As Patches Reutilizáveis para os Olhos da Lictin são a solução ideal para quem busca um tratamento eficaz e sustentável para a área dos olhos. Com um design inovador, esses patches de silicone oferecem um efeito lifting que ajuda a reduzir visivelmente rugas e linhas finas, proporcionando uma aparência mais jovem e descansada. Cada par vem acompanhado de um aplicador de creme para os olhos em metal, que não só facilita a aplicação, mas também potencializa a absorção dos produtos de cuidados com a pele.
Feitos de silicone de grau médico, os patches são hipoalergênicos, macios e flexíveis, garantindo conforto durante o uso. Sua estrutura respirável e a ausência de adesivos pegajosos tornam-nos adequados para todos os tipos de pele, permitindo que sejam utilizados com a maioria dos produtos de cuidados com a pele. Ao aplicar o creme ou sérum para os olhos, os patches ajudam a selar os ingredientes ativos, aumentando a hidratação e a eficácia do seu regime de beleza.
Além disso, o massageador de olhos de metal incluído no conjunto é uma adição valiosa, pois ajuda a aliviar o inchaço e a melhorar a circulação na área dos olhos, potencializando ainda mais os resultados. O estojo de lata que acompanha os patches proporciona uma forma prática e elegante de armazenamento, tornando-os ideais para levar em viagens ou para o dia a dia.
- Patches Reutilizáveis: Contribuem para a redução do desperdício e são uma opção econômica a longo prazo.
- Tratamento Eficaz: Proporcionam um efeito lifting que reduz rugas e linhas finas, melhorando a aparência da pele.
- Compatibilidade: Feitos de silicone hipoalergênico, são adequados para todos os tipos de pele e compatíveis com diversos produtos de cuidados.
- Massageador Inclusivo: O aplicador de metal não só facilita a aplicação, mas também ajuda a aliviar o inchaço e melhora a absorção dos produtos.
- Portabilidade: A caixa de lata permite um armazenamento prático, ideal para uso em casa ou em viagens.
1. Limpe e seque a área dos olhos antes de usar os patches.
2. Aplique uma quantidade adequada de creme ou sérum para os olhos na área desejada.
3. Coloque os patches reutilizáveis sobre o creme ou sérum, pressionando suavemente para garantir a fixação.
4. Utilize o massageador de olhos de metal para realizar uma massagem suave na área dos olhos, facilitando a absorção dos produtos aplicados.
5. Deixe os patches agirem por aproximadamente 15-20 minutos e, em seguida, remova-os com cuidado.
6. Após o uso, limpe os patches com água morna e sabão neutro, deixando-os secar antes de guardá-los na caixa de lata.
Aproveite os benefícios dos Patches Reutilizáveis para os Olhos da Lictin e transforme sua rotina de cuidados com a pele em uma experiência eficaz e sustentável!
Jane P –
These patches don’t do squat to reduce wrinkles and fine lines. Diddly squat. At best, and I mean *at best,* their use allows more of your eye cream to penetrate without some of the moisture evaporating first. There is no scientific evidence that this is the case. It’s only a theory. Note that all silicone patches despite the brand are incompatible with retinol skin care products.
Silicone patches can be utilized for other beauty uses like protecting the delicate eye area skin when receiving a lash lift, or a lash tint, or even to prevent fallout from a heavy or smoky eye makeup look smearing under your eyes during application. I do like how the patches are labeled L and R, and the storage case is very welcome.
The real star here is the metal eye cream applicator. Because you can easily sanitize the applicator with alcohol, using the applicator to apply your eye cream helps keep your cream fresh and uncontaminated. I’ve used an applicator to apply eye cream for years instead of sticking my fingers into the jar, and I like this applicator the best. It’s large enough to hold easily but still small enough to use in the small delicate under eye area. Because the applicator is metal, it stays cool even at room temperature. When you use it to apply your eye cream, it gives a cooling sensation that is pleasant.
Terry Lei –
I like the massager, it’s small and light to hold. More massage can promote blood circulation in my eyes.
AmberBzz –
I rarely bother with reviews, but these are cheap trash. Not flexible at all. The undereye area is not flat! Very thin and do not stick to skin. I threw them straight into the trash without bothering to return. Skip these.
L. Wilde –
Perfecto para que el contorno de ojos penetre mejor en la piel. La calidad es mitad buena.
Sophia –
This kit comes with an applicator for you to apply your own eye cream. You are then supposed to apply the silicon eye patches under your eyes for 15 to 30 minutes. This is supposed to give your eye cream a boost to reduce fine lines and wrinkles under your eyes.
I did not notice any major difference in the appearance of wrinkles or fine lines under my eyes after using these silicon eye pads. I believe that any benefit would be more of a function of the quality and ingredients used to make the eye cream you are using, and less to do with the silicone eye patches. The silicone eye patches are only supposed to aid in the absorption of the eye cream. Also, like anything, any noticeable benefit would take time and consistent use.
I think the packaging is very nice. I like the gold applicator that is included to apply your eye cream product. The applicator used to apply your eye cream reminds me of a golden spoon. It has an elegant look to it. The silicone eye patch is very thin. I expected the eye patch to be a little thicker than it is. You are supposed to wash it with soap and water after each use. Because it is so thin, I am not sure how this will hold up to frequent washings.
I don’t really have an issue with my face creams or eye creams absorbing into my skin. I am not sure if I believe the silicone eye patch did anything special or helped my eye cream absorb better or faster. I think how the eye cream absorbs depends mostly on the formulation/brand of the eye cream you are using.
Cliente Amazon –
Molto comodi. A differenza di altri provati in precedenza mantengono la posizione durante la posa senza scivolare sulle guance. Si lavano facilmente. Comoda anche la scatoletta per riporli.
Iris –
I am a big fan of various eye patches, wanted reusable silicone ones for serum application. These patches are really good! They are sticky and very thin (to not add gravity to your skin if you walk around), easy to clean and keep. In dry climate, serums and actives can evaporate faster than be absorbed by skin. So the idea is to help sealing it and create some occlusion effect to increase absorption of actives. I put toner, serum, eye cream and then these patches for 10-20 min. It is also good to put/spread 1-2 drops of water to patches right before application to add more hydration. After ~10 days, I found skin to be more smooth and moisturized, I even started to see clear effects of argeriline surum that previously was like nothing to me. Also, I found that standard application of patches directly under eyes can rapidly result in some unpleasant tension on the thin under-eye skin, so for me the best solution is to move patches further to the outer edge of eyes, where skin is supported by bones–so, here in the area of crow feet wrinkles these patches work like a charm. As with other eye patches, if you wear them too long, you may get edge effects, so I would not sleep with them or wear more than 20-30 min. Overall, I am really happy with these patches.
Benjamin Burrough –
These eye patches have been just great to have. They are super easy to clean when I’m done with them and do stick well. Much more comfortable if they are slightly wetted before applying (of course with serum only recently applied and still wet on the skin) vs dry. I’ve found they stick ok if put on dry but just aren’t as comfortable.
Amanda Cox –
These were the gel pads I was looking for, very easy to use.
Sophia –
These are a great idea to have on hand. Love that they are reusable. They come in a nice little metal case. The wand that comes with it is metal and stays very cool in temperature so it feels wonderful under the eyes. I apply my moisturizer and then apply these under my eyes and can walk around the house and do anything I need and they never budge.