Life Extension Tri Sugar Shield – Promova um Metabolismo Saudável da Glicose
O Life Extension Tri Sugar Shield é um suplemento inovador projetado para promover um metabolismo saudável da glicose, essencial para o bem-estar geral. Com uma fórmula que combina farelo de sorgo, amora branca e extrato de maçã com floridzina, este produto se destaca por sua capacidade de ajudar a regular os níveis de açúcar no sangue. Cada frasco contém 60 cápsulas, todas livres de glúten, não-OGM e adequadas para vegetarianos, garantindo que você possa cuidar da sua saúde sem compromissos.
SUPORTE O METABOLISMO SAUDÁVEL DA GLICOSE – Desenvolvemos o Tri Sugar Shield para ajudar a promover um metabolismo saudável da glicose.
TRÊS EXTRATOS DE PLANTAS – Três extratos de plantas trabalham juntos para promover um metabolismo da glicose já saudável: compostos no extrato de farelo de sorgo ajudam a equilibrar a produção de açúcar no fígado, e o extrato de folha de amora suporta a enzima alfa-glicosidase.
TOME O TRI SUGAR SHIELD ANTES DE COMER – Para obter o máximo benefício para a saúde, tome o Tri Sugar Shield logo antes de consumir alimentos ricos em carboidratos ou açúcar. Adicione o Tri Sugar Shield à sua rotina nutricional saudável hoje mesmo.
OS INGREDIENTES IMPORTAM – Utilizamos apenas os melhores ingredientes crus, com a pureza e potência que você merece. A maioria dos nossos produtos é livre de transgênicos, sem glúten e fabricada nos EUA – e um Certificado de Análise está disponível para cada um.
VIVA A SUA VIDA MAIS SAUDÁVEL – Acreditamos que as respostas para uma vida mais saudável estão ao nosso alcance, e que a pesquisa científica é a chave para nos levar até lá. É por isso que muitas de nossas fórmulas apresentam ingredientes específicos e quantidades baseadas em estudos científicos.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Promove um metabolismo saudável da glicose
- Contém três extratos de plantas que trabalham em conjunto
- Deve ser tomado antes de consumir alimentos ricos em carboidratos ou açúcar
- Utiliza apenas ingredientes de alta qualidade e pureza
- Baseado em pesquisas científicas para garantir eficácia
– Tome 1 cápsula de Tri Sugar Shield antes de cada refeição que contenha carboidratos ou açúcar. Não exceda a dose recomendada. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de usar este produto, especialmente se estiver grávida, amamentando, tomando medicamentos ou tiver algum problema de saúde pré-existente. Tri Sugar Shield é o suplemento ideal para promover um metabolismo saudável da glicose. Com seus três extratos de plantas cuidadosamente selecionados, este produto ajuda a equilibrar a produção de açúcar no fígado e suporta a enzima responsável pela quebra dos carboidratos. Ao tomar o Tri Sugar Shield antes de consumir alimentos ricos em carboidratos ou açúcar, você estará dando um impulso ao seu metabolismo da glicose e promovendo uma saúde melhor. A Vitaminer Shop se preocupa com a qualidade dos ingredientes que oferece aos seus clientes, por isso este produto é livre de transgênicos, sem glúten e fabricado nos EUA. Acreditamos que a pesquisa científica é fundamental para desenvolver fórmulas eficazes, e é por isso que o Tri Sugar Shield é baseado em estudos científicos. Adquira hoje mesmo o Tri Sugar Shield e comece a viver uma vida mais saudável!
– Promove um metabolismo saudável da glicose, essencial para o controle do açúcar no sangue.
– Combinação de três extratos de plantas que atuam sinergicamente para otimizar a função metabólica.
– Eficácia aumentada ao ser tomado antes de refeições ricas em carboidratos ou açúcar.
– Ingredientes de alta qualidade, garantindo pureza e segurança no consumo.
– Formulação baseada em pesquisas científicas, assegurando resultados comprovados.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar 1 cápsula de Tri Sugar Shield cerca de 30 minutos antes de cada refeição que contenha carboidratos ou açúcar. É importante não exceder a dose recomendada e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar o uso, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando, tomando medicamentos ou tiver condições de saúde preexistentes.
Masterdel –
Look on line under Maqui Berry capsules. You can find 120mg caps vs their 60 mg caps and 60 capsules vs their 30 caps on line for as low as 9.99
Sammi Vuong –
I have chronic dry eye, and am an avid user of eyedrops. During a recent visit to the optometrist, I was told those eye drops tend to also continue drying your eyes out (along with my energy drink habit and the fact I work staring at screens). The doctor recommended this brand of supplements and I immediately ordered a bottle. As far as I can tell, it’s working! I stopped it for a month and my eyes definitely started drying out again. Might be a little pricey as far as supplements go but I will continue to use these.
Deliusfan –
I had some painful eyes for some time, but after trying different things (and getting a diagnosis of dry eyes, particularly in my right eye, I decided to try this. I now frequently forget about using eye drops or the eye heating mask, etc, because my eyes don’t hurt nearly as often. It’s definitely worth a shot, and it’s always returnable if it doesn’t work for you. Best part: my doctor confirmed my eyes are less dry after using this for one month and cleared me for a year before I need to come back.
Mildred L. –
I take it along with Glycemic Guard and they have worked wonders. My A1C went down to 5.4 (it was over 6 – can’t recall the exact #). Try it and check if it works for you. I have always been over sensitive to meds and even natural supplements and this brand is working for me. I am 60 and low on Vitamin D, so I’m also taking Vitamin D with K.
I think you’ll love it. Prices are reasonable.
Tommy Thompson –
I take it every day without the harmful side effects of prescription medicines.
Me gusta mucho xq es natural
FinallyFree –
I keep this in stock! Please don’t stop selling this, Life Extensions!!! I use this product for low carb/keto dieting. I also intermittent fast (IF) most days, eating only in an eating window. I’m not diabetic but I think most people should mainly eat as they are since glucose and too much insulin wreaks havoc on everyone’s long term health, even being a non-diabetic.
When I first decided to try supplementing to help with carbs, I started with only taking the 3-in-1 Carb Blocker by Irwin Naturals to help reduce the carb load. I’m pretty strict, but on some special occasions, I like a real burger and fries. The 3-in-1 was okay by itself, but I’d barely be just in ketosis (.5 to .7).
I decided to add this Tri Sugar Shield at my sister’s recommendation. OMG, it kicked my ketones up with no other changes, actually I exercised even less when I first started because a particularly busy week. I was 1.0 average in ketones. I was losing weight, as I had been in a plateau for over a month, wavering back and forth within 2-3 lbs, but never breaking through that range. I started losing EVERDAY because I was taking the combo of the 3 in 1 AND Tri Sugar Shield anytime I had any carbs (yes, even low carb-friendly foods).
But the trick for me to get insane loss was adding a couple more things that I’ll share. I KNOW this stuff works because I actually freaked out that I was losing weight so efficiently that I stopped taking these routine supplements for a day…gained 1.5 lbs! Got back in routine and the next day lost 1.3 lbs. and keep losing! IT WORKS. Since starting my routine WITH Tri Sugar Shield, I’ve been losing anywhere from 2oz to 2lbs, YES, up to TWO POUNDS, A DAY with this routine (my sister lost almost 3 lbs overnight one day doing this):
* Warm water or tea with fresh lemon squeezed into it (liquid over 117 degrees will kill lemon enzymes. You don’t want that to happen. The enzymes are good.) (I still lose weight without it, but I lose more with it and it also seems to lower my glucose from 80s to 70s, even 90s to 70s sometimes)(myriad of health benefits.)
* Tri Sugar Shield by Life Extension immediately before meals with more than a few carbs (even salads)
* 3 in 1 Carb Blocker by Irwin Naturals immediately before meals with more than a few carbs (even salads)
* Berberine supplement (500 mg) 30 minutes before eating largest meals (lowers glucose to reduce spikes when you eat. Nondiabetics, it’s not healthy for our insulin to keep revving up. The less insulin our body needs, the healthier we can be)
* Apple Cider Vinegar w/Mother (ACV) 1-2 tbsp diluted to taste immediately before any meals, whether zero carbs or 100s. (ACV has a ton of benefits but also helps prevent the absorption of some carbs as well.)
Like I said, I’ve been dumping weight with this combo. When I stopped, I gained. When I started back, weight started dumping away. BTW this is NOT rapid weight loss due to being new to keto. I’m fully keto-adapted and have been doing keto off and on for over 10 years. So this is real, stomach flattening, thigh-thinning weight loss for me.
Once I get a little closer to my weight loss goal, I will obviously have to increase my calories to slow down weight loss, or I will have to stop taking the carb blockers, because if you want the weight loss to stick, you don’t want to keep losing it so quickly.
Marc O’Donnell –
I think this product works.
My story….My eyes were so dry that upon waking, I could not open my eyes. My lids were like…suction cupped to my eyeballs or something. I’d have to stumble to the sink, continually splash my eyes with water, and gently get them open. Sometimes, during the day, my eyes felt like I had sand paper on them. They felt so painful. My regular eye doctor was concerned I had Sjogren’s. I started changing my diet to Dr. Weil’s anti-inflammatory diet (helped some). I stopped watching TV so much (cause you blink less when you watch tv or stare at your phone and it dries your eyes out). I tried a humidifier (didn’t do anything). I tried using a hot compress daily (no improvement). I drank less caffeine, sometimes none at all, and made sure I was super hydrated (helped). Started taking different vitamins. Ate more Omega 3 fats (helped). It got better but not great. After months of my experimenting, the specialist said I did not have Sjogren’s disease but that my eyes were very very dry. I live in the desert so most people have dry eye but mine are worse than most, he said.
I did not want to use Restasis. Finally, I felt good enough to use eye drops ON SOME DAYS only three times during the day (I only use eye drops when I’m pretty uncomfortable), other days maybe five or six times a day.
I finally read about Tear Support wtih Maqui Bright. I ordered it with Life Extensions Ocular Support with Astaxanthan and starting using them right away.
My eyes are better. After one week, I thought I noticed a difference. Finally, after that first week, I have used eye drops once during the day. I was impressed. I didn’t expect it to work. I still wake up uncomfortable but my days are really good. I don’t think about my eyes during the day. I don’t notice any discomfort. Only when I JUST wake up are they a bit dry and I need some drops. I am so excited and relieved.
So…..I’m not sure which product is actually working since I stated taking them together but….I’ll keep it going. Next experiment is to see if I have a food allergy that is causing this chronic inflammation in my body in general, not just my eyes.