Descrição do Produto: Yeast X – Suporte Orgânico para Fermento – 30 Porções em Frasco de Vidro de 2 oz
Descubra o poder da natureza com o Yeast X, um suplemento dietético líquido que combina a força de ervas orgânicas para oferecer suporte ao seu sistema de forma equilibrada e eficaz. Cada frasco de 2 oz contém 30 porções de uma fórmula cuidadosamente elaborada, que não apenas promove o bem-estar, mas também respeita o meio ambiente. Com ingredientes 100% orgânicos e veganos, o Yeast X é a escolha ideal para quem busca uma alternativa saudável e natural, livre de produtos químicos.
Este suplemento é facilmente absorvido pelo corpo, garantindo que você aproveite ao máximo os benefícios das ervas poderosas que compõem sua fórmula. O Yeast X é mais do que um simples suplemento; é um compromisso com a saúde e o bem-estar, tanto seu quanto do planeta. Além disso, uma parte de todas as nossas vendas é destinada a projetos de bondade, permitindo que você faça a diferença no mundo com cada compra. Ao escolher o Yeast X, você não apenas cuida de si mesmo, mas também ajuda a transformar vidas ao redor do globo.
– Equilíbrio Natural: Ajuda a manter o equilíbrio do seu sistema, promovendo uma saúde ideal.
– Ingredientes Orgânicos: Composição 100% orgânica e vegana, sem adição de químicos, ideal para dietas saudáveis.
– Fácil Absorção: A fórmula líquida é rapidamente absorvida pelo organismo, garantindo eficácia.
– Sustentabilidade: Embalagem em vidro, contribuindo para a redução de plástico e proteção ambiental.
– Impacto Social: Parte das vendas é revertida para projetos de bondade, permitindo que você ajude outras pessoas.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Yeast X, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma porção de 1 colher de sopa (aproximadamente 0,5 oz) uma vez ao dia. O suplemento pode ser consumido puro ou diluído em água ou suco, conforme sua preferência. Agite bem antes de usar para garantir a homogeneidade dos ingredientes. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer novo suplemento, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. Mantenha o frasco em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a qualidade do produto.
bechild –
I wouldnt normally write a review so quickly after receiving a supplement but I had the added advantage/disadvantage of having a minor yeast infection trying to start when this came in Monday. Today being Thursday I have used it twice a day so 8 doses.
THIS STUFF WORKS!!! I’m impressed and overjoyed. A few years ago I had used a lot of the oils in this formula in pill form and took them for sometime before noticing that they were serving their intended purpose. This works much faster and is way less expensive than buying all the capsules. Frankly a lot more pleasant than taking a literal handful of pills. At one point I was taking 20 plus pills a couple of times a day. Taking 20 to 30 drops a day in cranberry juice is far more pleasant, but I digress.
I noticed the effects after the second dose on the first day. The minor swelling that had started the day before had all but disappeared as well as the itching completely stopped.
By the end of the second day I was realising that I had apparently been suffering from brain fog because I was thinking much clearer and not searching for words.
By the end of the third day my skin is clearer, brighter, and smoother. All these things and a few other signs are always indicative to me that I am beating back the candida overgrowth. I don’t want to say that it will happen this fast for everyone else since I had already begun the regimen a week or two before that I had done previously before falling back into old habits. I did, however, stop all that the Wednesday I ordered this to give YeastX a far chance. So 5 days with no candida supplements before using YeastX.
Needless to say I will continue using YeastX and get my husband a bottle for his issue.
The taste is not overpowering but it is earthy almost like grass. 20 drops the flavor disappears in a 6oz cup of 100% cranberry juice. 30 drops in the same amount you can taste the grassy flavor, but is not horrible or gag inducing.
Anyone suffering from candida overgrowth should give this a try. Again it may not work as quickly for most since I already had my system primed for the treatment but give it time and it will work. Especially if you know your body and recognize the signs of change, you will be pleased. At this point I am grateful and pleased to have stumbled across this product.
Michael –
Seems to be helping, has a tolerable herbal tea taste, however I’m having to buy a new bottle because after taking it for almost a week, I just noticed that it says in fine print on the back “must stay refrigerated after opening”, so now that bottle is trash & I’ve been consuming probably a spoiled product. They should definitely put the “must stay refrigerated” warning on the front &/or in bolder lettering because I’m sure I’m not the only one that missed that one crucial detail.
Amazon Customer –
I started taking this two weeks after it arrived so I could consult my nutritionally focused doctor. She said it won’t hurt you. Go for it. I really like this product but if you use 3 droppers full twice a day as recommended on their website, it will disappear well before the month is over. I want to keep using it but don’t think I can do 2 bottles a month. That’s why it only got 4 stars.
BTW- It definitely helped with regularity which was not why I bought it.
Tara Mills –
I purchased this solely to try to get rid of a case of Tinea Versicolor that I have been fighting with for 2 years. I’m only a week in, and while I know I still have a long way to go, I have noticed significant improvements that I never realized were a problem to begin with. Since I was a child, I have been on antibiotics at least 1-2 times a year to treat ear infections. It was so common that I thought I had lost half of my hearing, in my left, ear due to it. After taking this for one week, my hearing in my left ear completely came back! I’m assuming I had a fungal infection in my ear for years, apparently.
Other things I noticed: During the first 3 days of dosing, I noticed that one hour after taking it, I would feel fluish. I read that this can be symptoms of the die-off effect. I would drink tons of water and take some Advil, and the symptoms would ease and then completely disappeared after 3 days.
It doesn’t taste unpleasant. It reminds me of burnt Cuban coffee…if you have ever been a regular drinker of that.
The Tinea Versicolor will take months to fully disappear. But I have noticed that I’m not itching like crazy all the time anymore either.
UPDATE: After two weeks of use, my case of Tinea Versicolor is almost completely gone! This stuff is amazing! I bought another bottle for my fiance to tackle his issues now.
M. Archer –
It works! Tastes a little like licorice which I don’t like, but it’s ok because it works and keeps yeast in check. You might get a Herxheimers reaction like I did when you first start this which is from yeast dying in large numbers releasing toxins in your system and increases your symptoms greatly, very unpleasant, but a sign it’s working. I’ve had to quit simple carbs completely, even still yeast can be a problem for me. I was on nystatin for a year trying to keep it in check with my dosage increased due to adaptation to it and then it stopped working altogether so I seeked a natural remedy. Byron White has a formula that works awesome on yeast called A-FNG, but it’s an herbal prescription (you can get it from naturopaths) but it’s pretty pricey. I was on it and it got rid of my yeast problem, but it came back after being off it awhile. I have very stubborn strains and am struggling to keep it under control. Been taking this product 3 months now and trying to get off it but symptoms start coming back after a few days of stopping it. I take grapefruit seed extract 2x day everyday too which is supposed to be very effective against yeast also, but where I’ve been on it a lot in the past couple years maybe it’s adapted to that too. Hard to say, but it’s not working to keep it under control by itself. I’ve been taking it in combination with this treatment which has kept my symptoms under control so far. Obviously it won’t work well if you continue to eat high carbs and feed the yeast, but if you watch your diet then this stuff will definitely help you in your yeast battle.