Life Cykel Extrato de Cogumelo Lion’s Mane com Kakadu Plum
O extrato de cogumelo Lion’s Mane da Life Cykel com Kakadu Plum é um suplemento cerebral 100% orgânico que promove a memória, foco, clareza mental e sono REM. Feito com cogumelos de alta qualidade, este suplemento é um impulsionador cerebral nootrópico que pode melhorar o desempenho cognitivo.
Com o uso regular deste suplemento, você pode experimentar uma melhora significativa na sua capacidade de concentração e foco. Ele ajuda a afastar a névoa mental e permite que você se concentre nas tarefas com mais clareza e eficiência. Além disso, o extrato de Lion’s Mane também é conhecido por melhorar a memória, tornando-o ideal para estudantes, profissionais e qualquer pessoa que queira melhorar sua capacidade cognitiva.
Outro benefício importante deste produto é a melhoria do sono REM. O sono REM é essencial para a consolidação da memória e o funcionamento adequado do cérebro. Com o extrato de Lion’s Mane, você pode desfrutar de um sono mais profundo e reparador, o que resulta em uma mente mais alerta e focada durante o dia.
Este suplemento é feito com ingredientes naturais e orgânicos, sem adição de produtos químicos ou conservantes artificiais. A Life Cykel é uma marca conhecida por sua dedicação à qualidade e sustentabilidade, garantindo que você esteja consumindo apenas o melhor para o seu cérebro.
- Melhora a concentração: O extrato de cogumelo Lion’s Mane é conhecido por sua capacidade de melhorar a concentração e o foco. Com este suplemento, você pode se sentir mais alerta e produtivo durante o dia.
- Aumenta a memória: Se você está procurando uma maneira natural de melhorar sua memória, o extrato de Lion’s Mane é a escolha perfeita. Ele ajuda a fortalecer as conexões neurais e a melhorar a capacidade de retenção de informações.
- Promove um sono reparador: O sono REM é essencial para a saúde do cérebro e a consolidação da memória. Com este suplemento, você pode desfrutar de um sono mais profundo e reparador, o que resulta em uma mente mais afiada e focada durante o dia.
- Ingredientes orgânicos de alta qualidade: A Life Cykel é conhecida por sua dedicação à qualidade e sustentabilidade. Este suplemento é feito com 100% de cogumelos orgânicos, garantindo que você esteja consumindo apenas o melhor para o seu cérebro.
- Fácil de usar: Basta seguir as instruções de uso fornecidas e desfrutar dos benefícios deste suplemento. É conveniente e eficaz para incorporar em sua rotina diária.
Para obter os melhores resultados, tome duas cápsulas deste suplemento diariamente. Recomenda-se tomar as cápsulas com o estômago vazio, de preferência pela manhã. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação. A regularidade no uso é fundamental para maximizar os benefícios cognitivos e garantir um desempenho mental otimizado ao longo do dia.
Susan S. –
Really wanted to give this a shot, but even plugging your nose, the taste and after taste is just awful. Can’t stomach it.
K. Tabash –
This is my second bottle purchased. I just add a dropper to any beverage once a day, the taste is great. I really do think it has made a difference with my brain fog.
Cherie –
This is an excellent product! I use this in my coffee almost daily and it sets the tone for my work day.
K. Tabash –
I’ve tried this a few times now, it doesn’t help me at all. I can’t return the product for a refund and don’t even see how to contact the seller.
Cherie –
Sooo I JUST got this in mail yesterday.. I wanna add a small side note.. I don’t order a lot online.. I was anxiously awaiting the delivery of this product.. when I got a message from USPS my packaged was damaged unable to deliver.. it was a scam but almost got my account! Now onto the review…
Take this with grain of salt. Just got it yesterday. So obviously I tried it. Packaging wasn’t fancy but kept bottle from breaking.
The droplet piece that gives dosage will not exceed .5 ML of suction. Not sure why but I know two half’s make a whole so not a biggie.
I made the mistake of go big go home and did 1 ML drop in my mouth (or two .5 if you wanna be technical) taste isn’t desirable but it’s not god awful which is good knowing your suppose to mix it in a drink anyways!!
I am a MMP soo I consumed after taking this dosage. I didn’t feel a bit of stress. I was relaxed in my environment. Nothing unusual. There is no high. (I wasn’t looking for a high in this product) I know it was my first time yesterday after getting it but I felt restless last night for quite awhile. Which is my problem lately.
I’m hoping this helps with my dreams and my focus during the day. Coffee hasn’t been doing it anymore and energy drinks give me the shakes. Looking for happy medium. Will update after couple weeks
I have been taking this for almost 3 weeks now. I have increased my dosage to 2ml.
Words can’t describe how I feel honestly. I feel ALOT better. I’m not sure what it is but I feel less edgy during the day.. no so quick to have a bad attitude. Legitimately happier. I sleep so much better lately. I have noticed I rem my dreams when I wake up for the most part now. Call me silly but I just feel like I can breathe easier. I have put it directly in my mouth if I’m in a hurry than chase it with a shot of juice. Has an earthy taste but mixing it with anything mellows it out. I have enough energy to continue getting things done after my normal shift. I’ve been able to start and complete projects I’ve been putting off for 6 months or more. When I’m ready for bed I’m not wired or anything I just lay down and fall asleep. Hope this helps! Will definitely be purchasing more.
Stephanie C. Moore –
While I’ve not been using this supplement long enough to see any results, I would like to comment on things other reviewers have mentioned as problematic. First of all, if you put a full dropper of the liquid in a flavored drink, you won’t have a bad taste. Also, be sure to shake it very vigorously before using. Second, to get a full dropper up to the 1 ml mark, all you have to do is unscrew the cap, tilt the bottle at a 45 degree angle, very slightly pull the dropper out of the bottle, and then squeeze the dropper. It will fill all the way up. Hope that helps. I’ll update the review once I’ve taken it for a while.
Jillian Kay –
I’ve experienced a very distinct improvement in my sleep quality since I began using this product about a week ago. I had previously been struggling to stay asleep for more than three or four hours at a time, would frequently wake up, and then struggle to get back to sleep. When I take the dose of Lion’s Mane, I have no trouble staying asleep, and if I do wake up, I’m able to fall back asleep without any problems. My sleep tracking app shows a significant improvement in sleep quality – and time spent in REM. The product absolutely works. I’ve also experienced more vivid dreams, which I’m able to remember on a nightly basis now. Has made me a believer in the benefits of Lion’s Mane, and this brand specifically. Great product.
Cathy Maddux –
I have been taking this product to prevent Alzheimer’s because we have many cases in my family. I did notice a slight improvement in sleep quality as well. However, I wish the dropper would actually work! I am unable to get enough liquid to reach the 1.0 ml. I only reaches between .50 and .75 ml consistently. I purchased 2 bottles and have the same issue with both droppers. My cousin purchased a bottle as well and is facing a similar constraint. Very unfortunate and extremely frustrating.