O Life Extension CoffeeGenic Extrato de Café Verde é um suplemento inovador em cápsulas vegetarianas, formulado para oferecer uma série de benefícios à saúde. Com 50% de ácidos clorogênicos, este produto é livre de glúten e não contém organismos geneticamente modificados (OGM), garantindo uma opção saudável e segura para quem busca melhorar seu bem-estar. Os ácidos clorogênicos, polifenóis presentes nos grãos de café verde, são conhecidos por suas propriedades que ajudam a regular os níveis de glicose no sangue, além de oferecer suporte à saúde cardiovascular e auxiliar na perda de peso.
Os grãos de café verde, que são as sementes não torradas do café, são ricos em compostos benéficos que se perdem durante o processo de torrefação. O Life Extension CoffeeGenic Extrato de Café Verde é produzido a partir desses grãos, assegurando que você receba todos os nutrientes essenciais. A fórmula é padronizada para garantir a concentração ideal de ácido clorogênico, promovendo uma absorção eficaz e maximizando os benefícios para a saúde.
A qualidade dos ingredientes é um fator crucial para a eficácia de qualquer suplemento. O Life Extension CoffeeGenic Extrato de Café Verde é fabricado com matérias-primas de alta qualidade, assegurando pureza e potência. Produzido nos Estados Unidos, cada lote passa por rigorosos testes de qualidade, e um Certificado de Análise está disponível para garantir a transparência e a confiança no produto.
Viva uma vida mais saudável e ativa com o Life Extension CoffeeGenic Extrato de Café Verde. Com mais de 40 anos de experiência, a Vitaminer Shop se dedica a desenvolver fórmulas avançadas e eficazes, fundamentadas nas mais recentes descobertas científicas. Acreditamos que a chave para uma vida saudável está ao nosso alcance, e a pesquisa rigorosa é o caminho para alcançá-la.
- Suporte ideal aos níveis de glicose no sangue.
- Auxílio na perda de peso de forma natural.
- Propriedades antioxidantes que combatem os radicais livres.
- Melhora da saúde cardiovascular.
- Fórmula livre de glúten e não-OGM, ideal para dietas restritivas.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 cápsula vegetariana duas vezes ao dia, preferencialmente antes das refeições. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
Nikota D. –
This is my first review and I felt it was important to impart what I’ve learned about green coffee extract to anyone reading this. I received my order a week ahead of time. When I purchased lifeextension green coffee extract 400mg, it cost $22. Unfortunately, almost every company is price gouging on this hot product. It’s a five star product but I gave it 4 stars for their price bump. Sorry. Maybe some of the information I have will help in understanding the dosing. This product contains 100% 400mg of green coffee bean extract. There are binding agents but they are not fillers and are listed as “other ingredients”. Beware “proprietary blends” equaling 400mg. Do the reading if you have any doubts about any ingredients. Now, I don’t know if Dr Oz meant to imply that people should take two servings at 800mg each(4 capsules) or 800mg total per day(2 capsules) but, I watched the original presentation presented by the American Chemical Society. Joe Vinson, Ph.D. stated two different doses and a placebo where used over a period of 22 weeks. Here’s some of what the article said: “The study involved 16 overweight or obese people aged 22-26 years who took capsules of the extract or capsules containing a placebo, an inactive powder, for a total of 22 weeks. The subjects alternated between a low dose and a higher dose of the extract. The low dose consisted of 700 mg of the coffee extract, and the high dose was 1,050 mg. It was a so-called “cross-over” study in which people cycled through the two doses and the placebo, each for six weeks.” The article goes on to say “Participants lost an average of 17 pounds during the 22 weeks of the study. It included an average of a 10.5 percent decrease in overall body weight and a 16 percent decrease in body fat. Vinson noted that weight loss might have been significantly faster, except that participants received the placebo and the lower dose of green coffee extract for part of the study period.” If you watch the video he states the subjects took three capsules daily and explains the doses (700mg and 1050mg) are daily totals not per serving. Three equal dosages/capsules were taken prior to eating meals. Example: 1capsule 2times a day @ 350mg = 700mg (low dose) and 1capsule 3times a day @ 350mg = 1050mg (high dose). This is important information for anyone to have when deciding how to make your purchases. American Chemical Society website is […] Then type, “New evidence on effects of green coffee beans in weight loss” in the search field. Watch the 20 minute video. It’s very insightful. You’re welcome and good luck!
This was and is my only review. I received a positive comment that made me feel I should further explain my take regarding fillers, binders whatever you want to call them. I feel there are a lot of misconceptions about them. Here is my follow up comment:
……Finally, someone who isn’t brain washed about fillers/binding agents. Wikipedia has some very good info on the “other ingredients” so many people are freaking out about. For instance, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate, and silica are all “excipients”. An excipient is generally a pharmacologically inactive substance used as a carrier for the active ingredients of a medication. Types of excipients: “Microcrystalline cellulose”- microcrystalline cellulose binds. Binders hold the ingredients in a tablet together. Binders ensure that tablets and granules can be formed with required mechanical strength, and give volume to low active dose tablets. “Magnesium Stearate”-Magnesium Stearate is an anti-adherent. Anti-adherents are used to reduce the adhesion between the powder (granules) and the punch faces and thus prevent sticking to tablet punches. They are also used to help protect tablets from sticking. Most commonly used is magnesium stearate. Magnesium stearate mat also be used as filler and/or a lubricant. Fillers fill out the size of a tablet or capsule, making it practical to produce and convenient for the consumer to use. By increasing the bulk volume, the fillers make it possible for the final product to have the proper volume for patient handling. Lubricants prevent ingredients from clumping together and from sticking to the tablet punches or capsule filling machine. Lubricants also ensure that tablet formation and ejection can occur with low friction between the solid and die wall. And finally we have “Silica”-also a lubricant. Silica is silicon dioxide. Silica is most commonly found in nature as sand or quartz, as well as in the cell walls of diatoms (algae).
While looking at a lot of comments I see people bashing these “other ingredients” too. It’s a shame because none of these ingredients present any real dangers. The closest one would be the magnesium stearate and I can’t find any documented info saying it’s dangerous other than “critics say….” Nowhere in any article is this “critic” sited. For anyone out there reading this comment you should take the time to look up any information. Don’t get swayed by people’s opinions. Opinions are like a!@#$%^s. Everyone’s got one. Find articles that at least site a doctor/researcher. The info I used came right from Wikipedia only because it condensed a lot of what I had already read to sited articles and publications. Also remember, while Dr. Oz may not have a vested interest in any products he promotes, the people he brings on the show usually do. My understanding is that the guy standing next to Dr Oz presenting green coffee extract findings is also the owner of the brand shown and used to promote “pure” green coffee extract. The truth is out there people! And thanks again Miranda for your positive comment!
P.S. I really like Dr Oz and the opportunity he gives the rest of us to find natural alternatives to medication. And here’s a little insight into the next big thing/food in weight loss. Drum roll please…………..PURPLE POTATOES……watch the video of Dr Joe Vinson’s presentation!
j_and_goddess –
This product tends to work really well for some people and not at all for others. I have to say, this is the only brand that works. The problem is after a while it stops so you have to take breaks from it. I typically take it for a week or two and then take two weeks off because I have been taking it for a long time now, I have figured out that is what works for me. It helps to lower blood pressure for some people. The key to this product working is that you cannot take it when you have any milk protein in your stomach. Milk protein can be hidden in surprising products so you may not know you have consumed it, and it will bind with this product (or other medications and supplements) and cause it to not have the intended effect. For me, it curbs my appetite hugely allowing me to make good food choices. I love the non-jittery energy I get from it but I am not a regular caffeine user so that may be why I can feel it. I would take this every day of my life if the effects didn’t wear off and I needed to have a break from it. In any case it is well worth the gamble if you want to give it a try, just take it on an empty stomach without any milk protein (google milk protein, there a re a lot of different names for it like casein, etc.) I take 2 in the morning and sometimes 1 in the afternoon.
Lloyd Tackitt –
This is anectodal of course, but without doing anything different other than taking 3 of these capsules per day I have lost 21 pounds in three months.
I weighed myself before taking them. I did not weigh myself at intervals. Over the past three months I have noticed my clothes getting larger, but slowly, nothing like overnight.
After 3 months I weighed again, same scales, and have dropped 21 pounds. I still eat the same, not counting calories and not trying to diet. I have not been exercising (on the theory that exercise makes me hungry and I can eat more calories in one meal than I can exercise off in a week), haven’t done anything different except the capsules.
In my case, there has been no instant or dramatic effect. But there obviously has been a slow steady effect. Taking the pills doesn’t make me feel the least bit different in any way. I take one at night before dinner, and no problem sleeping.
Oddly though, and I don’t claim this is related as it may be pure coincidence – I have almost stopped drinking coffee. Where I used to drink it all day long (two to three pots per day) I now drink half a cup or so in the morning. I would be interested in hearing from anyone else that has been taking the pills and have lost their taste/desire for coffee. That too was a slow but steady process, declining over time. I only hang on to that morning cup because I love the ritual of it.
Update. Four weeks since the above review, lost 6 more pounds since for a total of 27 over four months.
Update March 22. Total weight loss to date is 52 pounds. Averaging 5.7 pounds lost per month over nine months. This works out to about $5.20 per lost pound. I call that a bargain.