Descrição do Produto: Lenços Umedecidos Salinos Boogie para Bebês
Os Lenços Umedecidos Salinos Boogie são a solução ideal para pais que buscam praticidade e cuidado na higiene dos pequenos. Com uma fórmula inovadora, esses lenços são feitos com salina natural, proporcionando uma limpeza eficaz e suave, perfeita para eliminar secreções nasais, sujeira e germes. A textura macia e gentil dos lenços permite que sejam utilizados em diversas partes do corpo, como nariz, rosto, dedos e até mesmo nos pés, sempre que a limpeza for necessária.
Cada lenço é enriquecido com ingredientes naturais como Aloe Vera, Camomila e Vitamina E, que não apenas limpam, mas também hidratam e acalmam a pele delicada dos bebês. Com 0,9% de salina isotônica, a mesma concentração que ocorre naturalmente no corpo humano, os Lenços Umedecidos Boogie são hipoalergênicos e livres de álcool, parabenos e ftalatos, garantindo segurança e conforto para todas as idades.
A embalagem com tampa flip-top é prática e reusável, mantendo os lenços frescos e prontos para o uso diário ou em momentos de necessidade, como durante crises alérgicas ou sintomas de resfriado e gripe. Criados por mães para mães, esses lenços são recomendados por pediatras, tornando-se um item essencial na rotina de cuidados com os pequenos.
– Limpeza Eficaz: Remove sujeira, secreções e germes de forma rápida e prática.
– Hidratação e Conforto: Ingredientes como Aloe Vera e Camomila proporcionam suavidade e aliviam irritações.
– Segurança Garantida: Fórmula hipoalergênica, livre de substâncias nocivas, ideal para a pele sensível dos bebês.
– Praticidade no Dia a Dia: Embalagem resealável que mantém os lenços sempre prontos para uso.
– Recomendado por Especialistas: Produto desenvolvido por mães e aprovado por pediatras, assegurando qualidade e confiança.
Para utilizar os Lenços Umedecidos Salinos Boogie, abra a tampa flip-top e retire um lenço. Aplique suavemente sobre a área desejada, como o nariz ou o rosto, utilizando movimentos delicados para não irritar a pele. Após o uso, feche a tampa para manter a umidade dos lenços. Os lenços podem ser usados sempre que necessário, especialmente em situações de resfriados, alergias ou após refeições, garantindo que seu bebê esteja sempre limpo e confortável.
Amazon Customer –
The sizes are too big and rather wasteful, would prefer the product to be half the current size and double the amt. wont cost more except just cut the size in half. All we need is one to two swipes of the nose.
Kelly Edwards –
These are great for easy cleanup and are very soft on my son’s face. Love the price too!
CC –
Honestly I would have never purchased these myself but received these as part ofa baby shower gift. They seem like an over priced, ridiculous Kleenex new parents spend too much on because they think they need them.. and you know, maybe that’s not a lie.. BUT.. once you use them you will realize that they are still super cheap in the grand scheme of things and while you may not need them and can get by without them.. why would you? They are great! They pull the snot right out of your kids nose and are gentle on their skin which can get dry and gross under the nose. Now I buy them regularly whenever they are on sale and we use them when the kids are sick. 10/10 would recommend.
These are ideal for when the kiddo gets those big boogies and crusty ones. It really loosens them up and clears them out. They do what they say and they do it effectively.
RW –
When I was pregnant with my first baby, my friend who is a second time mom looked over my registry and informed me I should add Boogie Wipes to my list. I was like sure why not, I trust you. I definitely owe thanks to my friend because I placed my second order for Boogie Wipes when my daughter was less than 2 weeks old. They are so useful for EVERYTHING not just boogers for when she will get older but even now as a newborn we find ourselves constantly reaching for them, especially since she still has her umbilical cord stump and we can’t give her a full bath. These have been useful for cleaning her face after spitting up, washing her head after she threw up in her sleep and it got all over her, her tummy when milk dribbled down her clothes, her hands when she grabbed onto the glob of Aquaphor on her booty, etcetera etcetera. You get the point. They leave her nice and clean and don’t smell like anything so she still smells just like sweet little baby. Her skin doesn’t get dried out or irritated from them so I feel comfortable using them in lieu of a bath. They are packaged kind of like a little packet of wipes with a secure lid that keeps them from drying out so they’re perfect for throwing into a diaper bag. I definitely recommend Boogie Wipes for your babies!!
Grasieli Araujo –
great product and good price too
Courtney –
Unscented, not sticky, good quality wipes. No irritation
Sue –
I would recommend these wipes if your little ones have a cold/flu. My daughter usually screams when her nose is being cleaned or wiped.
Perfect for adults too.
kleonard1122 –
The best saline wipes for babies! Really helps with boogers and breaking up the congestion. Used all year long for infants and kids.
Holly W. –
My granddaughter’s love these and ask for them by name. Much more gentle than a regular tissue so I thought it would be nice to have a supply of them at Grammy’s house.