D-Ribose Powder da Life Extension é um suplemento energizante em pó que dissolve facilmente em líquidos para promover a produção de energia celular e apoiar a saúde do coração e dos músculos. Com sua fórmula de alta qualidade, este produto é livre de glúten, não transgênico e adequado para vegetarianos. Uma porção diária de D-Ribose Powder ajuda a aumentar os níveis de ATP (adenosina trifosfato), que é essencial para promover a energia celular em todo o corpo. Além disso, a suplementação com D-ribose pode melhorar a resistência durante o exercício e apoiar a recuperação muscular após o treino. Este pó energizante também pode beneficiar a saúde do coração e dos tecidos musculares devido ao seu papel no suporte energético. Na Vitaminer Shop, acreditamos que a qualidade dos ingredientes é fundamental, por isso utilizamos apenas matérias-primas de alta qualidade, a maioria delas não transgênicas, e nossos produtos são fabricados nos EUA. Além disso, fornecemos um Certificado de Análise para cada produto, garantindo sua pureza e qualidade. Nossa missão é ajudar você a viver uma vida mais saudável, e por isso baseamos nossas fórmulas em pesquisas científicas, utilizando ingredientes específicos e quantidades comprovadas pelos estudos.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Aumento da produção de energia celular – D-Ribose Powder ajuda a aumentar os níveis de ATP, promovendo a energia celular em todo o corpo.
2. Impulso de energia pós-treino – A suplementação com D-ribose apoia a resistência durante o exercício e promove a recuperação muscular após o treino.
3. Benefícios para a saúde do coração – Este pó energizante pode promover a saúde do coração devido ao seu papel no suporte energético.
4. Ingredientes de alta qualidade – Na Vitaminer Shop, utilizamos apenas os melhores ingredientes, garantindo a qualidade e pureza do produto.
5. Baseado em pesquisas científicas – Nossas fórmulas são desenvolvidas com base em estudos científicos, utilizando ingredientes e quantidades comprovadas.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomendamos tomar uma colher de medida rasa de D-Ribose Powder uma ou duas vezes ao dia, junto com alimentos, para apoiar os níveis de energia nos músculos em atividade. Dissolva o pó em líquidos de sua preferência e aproveite os benefícios energizantes deste suplemento. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação.
Lori Borromeo –
I like the product..
GuinsGuy –
Although I can’t evaluate this product scientifically as I’m not a chemist or nutritionist, from what I know about D-Ribose powders, this one seems to be very good quality. It’s certainly a very good value, particularly based on Life Extension’s reputation from what I’ve found. No issues with it so far. I use this product mixed into smoothies and it blends very well.
Windchimes –
I have a child with autism and have found various supplements that have helped significantly over the years to mitigate some of the unfavorable symptoms of my child’s ASD. This is one of those supplements that made a huge difference and is in the must-have category of filling in that nutritional gap. I decided to try this for my child after a study came out of the University of Arizona describing the benefits of D-Ribose and NADH for children with autism. D-ribose helped my child’s mood improve favorably and decrease anxiety. I did not try NADH for a few months as a general rule to not try multiple new things at once. This brand is very effective and great quality and I reorder this consistently. I give my 100lb child (who is a teenager, actually) 1/2 tsp per day. I started out with one whole scoop per day and that had the OPPOSITE effect of increasing anxiety and lowering frustration tolerance and I found a very happy therapeutic dose at 1/2 tsp per day so you may want to experiment with dosing amount to find the right fit for you. The bonus is that this is a sweet powder and easily disguised in drinks. It does clump a little but I use a shaker bottle and give it a few minutes to unclump.
2020 –
Cardiac stamina improved.
G.W.W. –
This is one of those supplements that I believe probably not everyone needs. Those of us that find an advantageous effect evaluate the product subjectively. Is it actually helping the heart? I can’t say for certain, but I do notice a positive effect using this product. Having endured 2 separate cardiac bypass operations over my life, I am ultra-sensitive to overall cardiac function. When taking this product I often (but not always) notice an enhanced feeling of well being and clarity of thinking, and that effect alone justifies its usage. Unfortunately, I cannot comment on any change or enhancement of cardiac function specifically except to say there are clearly no detrimental effects. I do notice the beneficial effect dissipates quickly once you stop taking it, as others have reported. Bottom line here is that this product clearly won’t hurt you and you may actually notice some good from its use as I have. So for what it’s worth, I will continue to use it and suggest others give it a try. Go through 2 bottles before passing judgment just because some days are better than others with or without taking this product (at least in my life they are). You should notice that the good days are actually better overall. If not, well then simply give it a pass and move on to something else.
H. T. Roberts –
I hope this review is helpful to others. I had a positive experience, but there are things that may have contributed, as well. One thing important to say right away – Life Extension products are excellent.
BACKGROUND INFO: Male, 40 yrs old. I do Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and weight training. I work in an engineering field. I need to be completely honest that I have not tried this product ALONE, but with a group of other products that make us what is called The Awesome Foursome, which consists of: Reacted Magnesium (1x/day); Carnitine(1x/day); CoQ10(1x/day); D-Ribose(2x/day). Also, be aware that I take other supplements: fish oil (3x/day), trans-resveratrol(1x/day), Vit D3 (5000 IU/day), Myomin (3x/day), and slow release DHEA (20mg, 1x/day).
DOSAGE: I take one scoop, twice a day (morning and late afternoon).
VERDICT: Since adding TAF to my supplement regime, I have seen a very noticeable improvement in my mental focus at work and performance in BJJ, as well as weight lifting. There’s no nervous caffeine jitters or restlessness, just simple alertness and focus. My cardio performance during intense BJJ sessions has also noticeably improved. I think this has a two part reason: mental focus allows for less wasted energy via better technique; true energy production improvement in the muscle cells.
I have also noticed that my mood is much, much better. Productivity at work is up, and I am more patient and positive, which has made for home-life to be much more enjoyable for all – I got pretty cranky at night due to all the physical demands of my hobbies :). My wife has noticed the old happy me coming back.
One bit of advice: For any supplement, I recommend trying it for at least two weeks before grading its performance. I typically try only one supplement at a time, but I tried all four of TAF together for a month, and I definitely noticed a difference. I may scale back one supplement at a time to see if anything changes, as it will be an expensive long-term commitment for all four, considering my already expensive supplement regime.
If you’re interested in taking all four of TAF, I don’t recommend doing what I did. Instead, add only one at a time, and see if you get an improvement. My total expense for TAF is about $70/month. Ouch!!!