Lenços Umedecidos Orgânicos para Bebês – Com Fibras 100% Vegetais, Aloe Vera Orgânica
Os Lenços Umedecidos Orgânicos para Bebês são a escolha ideal para os pais que buscam um produto natural e seguro para a pele delicada de seus pequenos. Com uma composição 100% vegetal, esses lenços são infundidos com Aloe Vera orgânica e água pura da Nova Zelândia, garantindo uma limpeza suave e eficaz. A fórmula livre de produtos químicos agressivos proporciona uma experiência de uso que não apenas limpa, mas também hidrata e acalma a pele sensível do bebê.
Esses lenços são projetados para serem práticos e versáteis, permitindo que os pais encerrem rapidamente as brincadeiras e bagunças do dia a dia. Não é necessário água ou embeber; basta retirar um lenço da embalagem e passar suavemente sobre a área desejada. Eles são ideais para todas as idades, desde recém-nascidos até adultos com pele sensível, pois são hipoalergênicos e livres de álcool, parabenos e sulfatos.
Os Lenços Umedecidos Orgânicos são perfeitos para uso diário, seja para limpar as mãos e o rosto do bebê ou durante a troca de fraldas. Com sua embalagem prática, você pode levá-los a qualquer lugar, garantindo que esteja sempre preparado para as necessidades de limpeza do seu pequeno, seja em casa ou em passeios.
1. Lenços umedecidos orgânicos feitos com fibras 100% vegetais e aloe vera orgânica.
2. Infundidos apenas com dois ingredientes simples: aloe vera orgânica e água da Nova Zelândia.
3. Hipoalergênicos, livres de álcool, não tóxicos, livres de parabenos e sulfatos.
4. Perfeitos para mães, bebês e qualquer pessoa com pele sensível.
5. Lenços versáteis para uso diário, seja para limpar as mãos, rosto ou trocar fraldas.
Esses lenços oferecem uma solução prática e segura para os desafios diários de limpeza, proporcionando conforto e proteção à pele do bebê. Com sua composição natural, eles ajudam a evitar irritações e alergias, tornando-se um item essencial na rotina de cuidados com o seu pequeno.
Para utilizar os Lenços Umedecidos Orgânicos, remova um lenço da embalagem e passe suavemente sobre a área desejada, como o rosto ou as mãos do bebê. Após o uso, descarte o lenço no lixo. É importante manter a embalagem bem fechada para evitar o ressecamento dos lenços e armazená-la em um local fresco e seco para garantir a eficácia do produto.
The Shepherds USA –
I cant deny, they are absolutely wonderful, cleaned nice and no harmful ingredients, so my baby’s skin really felt great. The opening for the wipes is sensitive so need to make sure really close it. I love this wipes, but thinking in all actuality can i afford buy them? No, i cant, we family on the budget and u price for us for just 64 wipes is way too high, and i do believe there is more affordable options for eco wipes on the market. I love them, just cant afford to buy the for 2 kids.
poeticsunshine –
I love these clean wipes. However I don’t love how difficult it is taking them out of the package. Rarely can I just pull one. Most of the times attempting to do that brings up at least three. These are too expensive for them not to be easier to just pull out a wipe at a time. They need to be packaged differently.
bhjm –
I used diaper cream and dry pads for the first six months then added these in to the mix
They’re nice to have and organic “ish”? Which was what I was looking for. I even like to use them on myself sometimes being that they feel very gentle and scent free. HOWEVER. The packaging needs to be redesigned as they dry out before we can get through a pack. The resealable sticky adhesive piece fails and be careful when opening the first time I have ripped a couple of packs too much and they dry out even quicker.
Amazon Customer –
good for planet and body.
PCNiles –
I was excited to finally find a wipe without a bunch of chemicals added to it. I use wipes for a quick clean of my CPAP equipment and for health/safety reasons, I do not want to use those with chemicals added. I finally received my package Organic Baby Wipes and was very disappointed to see that these were made back in August of 2022. That’s almost two years ago. The package contains a Best Buy Day of this coming June (2024).
That’s absolutely not right. I don’t know whether this is the fault of Amazon — having purchased so many that they just haven’t been selling them and thus refreshing the supply, or what. I have no idea. But I’m disappointed that the product I am using is farly OLD!
Maybe because they are old, they are not too moist. They are not completely dried out however I can see that I’ll likely want to add some of my own (distilled) water to the packaging to keep them moist as I continue to use them as quickly as possible.
The individual sheets are very difficult to pull out of the packaging. I often tug and tug and then wind up with three or four sheets that I then have to stuff back into the packaging.
Not pleased overall. Too bad. I liked the idea of these wipes only having a few ingredients (and the addition of soybean oil –which I didn’t note stated on the packaging — isn’t an issue for me even if it’s there; although I understand the concern of those with babies, etc.).
Christina G. Miller –
Strong wipe, no bad chemicals, great smell. My new go to!
Bridget –
Great wipes and the only ones I’ve found without any toxic ingredients.
Shannon Leigh –
Uodate- Way cheaper on the companies site!
I wish these were more affordable so these could be our new go to wipes for diaper changes. We use these for hands, and face during outings after she eats. And they’re great. Best part is NO SODIUM BENZOATE.
Soy allergies avoid this product.
Make your own solution. Boiled & cooled water or distilled water with a small dollop of organic coconut oil and 3 drops vitamin E. Mix and pour. I keep it in a amber glass bottle and spray my cloth wipes.