Leilo Kava Relaxation – Bebida Relaxante Natural para Alívio do Estresse
Leilo Kava Relaxation é uma bebida natural especialmente formulada para proporcionar alívio do estresse e promover um estado de relaxamento profundo. Feita a partir da raiz de Kava, uma planta tradicional do Pacífico Sul, esta bebida é rica em kavalactonas, compostos que atuam no sistema nervoso central, ajudando a reduzir a ansiedade e a tensão. Com um sabor suave e agradável, Leilo Kava é ideal para ser consumida em momentos de descontração, seja após um dia estressante de trabalho ou durante um encontro com amigos. Sua formulação é livre de aditivos artificiais, garantindo uma experiência pura e saudável. Além disso, a bebida é fácil de preparar, permitindo que você desfrute de seus benefícios a qualquer hora do dia.
1. Redução do Estresse: Ajuda a aliviar a tensão e a ansiedade, promovendo um estado de calma.
2. Relaxamento Muscular: Contribui para a descompressão dos músculos, ideal após atividades físicas intensas.
3. Melhora do Sono: Facilita a indução ao sono, tornando-se uma excelente opção para quem sofre de insônia.
4. Aumento da Concentração: Proporciona um estado mental relaxado, que pode melhorar a produtividade e a clareza mental.
5. Natural e Sem Aditivos: Composição 100% natural, sem conservantes ou ingredientes artificiais, garantindo uma escolha saudável.
Para preparar sua bebida Leilo Kava Relaxation, adicione 1 a 2 colheres de sopa do pó de Kava em 250 ml de água fria ou morna. Misture bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Para um sabor mais agradável, você pode adicionar mel ou suco de frutas. Recomenda-se consumir a bebida 30 minutos antes de atividades que exijam relaxamento ou ao final do dia para um descanso reparador. É importante não exceder a dose recomendada e evitar o consumo em conjunto com álcool ou outras substâncias depressoras do sistema nervoso.
Meesh –
I’ve been drinking kava for many years and this tasted and had the same effectiveness of Crystal Light. I love the cans but the shots were a waste of money. Would not buy again. You’re not saving money when you drink all 12 hoping to find the feeling of a shell of kava.
Derek –
Perhaps I am simply a non-responder to kava, but I personally did not notice any marked relaxation effects after taking one of these kava shots. While the flavor itself tastes fine, I did not appear to get any sort of tangible benefit. I’m not entirely sure how pronounced kava effects should be, but these were just okay. To be clear, they did not produce any adverse effects, but simply nothing at all. Seems fine, and maybe you will respond more than I did.
Life’s a Beach –
Leilo Kava Relaxation & Wellness Shot Contains Kava extract ,L-theanine, gamma aminobutyric acid, Vitamin B6, E & magnesium. They are suppose to relax the mind and calm the body so I took one about 2 hours before bedtime. The taste is not great so i downed it quickly. I noticed a slight numbing sensation of my tongue right after taking from the bitterness of the liquid. I didn’t detect any experience and calming or relaxing effect and woke up several times during the night. This supplement is expensive at $3.58 per shot. The box has a warning about possible liver damage and that’s enough to keep me from using this again.
Daniel Johannes –
Not very effective at putting me to sleep or relaxing me in the way typical kava products do. I trusted the brand because their canned drinks are amazing but sadly these did not measure up.
Woolly Mammoth –
I was looking for something that with be able to replace valerian root for. Valerian root just makes me sleepy, and I wanted something I could take which would just help me calm down without resorting to anything stronger.
This actually works pretty well. I wasn’t exactly sure what to expect but overall I’m not unhappy with the results. It’s a very subtle feeling, and you have to know where you would be to recognize how much it’s affecting you. It just creates a nice mellow feeling without being groggy or sleepy. I wouldn’t take it and then do I have a car… you’re not that alert… but it’s pretty good for chilling at home.
as an aside I completely reject anyone who says this stuff tastes good. It’s awful. It’s really awful. At the same time, it’s just a shot and it stays in your mouth for practically no time at all. I tasted the first one because I was doing this review, but since then I just gulp it down as quickly as possible.
In the end, this is a nice thing to have when you just want to destress at the end of the day without alcohol or heavy drugs (although they are a little pricey to use every day).
Shadow –
She said it was easier to open and tasted better than the other brand she was using. As for the price it was about 15.00 dollars cheaper and did the exact same thing.
Stefanie Simon –
It says it makes you feel calm and relaxed and more social. My mood, mindset, nothing inside me changed, I felt no effects. All I felt was my wallet was $45 lighter. I do not recommend.
G with a capital G –
As described. Ok taste.