Lemi Shine Dish Detergent Booster: O Poder da Limpeza em Suas Mãos
Descubra a revolução na limpeza com o Lemi Shine Dish Detergent Booster, um removedor de manchas de água dura e limpador multiuso à base de ácido cítrico. Com 24 oz em cada embalagem e disponível em um prático pack de 2, este produto é a solução ideal para quem busca eficiência e praticidade na hora de lavar louças e utensílios de cozinha. O Lemi Shine não apenas remove as manchas mais difíceis, mas também proporciona um brilho radiante, deixando suas louças impecáveis e livres de resíduos.
Formulado com ingredientes naturais, o Lemi Shine é seguro para o meio ambiente e para sua família. O ácido cítrico atua como um poderoso agente de limpeza, quebrando a sujeira e as manchas de água dura que se acumulam ao longo do tempo. Ao usar este produto, você não só garante uma limpeza profunda, mas também prolonga a vida útil de seus utensílios, evitando o desgaste causado por produtos químicos agressivos.
Ideal para uso em máquinas de lavar louça, o Lemi Shine pode ser adicionado ao seu detergente habitual para potencializar a limpeza. Além disso, sua versatilidade permite que seja utilizado em diversas superfícies, tornando-o um aliado indispensável na sua rotina de limpeza. Experimente e sinta a diferença que um produto de qualidade pode fazer em sua casa.
- Remove eficazmente manchas de água dura, proporcionando louças brilhantes.
- Fórmula à base de ácido cítrico, segura para o meio ambiente e para a saúde.
- Multiuso: pode ser utilizado em diversas superfícies além da louça.
- Prolonga a vida útil dos utensílios, evitando danos causados por produtos agressivos.
- Fácil de usar, potencializa a eficácia do detergente comum.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Lemi Shine Dish Detergent Booster, adicione uma colher de sopa do produto ao seu detergente habitual na máquina de lavar louça. Para limpeza manual, misture uma colher de sopa em um litro de água morna e utilize a solução para lavar suas louças e utensílios. Para superfícies como pias e bancadas, aplique diretamente o produto, esfregue com uma esponja e enxágue bem. O uso regular do Lemi Shine garantirá uma limpeza profunda e um brilho duradouro em sua cozinha.
Heather –
I never write reviews but this I feel was warranted We live in an area with very hard water. No matter what dishwasher detergent we used our dishes had hard water film on them. We tried Lemi Shine and they are finally clear. Truly a God send.
Amazon Customer –
Can’t live without this stuff for our dishwasher! We have terribly hard water and was at the point of washing it out by hand every 3-4weeks due to everything slowly clogging dut to mineral build up. No products locally available and found this. Made our dishwasher like new again and works great! I wish I had a before and after photo! I use a bit with every load to prevent the build up and dishes come out nice and clear!
D. Crecelius –
I recently moved to an area with very hard water. Bought a nice new dishwasher and before I knew it, the insides were coated with mineral buildup. I found information about Lemi Shine and thought it might help. The first time you run the dishwasher empty with this product in the soap dispenser. OMG – I was amazed that it completely cleared all of the mineral buildup during that first use. Even the baskets slid in and out perfectly again. Thank you! Saved my dishwasher.
Kindness is Free –
The day I discovered this stuff, my life changed for the better! I wish I had known about it many years ago!
The heating element in my dishwasher was completely coated in thick, hard white sediment. I hadn’t even noticed it happening over time. Then my dishes started coming out of the dishwasher worse than they went in. Nobody would even use them any more. They were just gross.
I found this product on a Google search trying to figure out what to do with my dishwasher. While I was waiting for it to get to me, I repeatedly ran the dishwasher with cups of what vinegar in on the top shelf. By the end of that day, the white scale was starting to drop off my heating element in chunks. It was hard as a rock and there was still a long way to go.
Once this Lemi Shine arrived, I started running it through empty loads to finish getting all the hardened minerals out. It was a process, but it worked! Even the entire inside of my dishwasher was clean! It had been a yellowish brown for many years.
So, for the past couple years my dishes have come out of my dishwasher soft, clear, and perfect! My system is this – I keep the Jet Dry always full, I add Lemi Shine Booster to one of the main detergent compartments, and best of all ….. I use any old cheap dishwasher tablets. Even dollar store ones. You don’t need the fancy expensive ones ever again!
As long as your Jet Dry is full, and you use this Lemi Shine, just a simple bit of detergent, literally any brand at all, will work beautifully. It just needs to have powder in it, not all the fancy colored liquids that you pay for! Give it a shot and you will never be sorry! This has saved me so much money and my dishes are always PERFECT!
F.M. –
Eliminates or greatly limits hard water spots or cloudiness/glaze on dishes. I use it in addition to detergent every time I run the dishwasher.
The12vGuy –
We have incredibly hard water in my area. Almost pointless to own a dishwasher, because nothing comes out clean. Spots, food residue, and an obligation to rewash everything by hand.
This product truly is a life saver. No more spots, no more residue, it completely obliterates every speck on my dishes. As an additive it has been worth its weight in gold. I have tried others but the way this one works, there was no point.
Christine Finnerty –
I have very hard water and it was doing a number on my dishes. Primarily, I use the dishwasher (rather than hand wash) and my china always felt like it needed an extra rinse – like a roughness to it. Same with the glassware. The very first time I used Lemishine, the results were unbelievable. Perfectly clean, sparkling dishes. No more rough spots or residue. The same is true for my pots and pans. They were becoming dull and the hard water deposits were accumulating. My colander looked filthy. One run with the Lemishine – good as new! It really is astounding.
My dishwasher only has one compartment for soap, so I just sprinkle a bit in the basin each time I run it. Probably two tablespoons or so. Works like a charm! Buy it!
Shipittome –
Lemi Shine
This product is the absolute bomb! It works, really works, on all hard water buildup, stains, anything that gets hit with hard water, period! I live in a place where the water is not just hard, it’s positively diamond like.
Example: I’ve tried absolutely everything on my older toilet, from pumice stone, vinegar/baking soda, CLR, tons and tons of other cleaners (violating my own personal- organic- good for the environment- ONLY policy; for shame, for shame!), just to get this stupid toilet clean. Absolutely nothing has worked on this impenetrable, cement like ancient buildup up and stains, not even a butter knife (snapped in half- and I broke a nail, errrrr), would pry the stuff off- I was considering using a jack hammer or similar tool at this point, maybe even a sledge hammer!
Frustrated, sweaty, and ready to replace this toilet, like I did with the upstairs toilet- which was in much worse shape, it occurred to me that if the Lemi Shine Dish Detergent Booster I use in a newer dishwasher (does a fabulous job), and older washing machine (you should see the crap that comes out of the pipes), why wouldn’t it work in the toilet? I dumped about a cup in, took a shower and went to bed.
Next morning, flushed the toilet, and watched in shock as it all just went down the drain! Seriously, it was all gone! This house was built in 1963, the toilet may be as old as that, I inherited all the typical problems associated with older homes when I bought it, including the disgusting toilets and countless plumbing issues. I had been working on the hard water build up for over a year, yes a year, I’m slightly stubborn that way, but now, OMG, it sparkles, really sparkles! It looks almost band new! As my grandma would say “well bless my bees”! Then I did a little happy dance, while yelling “I did it, I did it, I got the friggin toilet clean”, effectively waking up the entire house, maybe the whole neighbor hood, that’s how happy I was!
Next is the tub area (Lemi Shine Calcium & Rust Remover spray). I am reluctant to use it on anything made of minerals, including tiles, granite/marble counters/surfaces, natural & ceramic flooring, etc., because it does work so good, regardless of the finish (it might eat the finish away?), for now I’ll use it on what I consider to be “safe” materials only, and only when there is a buildup happening- like soaking the shower heads, faucets, water jets, bath/hot tubs, glass, mirrors, even my stainless steel appliances like it, etc.!
My advice: don’t replace your old toilet unless you try this first, it’s worth every penny, but be sure to take off your jewelry, and/or wear thick, reusable, rubber gloves!
Thanks Lemi Shine, if your CEO shows up at my house I’ll gladly let him use the privy, lol 😉
Lauraine Schooley –
We were blaming the (very) old dishwasher in the house that we purchased for the streaks and cloudiness on our dishes. But when we replaced the dishwasher, we found we had the same issue and discovered that the water is really hard here. The reviews on this product were impressive although I did hesitate due to the price, but I’m very happy that I took the plunge and tried it. With the very first use, the glasses are now shiny and clear and the cutlery is starting to come back to its normal shine.
I have an older dishwasher and no matter which detergent I used, my dishes were cloudy and my silverware would have rust stains. I have very hard water and thought this was the problem. This stuff has changed the dishwasher game! My dishes, glass and silverware are spotless! No cloudiness or rust.