, 40mg – 90 Cápsulas
A saúde do seu cão é uma prioridade, e com Lignans for Life HMR Lignans for Dogs, você pode garantir que seu amigo peludo receba o suporte nutricional que merece. Este suplemento multivitamínico de alta qualidade é formulado especialmente para cães de médio porte, oferecendo uma combinação poderosa de lignanas extraídas de nós de abeto norueguês, com um nível de pureza de 90%. Cada cápsula contém 40mg de HMR Lignans, e a embalagem dupla oferece um total de 180 cápsulas, garantindo um suprimento substancial para uso prolongado.
- CONVENIÊNCIA DE EMBALAGEM DUPLA: Nossa oferta inclui duas garrafas perfeitamente projetadas para cães de médio porte, cada uma com 40mg de HMR Lignans, totalizando 180 cápsulas. Isso garante um suprimento substancial para uso prolongado, promovendo suporte à saúde consistente, conveniência na administração, eficiência de custo e menos reordens para o regime de bem-estar do seu cão.
- FONTES PREMIUM DE ABETO NORUEGUÊS: Extraídos de nós de abeto norueguês, nossos HMR Lignans apresentam um nível de pureza de 90%. Esta fonte potente e de alta qualidade maximiza os benefícios para a saúde do seu cão, oferecendo suporte eficaz para vitalidade, saúde do coração, digestão, condição da pele e pelagem, força do sistema imunológico e bem-estar geral.
- APOIO À SAÚDE E PELE: Melhore a pelagem, a pele e a saúde geral do seu cão com nossos HMR Lignans. Essas cápsulas recomendadas por veterinários aumentam o brilho da pelagem, a saúde da pele, a vitalidade, a imunidade e o bem-estar, melhorando significativamente a qualidade de vida do seu cão.
- SUPORTE HOLÍSTICO AO BEM-ESTAR: Esses suplementos naturais são formulados para apoiar e melhorar a saúde cardiovascular, garantindo que o coração do seu cão permaneça forte e saudável. Mantenha o equilíbrio gastrointestinal, promovendo tanto a regularidade digestiva quanto o conforto. Além disso, eles têm o potencial de melhorar a saúde da pele e da pelagem, deixando seu cão com uma aparência brilhante e lustrosa. Também fortalecem a saúde reprodutiva e ajudam a gerenciar hormônios relacionados ao estresse, como o cortisol.
- ADEQUADO PARA CÃES SENSÍVEIS A FIBRA: Especificamente elaborado para cães com sensibilidades a fibras, nossos HMR Lignans oferecem uma solução suave, mas eficaz. Esta formulação cuidadosa garante conforto digestivo e bem-estar geral, atendendo às necessidades dietéticas únicas do seu cão. É uma escolha segura e confiável para manter a saúde e a felicidade do seu amigo peludo, mesmo com restrições dietéticas específicas.
1. Suporte à Saúde Geral: Promove a saúde cardiovascular e imunológica, essencial para a longevidade do seu cão.
2. Melhora da Pelagem: Aumenta o brilho e a saúde da pelagem, contribuindo para uma aparência mais saudável.
3. Conveniência e Economia: A embalagem dupla oferece um suprimento prolongado, reduzindo a necessidade de reordens frequentes.
4. Fórmula Segura para Sensibilidades: Ideal para cães com sensibilidades a fibras, garantindo conforto digestivo.
5. Apoio ao Bem-Estar Holístico: Contribui para a saúde digestiva, reprodutiva e gerenciamento do estresse.
Administre uma cápsula de Lignans for Life HMR Lignans for Dogs diariamente, conforme recomendado pelo veterinário. As cápsulas podem ser dadas diretamente ao seu cão ou misturadas à comida para facilitar a ingestão. É importante seguir as orientações de dosagem e monitorar a resposta do seu animal ao suplemento, ajustando conforme necessário para atender às suas necessidades específicas. Mantenha sempre água fresca disponível e consulte um veterinário antes de iniciar qualquer novo regime de suplementação.
D. Ziefle –
The product itself is very good, and I do believe it has been an adjunct in some fur regrowth in my dog. However, I just received an order today and saw that the expiration date was only a few months away. Given that there are 180 capsules here and administered once a day, clearly it will expire prior to full use. I have returned it and will order a different product.
Alice –
My vet recommended Lignins and Melatonin to treat my 15 year old Collie mix girl’s Cushing’s Disease.
She has the MDR1 Genetic Mutation. I’m afraid to give her the normal chemo drugs they usually use to treat Cushing’s, and my vet agrees.
She’s been taking Lignins and Melatonin for about six months now. They are working like a miracle.
1) She is using the dog door by herself again, and she’s able to walk farther on our daily walks before needing to go in her stroller.
2) She has stopped drinking enormous amounts of water.
3) She eats her normal meals without begging for food between meals.
4) She has totally stopped panting and pacing for hours every night.
Her hind legs are still too weak for her to jump on furniture or in the car, but she’s much better.
My precious girl lived to be 16.5 years old. Her pacing and panting never returned after I started using these and Melatonin.
Unfortunately, in addition to Cushing’s Disease, she developed a brain tumor and seizures her last year. Keppra controlled the seizures for a year, but they returned in the end.
I believe the Lignins and Melatonin gave her a higher quality of life for her final years. I would recommend trying this if your vet approves.
Mandy –
We are using lignans in combination with melatonin and a high protein grain free dog food for my large breed diagnosed with typical Cushings this spring. I strongly suspect he’s had Cushings undiagnosed for at least 2 years. He is now almost 13 years old and hates going to the vet (has to be muzzled), so I really didn’t want to stress him with repeated blood draws and visits to the vet or all the potential side effects of the traditional meds. Came across the University of TN study that melatonin and lignans can help, so I wanted to give these a try before going the traditional route. I was hopeful that his water drinking had decreased and noticed he wasn’t having small accidents overnight in the first week, but thought it was too soon to say for sure. After 1 month it was clear, he had gone down from 4-5 L of water daily to around 3L (upper limits of normal for his size), and instead of going out to potty 4-5x daily and occasional accidents still, to having no accidents with going out 3x daily. I think he could probably stretch it to two at this point, but I haven’t tried. He has been on this for almost 2 months now. His skin still has issues although he has had some hair regrowth, so I am hoping with more time that will also continue to improve. Also subtle improvements in energy and body composition (less obvious muscle wasting) – I attribute some of that to the high protein food. I also give him milk thistle because the vet said he had sludge on his gallbladder when we did the ultrasound, and fish oil for arthritis. Overall, I am very happy with the results. He seems comfortable and I know he prefers this to going to the vet for labs!!
Update June 23, 2018: A year later and I am back to buy another refill. Last fall my dog ended up with a bout of diarrhea, and since we had to do labs anyway I asked the vet to check a cortisol level. It was COMPLETELY NORMAL. This is a dog with diagnostic confimed cushings disease completely controlled for over a year now. The vet says he’s never seen anything like it and can’t believe these supplements work! Also, his skin did eventually clear up as well, I think that took about 6 months.
Rusty B. Shackleford –
Our dog started exhibiting all the signs of Cushing’s disease in September of this year. Out of control water intake and urination, multiple accidents in the house where before she had none, fur loss, muscle weakness in her hind legs, confusion, a pot belly, etc. The veterinarian ruled out kidney issues and prescribed an antibiotic on the off chance her symptoms were related to an undetectable infection. A course of two weeks on an antibiotic did absolutely no good, her symptoms persisted. Having your dog assessed for Cushing’s is an expensive endeavor. As Lignans combined with melatonin are natural and unlikely to harm a dog (unlike the available prescription meds which can produce horrifying side effects up to and including death, not to mention can be prohibitively expensive), we decided to start her on this regimen which was developed by the University of Tennessee’s school of veterinary medicine. From all of the reviews we read on Amazon and elsewhere, we were hopeful that we would see a reversal in her symptoms within four months. We started her on this protocol on November 23. Today, November 26th, we were shocked to see her drinking a normal amount of water and last night, she slept through the night for the first time in months. She is back to urinating every 4 to 5 hours and producing a normal amount of urine. We are frankly shocked with the results. We had zero expectations that her symptoms would abate so soon. We will monitor her belly, fur loss, confusion and muscle weakness to see if these symptoms also abate and update in the future. If your dog is suffering from Cushings, give HMR Lignans and Melatonin a try. Most dogs who respond to this protocol see results from between 2 weeks and 4 months, but for our dog, she experienced relief from the most disruptive symptom after three days of therapy. We will continue giving her these OTC herbs until they no longer work. Thank you so much, Lignans for Life for giving our sweet angel and her owners our old girl back. For those who want a thorough explanation of Cushing’s disease and this treatment protocol, Dr. Karen Becker, a veterinarian who specializes in alternative, holistic treatment for dogs has produced a three part video which can be found on Youtube. She explains everything very thoroughly, and we found it helpful and instructive. Best of luck with your furbabies!