Obtenha nossa vitamina esportiva multivitamínica para homens com doses clinicamente eficazes de 30 ingredientes cientificamente comprovados para melhorar a saúde, o humor e o desempenho, além de reduzir o estresse, a fadiga e a ansiedade. São 57 estudos científicos revisados por pares que comprovam a combinação de ingredientes e doses do Triumph. Isso equivale a 481 páginas de pesquisa científica que mostram que nossas multivitaminas masculinas funcionam exatamente como afirmamos.
Vitaminas masculinas sem adoçantes artificiais, sabores, corantes alimentares, enchimentos ou outros componentes desnecessários. Embora esses tipos de produtos químicos possam não ser tão perigosos como algumas pessoas afirmam, estudos sugerem que o consumo regular deles pode ser prejudicial à nossa saúde.
Vitaminas limpas para homens, com um rótulo transparente que mostra exatamente o que está em cada porção de nossa multivitamina masculina e o que não está (sem misturas proprietárias ou ingredientes ocultos).
Testado quanto à pureza e potência em um laboratório de terceiros credenciado pela ISO 17025 e certificado independentemente como livre de contaminantes ou substâncias proibidas pela Labdoor. Cada frasco de nossa multivitamina masculina Triumph é garantido para fornecer exatamente o que o rótulo afirma e nada mais.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- 1. Melhora a saúde, o humor e o desempenho masculino
- 2. Reduz o estresse, a fadiga e a ansiedade
- 3. Livre de adoçantes artificiais, sabores e corantes alimentares
- 4. Rótulo transparente, sem ingredientes ocultos
- 5. Testado quanto à pureza e potência em laboratório de terceiros
Tome 2 cápsulas diariamente com alimentos. Não exceda a dose recomendada. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de usar se estiver grávida, amamentando, tomando medicamentos ou tiver algum problema de saúde.
DougZ –
I decided to try Triumph based on all the strong reviews and I’ve been using it for about 11 days now. It truly is amazing and I’ve had some great benefits.
1) Better Mood: Triumph has definitely helped my overall state of mind and I seem to be more positive and in less of a fog in the mornings, for sure. I’d say it has improved my mood by about 30%.
2) More Energy: I am able to really go at it at work and in the gym and get home at 8PM and still have enough energy to get more done. I’d say it has improved my energy by about 20% or possibly even more.
3) Much Better Sleep: I stopped taking sleeping potions to get me to sleep at night for the 1st time in maybe 20 years. I used to drink Night quill every night for about 15 years- Yes, I know that is really bad… and then I started taking a supposedly safer alternative 95% of the evenings the past 5 years to get me to sleep. Well, Triumph has enabled me to COMPLETELY STOP taking sleeping pills/potions for the 1st time in a few decades… which is fantastic.
Triumph somehow gives me more energy during the day BUT it also makes me VERY, VERY TIRED at about 11pm when I want to go to sleep which is amazing. I also wake up less during the night. I had tried the Legion Lunar sleeping aid in the past – only for a few days but I did not really notice any improvement in sleep. Triumph, on the other hand, knocks me out at the right sleeping time every night – fantastic and amazing.
1) Gas. I had read many the reviews complaining of the garlic burps but I did not experience those. Instead, I started farting like a machine in the mornings. Loud, booming – Viral YouTube type farts that I had to share with my wife, of course. 🙂 Well, that lasted for a few days but it has ceased the past 4 days or so. I don’t know why and I don’t really care – this supplement is a keeper.
Conclusion: easily the best supplement I have ever purchased and I realized benefits within 4 days of taking it. I will definitely get my wife to try it and perhaps even my son. Congrats on developing a game changing supplement that will benefit thousands. I am actually grateful you guys created this supplement. Keep up the fantastic work!
Smile Saurus –
This is a triple review for the following products: Legion Multivitamin, L-Glutamine supplement, and Calm Support supplement. Links for each at the end of the review.
Why I Bought These – One day I woke up in a bit of a fog, like I did every day, and I had a thought: I can’t remember the last day that I did not have a drink before bed. I’d fall asleep easier if I had a glass or two of wine. Except it wasn’t always one or two glasses; sometimes it was three. On weekends it was more. I don’t consider myself addicted to alcohol, but I realized that I was using it habitually as a sleep aid and I didn’t like that realization. I was sick of waking up tired every morning. Not ‘hungover’ but just foggy and not feeling well-rested. I’ve also had some health issues over the years and I suspect that they stemmed from me not getting proper nutrition. I should rephrase that: I eat a very healthy diet, but I suspect that drinking alcohol was robbing me of the nutrients that I was consuming. It was like I was eating them, but not absorbing them, if that makes sense.
I did some research and came across a few supplement suggestions by a Youtube creator. The channel is geared towards recovering alcoholics and other types of recovering addicts, but I figured at least some of the advice could help me, too. The idea is fixing your biochemistry with lots of good stuff (vitamins and supplements) to make up for all of those nutrients that alcohol steals from your body.
The below supplements are also supposed to help with withdrawal symptoms. I wasn’t concerned about having any, but like I said: I also couldn’t remember the last time I had gone to sleep without alcohol, so I wanted to be prepared just in case I did have any withdrawal symptoms.
The Legion Multivitamin – These were recommended to compensate for ‘weak spots’ in your diet and for repairing deficiencies that you might not know about. Alcohol depletes so many vitamins and minerals in your body, and the high potency of these multivitamins really help to build all of that back up.
L-Glutamine – recommended to combat alcohol (and sugar) cravings instantly. Can also alleviate anxiety and promote restful sleep. Your body does produce this amino acid naturally, but alcohol use depletes it big time! The most interesting thing about this supplement is that it gives your brain a quick dose of glucose, which brains like, but it won’t cause your blood sugar to spike (the way alcohol and carbs do). It’s like a quick-fix for your brain when you’re craving alcohol (or carbs) without the consequences of alcohol (or carbs) in your internal systems.
Calm Support – recommended for their highly effective combination of alcohol withdrawal vitamins and herbs. The video covered a huge range of helpful supplements, and if you purchased them all individually they’d be really expensive. This supplement contains a lot of those supplements, so you’re getting a lot of bang for your buck here. Other reviewers of this supplement claim to have been able to go off of their anti-anxiety meds!
How I Use These Supplements – The serving size for the multivitamin is EIGHT capsules, but it is okay to split those up throughout the day. What I do is empty out four capsules and blend them up in my morning smoothie, then I take the other four after dinner. I also empty out and add one Calm Support capsule and one L-Glutamine capsule into that same smoothie. I take a second Calm Support and a second L-Glutamine after dinner.
My Results – I feel much, much, much better! My sleep score on my Fitbit used to be in the mid 70’s, now it is in the high 80’s and still climbing – and it’s only been three weeks! I have a bit of trouble falling asleep, but once I’m out I am sleeping longer and the quality of sleep is so much better. I actually wake up feeling rested! I have more energy during the day, even for exercise, and I feel more clear-headed and ‘on my game’ at work. I have more patience in my day-to-day life and a lot less anxiety. I never feel foggy any more. I haven’t had a drink in over three weeks, and haven’t wanted one, either. I feel really, really, good – like the best I’ve ever felt! I didn’t experience any withdrawal symptoms whatsoever, which I didn’t think that I would, but maybe I would have without these supplements?
Legion Multivitamin: https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B082M1G8RP?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2_dt_b_product_details
Calm Support:
The Video – to watch the video, go to the ‘Fit Recovery’ YouTube channel and search for the ‘Top 20 Alcohol Withdrawal Vitamins and Supplements’ video. The creator is a recovered alcoholic himself and goes super deep into the reasons behind these recommended supplements. And if he happens to be reading this: thank you!
Inder –
Legion Athletics never disappoint. Fantastic multi-vitamin and love the fact that it’s on Prime. I also love Legion Whey, which is currently unavailable unfortunately. Hopefully Legion Pulse and Whey come back on Prime soon, would love to have more of these!
kris –
Well it has been around 3 weeks and this multivitamin is definitely the best out there. It definitely improves energy, I can’t remember the last time I had to take a nap or had fatigue throughout the day. It enables me to become a machine in many things (gym, work, school), and it helps you keep going. Also, many people around me (family/friends) have been sick the past 2-3 weeks and I am the only one who isn’t for some ‘strange’ reason. So glad to see some Legion products on Amazon Canada, hopefully more of them come soon with Prime! Love you guys!
Erin V –
These are great supplements, always trust Legion!
I have been feeling so good since taking these, my urine however, has been smelling very strong and looking very yellow. Sorry tmi.
Anyway, I did blood labs a week ago and had a doc appointment to confirm them an hour ago and they they are all the best they ever been. So thank you guys!!!
My mood has improved which is likely the ashwaganda, and I’ve had more energy which is probably everything, idk… But I don’t see any reason to stop taking them, I like everything about this multivitamin.
Thank you so much!