Descrição do Produto: Life’s DHA Kids
Em um mundo cada vez mais digital, onde as crianças estão expostas a telas desde muito cedo, a saúde ocular e cerebral se torna uma preocupação crescente para os pais. Life’s DHA Kids surge como uma solução inovadora, formulada especialmente para proteger e nutrir as mentes e os olhos em desenvolvimento dos pequenos. Este suplemento contém DHA, um ácido graxo ômega-3 poli-insaturado, que é um componente estrutural essencial no cérebro, nos olhos e no coração. A exposição à luz azul, proveniente de dispositivos eletrônicos, pode ser prejudicial, especialmente para as crianças, cujos olhos ainda estão em fase de desenvolvimento.
- LUZ AZUL: Estamos expostos a ela sem perceber. A luz azul não é facilmente filtrada pelos nossos olhos e a superexposição pode impactar negativamente a saúde ocular. Uma fonte significativa de luz azul é a tecnologia do dia a dia e, à medida que o uso desses dispositivos aumenta, o risco para nossos olhos também cresce.
- FILTRAR E PROTEGER CONTRA A LUZ AZUL: As crianças estão especialmente em risco em relação aos efeitos negativos da exposição à luz azul, pois seus olhos ainda estão em desenvolvimento. Life’s DHA para Crianças e Adolescentes é formulado para ajudar a filtrar e proteger contra a luz azul.
- SUPORTE À SAÚDE CEREBRAL, OCULAR E CARDÍACA: O DHA é um ácido graxo ômega-3 poli-insaturado – um ácido graxo estrutural importante no cérebro e nos olhos, além de ser um componente chave do coração. Life’s DHA é um ômega-3 que demonstrou apoiar a saúde cerebral, ocular e cardíaca. Preocupação com a saúde: Suporte à Visão.
- DHA E DIETA DIÁRIA: As crianças americanas consomem em média cerca de 30 mg de DHA por dia, em comparação com o mínimo recomendado de 100 mg. Cada cápsula mole de Life’s DHA contém 200 mg de DHA à base de plantas, além de Luteína e Zeaxantina. Para resultados ideais, o uso contínuo diário é recomendado.
- A PROMESSA DA MARCA Life’s DHA: O DHA é obtido de uma fonte sustentável e à base de plantas. Sem gosto de peixe ou contaminantes marinhos.
1. Proteção Ocular: Filtra e protege os olhos da luz azul, reduzindo o risco de fadiga ocular e desconforto.
2. Desenvolvimento Cognitivo: Apoia a saúde cerebral, essencial para o aprendizado e desenvolvimento das crianças.
3. Saúde Cardíaca: Contribui para a saúde do coração, promovendo um desenvolvimento saudável desde a infância.
4. Fácil de Consumir: Disponível em cápsulas moles saborosas, sem gosto de peixe, tornando o uso diário agradável para as crianças.
5. Fonte Sustentável: Produzido a partir de fontes vegetais, garantindo um produto livre de contaminantes marinhos.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se que crianças a partir de 4 anos consumam uma cápsula mole de Life’s DHA Kids diariamente. As cápsulas podem ser ingeridas inteiras com água ou abertas e misturadas a alimentos, como iogurtes ou smoothies, para facilitar a ingestão. É importante manter o uso contínuo para garantir a absorção adequada dos nutrientes e maximizar os benefícios à saúde ocular, cerebral e cardíaca.
Artie –
reviewer –
This formula contains 200 mg of DHA, 5 mg of lutein, and 1 mg of zeaxanthin per serving. DHA is a beneficial omega-3 fat that is found in fish. All of these chemicals will likely have a positive impact on eye health, and I have taken all of them for many years.
I have a few issues with this formula. For one, the source of DHA in this formula is algal oil, which means it is plant based. It sounds good, but it also means it’s more expensive than DHA derived from fish. Since the softgel is made of gelatin (animal based) I’m not sure of the point of using algal DHA. Also, the lutein and zeaxanthin amounts are kind of low. I suggest at least 10-20 mg of lutein. However, for a child this might be enough.
Despite my criticisms, this formula likely will help your kid’s eye health. My 8 year old daughter won’t swallow pills yet so I just ended up taking them.
Leo –
Very satisfied with
Jamie –
My daughter is 4 and I put this her juice, although we are not vegan, a nutrient-rich vegan or vegetarian diet has considerable health benefits. Research has shown lower rates of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, certain cancers, and obesity among those following a plant-based diet, however, I can see how hard it would be for vegans to get access to the health benefits seafood provides. Apparently this dietary supplement is vegan friendly.
Vegan DHA supplements are derived from algae instead of fish or krill. While research on algal oil supplementation is limited, studies so far have suggested that its bio-availability and health benefits are comparable to that of fish or krill-based DHA sources. Furthermore, it’s a completely natural and original source of DHA; these fatty acids are found in such high quantities in fish because they consume the algae or eat other fish that consumed algae. In addition, there are environmental benefits to choosing algal oil; over fishing negatively affects ocean food chains, increases global food insecurity, and destroys coral reefs. So basically, algae-based DHA supplements are a much more sustainable choice than fish-based supplements whether you are vegan or not, it is simply a smarter choice.
DHA is an omega-3 fatty acid. It’s found in the meat of cold-water fish, including mackerel, herring, tuna, halibut, salmon, cod liver, whale blubber, and seal blubber. It can also be made by algae, as I mentioned earlier. DHA in older adults helps prevent heart disease and high cholesterol. For our younger ones, it can be used for boosting memory and thinking skills, and child development, for certain eye disorders, and many other conditions.
DHA plays a key role in the development of eye and nerve tissues. DHA may also reduce the risk of heart and circulatory disease by decreasing the thickness of the blood and lowering blood levels of triglycerides*. (*source Webmd)
All in all, this supplement is a very good choice, budget friendly, came well packaged and well before any expiration date. My 4 year old daughter never knew she was getting a supplement in her juice, so it is easy to hide until she is old enough to swallow a soft gel capsule.
Artie –
Before selecting this product from my Vine offerings, I decided to do some research on its properties, safety, and proven benefits. My hesitation was due to the fact that its marketed just as something that will protect children’s eyes from damage caused by the blue light spectrum present in flat screen TV’s, tablets, cellular phones, and so on.
Given how ubiquitous these items are and how many thousands of hours my grandkids will spend using them in their lifetimes, I have been adamant in the use of blue-light screening glasses for a long time now. But there is no way to actually measure whether this product is working. I can’t come back and write “their eyes are so much better now” because I have no way of knowing.
But, although this is an eye-centered supplement (which includes lutein and zeaxanthin) DHA in and of itself has tons of other benefits. Some of the ones I found particularly interesting (and relevant to me) are:
• It may improve ADHD
• It helps fight inflammation
• It supports muscle recovery after exercise
• Other eye-benefits such as diminishing discomfort for contact lens wearers, helping with dry eyes, and decreasing the risk of glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy.
It’s also associated with decreased risk of Alzheimer’s, with improved mood in depressed patients, and with several heart-healthy benefits. And these are the medical-research-backed assertions—the internet is full of anecdotal benefits that haven’t been proven. At even twice the dose of DHA in this product, there are no downsides or serious interactions. Very high doses (3,000 mg and so on) would thin the blood and interfere with coumadin and similar products but, at 250 mg we’re in safe territory. Note: these are average-sized capsules, not chewable pills or gummies.
So, with absolute peace of mind, I went ahead and ordered it and both my grandchildren are taking it (in addition to using their blue-light blocking glasses).
Steve –
Too big for my kids
Hard to take