Descrição do Produto: Legion Lunar Natural Sleep Aid Chewable Tablets com Melatonina e L-Glicina, 30 Porções
Descubra o poder do sono reparador com as Tabletes Mastigáveis Legion Lunar Natural Sleep Aid. Formuladas com uma combinação clinicamente eficaz de quatro ingredientes, estas pastilhas são a solução ideal para quem busca adormecer mais rápido, permanecer dormindo por mais tempo e acordar revigorado. Cada porção contém uma dose precisa de melatonina e L-glicina, substâncias reconhecidas por suas propriedades que promovem um sono saudável e restaurador.
A eficácia do Legion Lunar é respaldada por 17 estudos científicos revisados por pares, totalizando 144 páginas de pesquisa que confirmam a ação dos ingredientes e suas dosagens. Isso significa que você pode confiar que nosso produto funciona exatamente como prometido. Além disso, as pastilhas são adoçadas e aromatizadas naturalmente, garantindo uma experiência agradável sem a adição de corantes artificiais, enchimentos ou outros aditivos desnecessários. Embora alguns produtos possam conter substâncias químicas que não são tão perigosas quanto se afirma, a ingestão regular delas pode ser prejudicial à saúde.
O Legion Lunar é o suplemento para sono mais bem avaliado do mercado, com um rótulo transparente que revela exatamente o que está em cada porção, sem misturas proprietárias ou ingredientes ocultos. Cada frasco é testado quanto à pureza e potência em um laboratório de terceiros acreditado pela ISO 17025, garantindo que cada dose forneça exatamente o que o rótulo promete e nada mais.
– Adormecer mais rápido: A melatonina ajuda a regular o ciclo do sono, facilitando a transição para o sono profundo.
– Permanecer dormindo por mais tempo: A combinação de ingredientes promove um sono contínuo, reduzindo os despertares noturnos.
– Acordar revigorado: Com um sono de qualidade, você se sentirá mais descansado e pronto para enfrentar o dia.
– Sem aditivos prejudiciais: A fórmula limpa garante que você não consuma substâncias desnecessárias que possam afetar sua saúde.
– Transparência total: Você sabe exatamente o que está consumindo, sem surpresas desagradáveis.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir uma pastilha mastigável de Legion Lunar aproximadamente 30 minutos antes de dormir. As pastilhas devem ser mastigadas completamente para garantir a absorção adequada dos ingredientes ativos. Evite o consumo de cafeína ou alimentos pesados nas horas que antecedem o sono para maximizar a eficácia do produto. Mantenha o frasco em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a qualidade das pastilhas.
J Hernandez –
It’s so good I only take half the suggested dose 30-45 minutes before bed time and it works like a charm.
Amazon Customer –
I cannot believe this product actually works! This is the very first product review I have felt compelled to produce. I have never loved a product or anything I have purchased that actually deserved a review. You guys deserve a review! I have major anxiety at night and unless I take something I will either not be able to fall asleep or I fall asleep and wake up in two hours with panic. I have tried straight melatonin and all kinds of other natural products, I usually have to take prescription meds to fall asleep AND stay asleep. I used one scoop of Lunar mixed with water. I have tried hot water and cold water. The first time using it I just want to drink it fast so I uses less water and chugged it, (I don’t recommend this way, the flavor is actually good so it is enjoyable.) I actually like it warm as tea best as it is more relaxing and make it a part of my routine. I guess it may become less effective if you take it every day, but I have not had a problem, sometimes I only use half a scoop or even a quarter and mix with chamomile or valerian tea so I don’t get tolerant to it. But this has not been an issue. You can play with the taste by adding more water. It has a strong lemony taste from the lemonbalm and can be sweet if not mixed with enough water. I love lemon, so I am good and I actually love the taste. Before I am even finished drinking it, I am feeling relaxed and sleepy but not in a drugged way. I actually lay down in bed and it feels good. I usually lay there just waiting to fall asleep after I have tried everything. I stay asleep and wake up with my alarm and actually feel like I have had the perfect sleep and feel refreshed! It feels good knowing I’m not putting something pharmaceutical grade in my body every night. I am a nurse and I know that the less medications you take, the better off you will be in the long run so I am trying to go the natural route and this is the first product of Legion Athletics I have tried but will not be the last. I am a gym enthusiast and always looking for something to upgrade my workouts so I will be trying other products. So excited I have found a company that produces a product that works and is backed by science! I know they have a money back guarantee, but I never send anything back and I am glad I didn’t have to. This company will be my go to for awhile. Thank you Legion Athletics for helping me truly sleep with a natural product that tastes great!
bb –
I only tried this one night, taking 1 scoop in 10 ounces of water. At first it seemed to make me very calm and helped me to fall asleep. But within an hour, I was awake again because of increased restlessness and achiness. On top of that was nausea and an over-awareness of my skin, which itched everywhere. The itching was so bad that I considered taking an antihistamine, but decided to check the jar first to see if I could pinpoint what the probably allergy was. The jar had a big white label over the ingredients that I spent a long time trying to remove…unsuccessfully; so I went to the website to see the ingredients. By this time, I was quite awake and drinking a lot of water to lessen the effect, which seemed to work. The nausea remained, but the other symptoms lessened.
susieQ –
This product works great for me. Asleep in an hour after taking it. Wake up feeling refreshed. Can drink coffee later in the day and still be able to fall asleep if I take this. The taste is pleasant, but those with a sensitive palate may not like it. Tastes like sweet tea with a “green” twist. I was pleased enough with the product that I purchased a monthly subscription. Unfortunately, after about a month of use, I developed the side effect of crampy abdominal pain with multiple episodes of diarrhea in the mornings that I have taken it the night before. Cutting the dose in half still has the same effect. Tried going to every other day, 1/2 dose, still same side effect. Disappointing, as it did work for me exactly as advertised. I see no other reviewers have reported similar side effects so it may just be unique to my personal physiology. I would otherwise have rated it 5 star.
Dani Thomas –
This is unfortunately the first supplement of Legion’s that had an adverse reaction for me. I wound up going to bed even later, woke up more, and felt a little sick then next morning. Sometimes ingredients just don’t wanna play ball. And that’s okay. I contacted them through their messages that they send after you’ve purchased asking how things are going and told them the unfortunate news. No judgement or guilt just a friendly response asking how I’d prefer to move forward; refund or switching out for something else. And it was done the same day. No hassles or having to send the product back. If you think you’re in the market for this type of supplement, don’t pass on this one because of my review, try it for yourself. You got nothing to loose.
A.Brown –
I have used this a few times now, and am really impressed! It definitely makes me drowsy to the point of having to go to sleep. I am bad about using my phone to watch videos or researching things until early morning… Before I know it, it’s 1am! Lunar has really helped my brain wind down, I really cannot keep my eyes open to fuss around on the Internet.
The taste took a bit of getting used to. I LOVE chamomile tea, herbal and unsweetened. But this tastes like an iced chamomile tea from Starbucks – sweet and slightly unnatural (although all the ingredients are natural. I do not doubt the quality of this product at all!). That could be the stevia, sometimes that gives a slightly metallic aftertaste. And it is green, which took me back at first.
Overall, I am so glad I purchased this product. I was taking Benadryl on nights I needed some help getting a good nights’ rest. I am very impressed with this natural alternative.
Also, I think it’s worth noting I am extremely sensitive to supplements of any kind. Most of the time, they just don’t work out for me or I have some kind of reaction. I have had zero problems with this. It does what it claims, and I wake up feeling rested, not groggy. Thank you 😊 Oh! Also: melatonin doesn’t usually do much for me. But the combination in this seems to make a huge difference!