As toalhinhas grandes de probióticos para bebês delicados são um produto que oferece uma limpeza suave e eficaz para a pele sensível dos bebês. Elas contêm probióticos que ajudam a equilibrar a flora natural da pele, promovendo uma proteção natural contra irritações e assaduras. Além disso, essas toalhinhas são maiores do que as convencionais, proporcionando uma limpeza mais completa e prática. Os Lenços Umedecidos Grandes Probióticos para Bebês Delicados são a escolha perfeita para cuidar da pele sensível do seu bebê. Com uma fórmula livre de fragrâncias, esses lenços contêm 99% de água e peptídeos de Cocos Nucifera (coco) desenvolvidos em fermentação com Lactobacillus e água pura, que atuam como um escudo protetor para a pele do bebê. A fórmula nutritiva, hidratante e probiótica não prejudica a flora natural do bebê, ajudando a apoiar a barreira protetora natural e a função da pele.
Esses lenços são biodegradáveis e feitos à base de fibras vegetais VEOCEL. Com um tamanho grande de 7,1″x7,1″, eles proporcionam uma limpeza completa com apenas um lenço. Além disso, eles são seguros e suaves para a pele do bebê, não contendo álcool, cloro, dióxidos, corantes, parabenos, ftalatos, fenoxietanol ou fragrâncias. É importante ressaltar que esses lenços não devem ser descartados no vaso sanitário.
A HeroLife é uma marca comprometida em fornecer produtos de cuidados com a pele, corpo, cabelo e suplementos de bem-estar à base de plantas para uma população crescente de consumidores que buscam produtos naturais, premium e de alto desempenho para um estilo de vida mais saudável. Nosso compromisso não termina quando o produto chega à sua porta. Estamos totalmente dedicados à sua completa satisfação. Se você tiver alguma dúvida ou preocupação sobre o seu pedido, entre em contato conosco a qualquer momento. Estamos aqui para ajudar com todas as suas necessidades.
1. Proteção da pele do bebê: Os lenços contêm probióticos que atuam como um escudo protetor para a pele sensível do bebê, ajudando a manter sua saúde e bem-estar.
2. Fórmula nutritiva e hidratante: Com 99% de água e peptídeos de coco, esses lenços mantêm a pele do bebê hidratada e nutrida, evitando ressecamento e irritações.
3. Respeito ao meio ambiente: Esses lenços são biodegradáveis e feitos à base de fibras vegetais, contribuindo para a preservação do meio ambiente.
4. Segurança e suavidade: Livres de substâncias nocivas como álcool, cloro, corantes e fragrâncias, esses lenços são seguros e suaves para a pele delicada do bebê.
5. Marca confiável: A HeroLife é uma marca comprometida em fornecer produtos de alta qualidade e desempenho, garantindo a satisfação dos clientes.
Para usar os Lenços Umedecidos Grandes Probióticos para Bebês Delicados, retire um lenço da embalagem e passe suavemente sobre a pele do bebê, realizando a limpeza desejada. Após o uso, descarte o lenço no lixo, não no vaso sanitário. Esses lenços são ideais para uso diário e podem ser levados em passeios e viagens para garantir a higiene e o cuidado com a pele do seu bebê.
Bella –
I would feel bad using this on a baby. It kinda burns. Also, they are hard to get out of the packaging without pulling more than one.
ana perez –
My baby has issues with other wipes .. these work great .. will buy again !!!
Cat, Chris and Family –
We haven’t had the opportunity to use these on a diaper rash yet, but so far the probiotics baby wipes seem gentle and they work well at keeping baby clean. I am hoping that the probiotics in them help keep his skin free of rashes (caused by bad bacteria). Very happy to have found these.
Astrid –
We are a wipe family. I wish we weren’t because they really are terrible for the environment, but here we are. These wipes make me feel a little better because they are biodegradable and plant based. Our usual wipe, Kirkland Brand, is decidedly not either of those things.
These wipes come in those extremely aggravating packets that are neither useful or helpful to any parent or person who has ever used a wipe. I have no idea who came up with this packaging, but the first person who designs a better package will be a trillionaire.
These wipes are the same size as my Kirkland wipes (read: larger than a normal wipe) and therefore do not fit in most standard size wipe bins. When I have smaller packets like this, I usually just open them up and keep them in a reusable zip top container. The wipes do not easily pull one at a time and I found I either got ten wipes in a bundle or I had trouble getting one wipe. It was a feast or famine situation.
The wipes themselves are tough. I took one wipe and pulled and could not tear it apart. This is the test I use and this wipe passed. I also wiped down my bathroom counter using some Odoban cleaner and a wipe and I did not find a bunch of fuzz left behind (this is not normal for me, this was just a test – usually I use a washable bathroom cloth).
Also, if you are looking for a truly scent free wipe, these are not it. These have a sort of mild cucumber scent. It is not offensive and I have incredibly sensitive skin and was not bothered by it, but there IS a smell.
ana perez –
A little bit larger baby wipe that helps one to make sure you are covering the entire area you want cleaned on your baby. Safe and clean and should not cause you child any harm. In fact, will help by keeping them fresh and clean.
Of course, it’s no secret by now that baby wipes are good for the entire family. Especially for those times when getting to a sink might not be all that easy. I like to keep a pack in my beach bag. Great for cleaning up before and after a snack or just to wipe down a bit when I’m feeling all hot and clammy. Also good to keep with you while at work when you can’t always keep running to the restroom to wash your hands. I’m not quite OCD about handwashing, but I do like to keep them clean more than my normal bathroom runs might allow. Especially if you are doing a job that has you wanting to clean up a bit more than usual. Great to keep in the car too for those unexpected needs.
They smell fresh and barely have any scent at all. Honestly can’t speak to them containing probiotics. Sounds good and I’ve had them do wonders when in my foods and other skincare products, but I can’t really tell anything one way or the other as of yet regarding these. Seems fine so far.
Jamie Parker –
Do the work
Laura –
The thing I like most about these wipes, compared to the others I am used to purchasing in store, is the fact that these are not made with harsh chemicals. In fact, these actually contains probiotics, which are healthy for the baby.
The question is, do the probiotics these wipes contain actually help or benefit baby, only being used externally? I don’t know. I’m no doctor. I do have to say that I do have more of a peace of mind about these, compared to other wipes though.
As far as size and consistency of texture are concerned, I would say these are pretty comparable to most of the other brands I am used to using. They are a little larger but are not extremely noticeable.
These have a light scent to them but are not as strongly scented as most of the other ones I am used to using.
All in all, I think these are good. They are durable and hold up well. I haven’t had any issue of them ripping.
nvanputt –
I was very disappointed when I opened these. They are thin, not very moist, and feel rough on all the sensitive places one might use them. They are a decent size and don’t have a scent, so I think a good use for them would be to remove them from their packaging and place in a ziplock bag with diluted bleach water for a DIY disinfectant wipe.