O LEGION Vitamina D K Natural é um suplemento alimentar que combina de forma sinérgica as vitaminas D3, K2 e K1, oferecendo uma fórmula natural e eficaz para fortalecer a saúde. Este produto é especialmente formulado para promover a saúde óssea, fortalecer o sistema imunológico e melhorar a absorção de cálcio, sendo uma escolha ideal para quem busca um suporte nutricional completo. A Vitamina D3 é fundamental para a função imunológica saudável, enquanto a Vitamina K2 desempenha um papel crucial na saúde cardiovascular, ajudando a minimizar o acúmulo de cálcio nas artérias. Juntas, essas vitaminas trabalham em harmonia para otimizar a saúde e o bem-estar geral.
A Vitamina D3 é essencial para a absorção de cálcio, um mineral vital para a manutenção de ossos saudáveis. Por sua vez, a Vitamina K2 direciona o cálcio para os ossos, onde ele é mais necessário, evitando que se acumule em locais indesejados. Ao combinar essas duas vitaminas em um único suplemento, o LEGION Vitamina D K Natural promove uma densidade óssea saudável e reduz o risco de doenças ósseas. Além disso, a fórmula é livre de substâncias artificiais, enchimentos e produtos químicos, garantindo que você receba apenas ingredientes de alta qualidade que apoiam seu bem-estar.
O homem por trás da marca, Mike Mathews, é um autor de fitness best-seller e co-fundador da Muscle for Life e Legion Athletics. Ele fundou a Legion com o objetivo de oferecer suplementos que realmente fazem a diferença, evitando produtos enganosos e focando na eficácia e qualidade.
1. Fortalece o sistema imunológico.
2. Promove a saúde cardiovascular.
3. Aumenta a densidade óssea.
4. Ingredientes naturais de alta qualidade.
5. Recomendado por especialistas em fitness.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 cápsula do LEGION Vitamina D K Natural com as refeições ou conforme orientação do profissional de saúde. Para melhores resultados, é aconselhável manter uma rotina regular de uso, garantindo que seu organismo receba os nutrientes essenciais para um funcionamento ideal.
HW –
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I’ve taken vitamin D for a while but heard it work better for bone strength when taken with vitamin K, so I got this. It’s easy to swallow, doesn’t have any flavor (its just a gel-cap) and I’m happy with the results so far.
Phil –
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This supplement really helps me to fill the gaps in my nutrition and make sure that I’m getting the right amount of vitamins D and K. I’ve also found that since the sun isn’t always out here in Canada, supplementing with vitamin D helps a lot with my mood and immune health.
MrCamping –
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I like this product and trust Legion as a company. I think this is a great product to take especially for those who live in places with long winters.
Phil –
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I am so excited to try legions vitamin D + K! I am vitamin D deficient. As an avid legion customer, I trust them as a supplement company because they are backed by science with clinically effective doses. Thanks legion 🫶🏽
HW –
I have been shopping around for a combo like this for a long time! Vitamin D SHOULD be paired with Vitamin K because these two vitamins need to be balanced together. Vitamin D gets the calcium into your blood stream, but the K is needed to get it out of the blood and into the bones. Before I was supplementing D and K separately, but finally these are paired in a good ratio.
Most of us need more D and K and I love that there is K1 AND K2. Most cheap Vitamin K supplements don’t include K2 and I love Legion’s combo for having both!
Alan Cherney –
Update: The company listened to our concerns and swiftly issued a refund to us. We are appreciative.
I like the nice clean ingredient list, unfortunately the allergen warning “this product is manufactured in a facility which may also process milk, soy, wheat, egg, peanuts, tree nuts, fish and shellfish” is not listed ANYWHERE. I would have never have ordered this non-returnable product if I had been aware of the possibility of tree nut contamination. See attached picture. Someone with severe allergies cannot take this.
Mike –
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Vitamin D3 and Vitamin K are unique, in that they both work in synergy with one another. And if you don’t have enough of these vitamins through your diet, supplementation is the way to go on order to avoid deficiency in these two. The dosages of vitamin D3, k1 and k2 found here are all in the safe range, especially with the dosage of Vitamin D3 equating to 2,000IU. Anything past 5,000IU is too much unless recommended by a doctor. Keep in mind as well that other D+K packages found in supermarkets have the potential to contain an underdosed product. Legion has you covered there!
MrCamping –
I’ve long been waiting for the day Legion launched some vitamin supplements like this. It’s great to have a trustworthy source for all my supplements and never have to question what I’m actually swallowing. To have less pills to swallow because this is a 2 in 1 is fantastic. Highly recommend!