Descrição do Produto: Life Extension Gastro-Ease
O Life Extension Gastro-Ease é um suplemento inovador projetado para promover a saúde digestiva e o bem-estar gástrico. Com uma fórmula avançada que combina zinco L-carnosina e o probiótico patenteado Pylopass, este produto é ideal para aqueles que desejam desfrutar de suas refeições sem se preocupar com o desconforto pós-refeição. O zinco é conhecido por suas propriedades benéficas para o estômago, e quando combinado com a carnosina, os benefícios para a saúde digestiva se tornam ainda mais evidentes. Estudos demonstram que essa combinação pode inibir fatores associados ao desconforto gástrico em apenas 8 semanas.
O Pylopass, uma cepa patenteada de L. reuteri, atua promovendo uma flora estomacal saudável ao se ligar seletivamente a uma bactéria específica que pode afetar a camada de muco protetora do estômago. Isso ajuda a manter a integridade da mucosa gástrica, proporcionando um ambiente mais saudável para a digestão. Além disso, o Gastro-Ease é formulado com ingredientes de alta qualidade, sendo a maioria não transgênica e livre de glúten, garantindo a pureza e a potência que seu corpo merece.
Com mais de 40 anos de experiência, a Life Extension desenvolve fórmulas eficazes baseadas nas mais recentes descobertas científicas. Acreditamos que as respostas para uma vida mais saudável estão ao nosso alcance, e a pesquisa científica rigorosa é o caminho para alcançá-las. Nossas formulações são criadas utilizando os ingredientes e dosagens que foram utilizados nos estudos que as inspiraram, assegurando máxima biodisponibilidade e eficácia.
– Conforto Digestivo: Ajuda a evitar desconfortos após as refeições, permitindo que você aproveite cada momento à mesa.
– Saúde Gástrica Aprimorada: A combinação de zinco e carnosina promove a saúde do estômago, reduzindo a incidência de desconfortos gástricos.
– Flora Intestinal Equilibrada: O Pylopass contribui para a manutenção de uma flora intestinal saudável, essencial para a digestão adequada.
– Ingredientes de Alta Qualidade: Formulado com ingredientes não transgênicos e livres de glúten, garantindo segurança e eficácia.
– Baseado em Pesquisa Científica: Desenvolvido com rigor científico, assegurando que cada dose ofereça os benefícios prometidos.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas vegetais de Life Extension Gastro-Ease diariamente, preferencialmente com as refeições. É importante armazenar o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta, para preservar sua integridade. Certifique-se de estar disponível durante a entrega, pois a exposição ao calor ou à luz pode comprometer a qualidade do produto.
I have reflux at bedtime every night and have relied on Pepsid Complete. Many over the counter products for acid reflux are detrimental if used long term as they can cause nutritional deficiencies and kidney stones and worse etc so i was looking for a safer alternative. So i tried Gastro-Ease and it worked. It really works. I wish it was a chewable like the Pepcid Complete as I hate swallowing another capsule but it is much safer so i will use it. I only use it at bedtime and it totally controls my reflux. By the way, I did have an endoscopy to ensure that I did not have esophageal cancer which commonly starts as chronic acid reflux. Also, be aware that this product has 16 mg zinc per dose (up to two doses per day) which is fine. But if you take other medicines which contain lots of zinc, try not to exceed 40mg of zinc daily unless you are under medical supervision. . I used to take zinc for colds but maybe i won’t need to anymore since i am taking this product.
Mike –
I guess it depends what people’s underlying condition is, but these worked for me. I am now back on gluten (after stopping to see if it was the cause of discomfort) and feel much better!
jay anne –
UPDATE. I changed from two stars to four bc gastro ease didn’t work for me too much zinc, but I am now taking TWO supplements from this company and I super sensitive. So Gastro Ease was a no go as I mention below. BUT started “Bone Restore elite with Super Potent K2” …starting on 2 pills a day working my way up to 4 a day and a week in and so far so good. So now two Life Extension supplements in my hand bag.. The other Magnesium L Theoronate been on many many year. AND I may try Liver Restore in a month or so… once I get used to Bone Restore. Fingers crossed. Overall SUPER SULPPLEMENT COMPANY so I’m changing this to four stars so that MORE will read about the other supplements from them in case they need them. Often when onen element needs suppot/supplement another organd does…. AS FOR GASSTRO EASE.. I have never ever done a review in 8 yrs of chronic Amz use. But I thought I would share my experience. I was VERY hopeful. Some indicated it was tough on their stomach; it made it worse. When I saw the product here first I actually took another Life Extension supplement for like 8 yrs so knowing the company set me at ease. But since I saw it hurt some stomachs more, I checked the ingredients .. Seriously, it has a high concentration of zinc. Zinc alone can cause stomach issues. So I read the reviews and questions on this site and did outside research on other sites & many stated the zinc in gastro ease, since it’s in a different ‘form’ didn’t bother them when other zinc products did. I really was hoping for relief & again I already use another supplement from this company for 8 yrs, daily. So I ordered it hoping I’d be an exception from the ‘tummy hurts’ reported. I got here because a medication irritated the lining of my stomach & hasn’t gotten better even though I discontinued the medicine. The lead stomach issues/symptoms I have were (and still are) fullness of abdomen (with even a few bites of food & I’m eating foods from a gastritis diet food plan) & EXTREME distension to the point I can pass for pregnant & my stomach is super flat normally. Also I have a gnawing, burning & constrictive pain in the stomach especially at the top right in between the rib cage. Nausea, too. It’s so uncomfortable & I’m super hungry but eating makes me sick. Been doing a gastritis diet (minimal quantity cuz that food irritates it too) & using antacid (liquid fast acting) but that’s not a cure; it helps ease pain until I find a cure, it helped for the first few days but now it isn’t as effective anymore SO I need to find another liquid antacid to use until I find a cure. I won’t take Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) . So.. I am looking for a homeopathic and I am not against prescription meds. I will not take Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) which is the mainstream medical solution to this, PPI’s literally shut down the stomach from producing HCL which we need. So I wanted this product to work. As the pkg read I took one pill after I ate something small .. and waited and then after about an hour burning started nausea worse than normal, distention and I was like ugh. So I waited hours for it to get a little better before trying to eat anything and then ate small. But then I took it before bed as directed 12 hrs later and woke with my stomach like a beach ball; lots of pain and could feel gass rumble in my stomach. The gas just rumbled and didn’t expel. I’ve had stomach issues and seen many gastroenterologists in many cities since I’ve moved so much so I know what I’m dealing with here. After two doses, as directed, of Gastro Ease I know it made my symptoms worse and probably set me back a week or two in healing. So it did not work for me. About 99 percent positive the high zinc concentration contributed to the profound side effects for me since they’re similar to the symptoms I am trying to cure. And if you research “zinc & stomach” it says In some (like me) zinc may cause nausea, vomiting, stomach bloating. But I do take zinc in a multivitamin but not the amount in gastro ease, that’s alot. There’s even a warning on the bottle if taken more than two weeks add copper 2mg because Zinc for that duration, in the quantity in Gastro Ease will likely deplete your copper stores. I understand full well the purpose of zinc in this product. Zinc is used in many instances (and Gastro Ease bottle explains this) because a lot of supplements and medications don’t penetrate the cell wall and zinc acts as a ‘carrier’ to break through and increases effectiveness … IF you can tolerate the level of zinc they think is needed to ‘carry’ it. So, I have a full bottle, I won’t take it again. And I’m bummed this didn’t work and caused more pain. I wanted it to work so very badly. Again, I like Life Extension the company and I’ve said I use another product for almost a decade. I am only writing to let people know what happened, not so they don’t get it, but just in case they too have a sensitive stomach that hasn’t tolerated zinc well in the past. Obviously reviews on here are a mixed bag with most indicating “it worked” and others stating “zinc bothered their stomachs in the past but not in gastro ease” & is why I got it. I believe tolerance to gastro ease as are most things, individual based because EveryBODY is different. Life Extension is a good company, sound products. A Lot of supplements are trial runs. I’m happy with the one from their company I’ve taken for eight years called Magnesium L Threonate. It’s amazing for magnesium supplementation.I hope that if you get gastro ease your body tolerates it and works for you because I know how hard it is to have this issue .. and if not I hope you don’t blame the company, there’s science in why the zinc is in there and it’s clearly helped alot of people if you read the reviews. And if it doesn’t help I hope you (and me) find something that works. Best wishes to all that feel a lot better soon:)
Safaa Arendse –
Got rid of my bloating within one week and I feel great. Tried many products but none worked as well as this.
Kinkin –
Letter typed to my doctor from me.
I have a question about Helicobacter pylori Antigen, Stool resulted on 4/9/19 at 2:00 PM.
Wow it is a miracle H pylori is gone . I even made sure I took the sample very good I took from the last of stool not the first to come out. I took no medicine as we know. I was still taking
All listed below, but this is pretty much food so what to even need to stop but the oregeno and black seed oil.
Still taking:
Cranberry juice
Cranberry pills
Oil of oregeno
Black seed oil Cummins
Mastic gum ( pistachio tree resin)
Monolaurin ( from coconut)
Olive oil
Probitics P8
Probitic Acoduphilis
Zinc, 16.5 L reuteri Probitic x2 gastro ease
Iodine kelp
Probitic Nancy yogurt in A.M
Ginger powder
Garlic pills
Coconut water
Fish salmon oil pills
Vitamin E
Things I stopped before test:
Stopped cabbage juice after 30 days started that Feb 27th half head am on empty stomach with mastic gum then half head PM. Then last 14 days half head raw juice cabbage in the juicer at PM. In evening after dinner.
Last cabbage I drink was on March 30th
Stoped Broccoli sprout supplement 1 week ago
I did stop all sugar, limited carbohydrates, even am down to 154 in the mornings.
Drank baking soda off an on also but not constantly.
I can give EXACT amounts and times taken and amount if needed. To help anyone else.
I would like to retest in few weeks after I slow down on even more supplements to make sure it is really gone good. It was a very long time to treat but I feel 100% 30 days treating.
I am so happy about feeling better in my gut. I should have a PHD in what I learned about H pylori since the end of February of this year. Hours of reading.
Thank you for your care and allowing me to try this method of these natrual cures that do seem to help in Europe also. I will send a similar copy of this to the gastro Doctor too.