LEGION Forge Queimador de Gordura Rápido
O LEGION Forge Queimador de Gordura Rápido é um suplemento termogênico inovador, projetado para auxiliar na queima de gordura abdominal e na redução da barriga. Com uma fórmula poderosa que combina Yohimbe, HMB e colina, este produto natural oferece uma abordagem eficaz para quem busca resultados rápidos e duradouros. Cada embalagem contém 180 comprimidos, suficientes para 45 porções, permitindo que você incorpore facilmente este queimador de gordura em sua rotina diária.
Os ingredientes ativos do LEGION Forge trabalham em sinergia para acelerar o metabolismo, aumentar a queima de gordura e reduzir a gordura localizada na região abdominal. O Yohimbe, um conhecido impulsionador metabólico, potencializa a queima de gordura durante os treinos, enquanto o HMB ajuda a preservar a massa muscular, garantindo que você mantenha a intensidade do seu treinamento. Além disso, a colina atua como um supressor natural do apetite, facilitando o controle da dieta e contribuindo para uma perda de peso mais eficaz.
- Queimador de gordura natural para mulheres e homens: Ideal para todos que desejam perder gordura rapidamente, especialmente a gordura “teimosa”.
- Acelera o metabolismo e a queima de gordura: Comprovado impulsionador metabólico que maximiza a queima de gordura em cada treino.
- Reduz o apetite e os desejos: Ajuda a manter a dieta e a perder peso de forma mais rápida e eficiente.
- Qualidade e confiança: Produzido pela Legion Athletics, conhecida por sua dedicação à qualidade e eficácia dos ingredientes.
- Desenvolvido por um especialista: Criado por Mike Mathews, autor de best-sellers na área de fitness, que entende as necessidades dos consumidores.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o LEGION Forge Queimador de Gordura Rápido, recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas duas vezes ao dia, preferencialmente com as refeições. É importante não exceder a dose recomendada. Antes de iniciar o uso deste produto, consulte um médico, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando, tomando medicamentos ou tiver algum problema de saúde. Mantenha fora do alcance de crianças.
bfresh80 –
These are the only Fat Burners that I have used, since the ban of Ephedrene that has worked for me. It definitely curbs my appetite. Yes, they do contain an stimulant, but that’s ok with me as long as I have one serving before 3PM. I firmed up after 1 week of use. It is definitely helping me get into Summer weight and competition ready (Triathlete).
I only started reading reviews AFTER i bought them. Yes, they can be a little negative and there are warnings, but i recommend buying them and just trying one pill to see if they effect you. You never know. The benefits are worth it.
***** 1 MONTH UPDATE ******
This stuff is amazing! I found that taking 1 pill a day is enough for me. I per suggested servings, I am supposed to take 3 pills, but like any other supplement, listen to your body and better to take less than more. My weight before taking this was 160 lbs. I now weigh 155 lbs. It gives me the energy to push through a workout.
Things I notice: i need to take it 30 minutes before any activity. Even then, it doesn’t kick in until i work a good sweat. I have even taken it 2 hours before a workout, because you know life, and though you feel your heart rate pumping, it really doesn’t kick in until your get that sweat going.
Taylor –
Forge is one of the most unique fat burners Legion created. For the longest time, I did fed training but the fat around my stomach was taking its sweet a** time. Wondering what’s going on, I read up Mike’s article about stubborn fat and it was enlightening and eye-opening. Generally speaking, the waist area is the first area for fat to come on and last to go. Typically for fat loss in men, it works its way from the top-down. Your face, arms and torso tends to lean out quicker because it’s higher in beta receptors. Also I read blood flow to the abdominal region is poor when insulin levels are elevated during digestion of food. And when insulin levels are at baseline, blood flow to the abdominal regions is increased, making its easier for fat to be burned there.
Anyway, the first week I took this stuff I felt nauseous and weak because I wasn’t used to fasted training and I read Yohimbine can cause nauseous but by the second week my body got to used to it. I’m looking to get to 10% BF and stay there because it’s more sustainable than lower levels like 5-8% BF. At those levels, let’s just say you feel like crap. My abs are becoming visible in any lighting now but still have a ways to go. Vascularity’s increasing too. It’s true that leaner you are, the more veins you have but you need a nice amount of muscle development. The bigger the muscle the more they push your veins closer to the surface of your skin. Temperature also factors that.
I strength train 4-5 times a week and throw in one burst training session. My diet is getting better, still have the occasional cheat meal. I’m currently doing a reverse diet where I bump up my calories by 150 every week because I noticed my energy levels and mood were horrible. I use Forge because I won’t have to wait for food to digest and I noticed I’m weighed down during my training if I train in a fed state.
Overall this product is effective once you have your nutrition in check and strength train along with some cardio. It’s particularly effective when combined with caffeine though I’m waning off that. The only con it has is the number of pills you have to take. For someone in the 140-150lbs bracket, the full clinical dosage is 6 pills. But for someone else, it can be higher or lower.
I highly recommend this for those who are in a cutting phase or just want to give fasted training a try.
Thanks for an awesome, Legion. You never cease to impress. 🙂
Cali in the valley –
There are a ton of reviews on this so I don’t even know if this will help anyone but I am 42 years old 125lbs 5′ tall muscular build. I’ve struggled losing those last 10 vanity pounds located in my belly and that armpit fat area. I’ve only been using it for a few weeks so I don’t know how effective this is from a long term perspective. I take this first thing when I wake up on my run days. I intermittent fast and my meals are from 1pm-7pm so I take it as suggested in a fasted state. I run in the mornings and this stuff helps me with endurance as well as helps me focus. I like it. Especially since I’ve switched from a 8am-4pm eating window and PM workouts to 1pm-7pm and a fasted AM workout. It helps curb my appetite and I work out harder. I only take 2 pills. I honestly really like how I don’t feel jittery or nauseous the other pre-workout by this manufacturer Jolt gave me a stomach ache and was so damn hard to drink. Ick tastes terrible. Worse than terrible just yuck. Here is the thing I came upon this product by doing a google search of “are pre work out supplements bad.” I had been taking the ever popular C4 not every day just every once in a while when I needed an extra boost before a hard workout. That stuff worked but I hated the side effects so I wondered if the stuff was bad when I did my google search I came upon an article by the founder of this product and I instantly loved what he had to say. Do I really need this stuff. No but he said that if you are going to take it take a high quality one with tried and true ingredients and no fillers. I was sold. Also because he actually manufactures supplements for other companies he knows what’s good and what isn’t and he is not willing to compromise quality for price. When he said I don’t really need it I trusted him completely because he wasn’t trying to push this product on me. His website and philosophy are eat healthy work out smart. Not rocket science. I appreciate his honesty and after only a few weeks of taking this I know I will always have this supplement in my arsenal. I don’t take it every day. I honestly don’t need it every day but so far so good. Only time will tell if this actually will lose my belly fat.
John L. –
As my usual routine, work out 5 days per week, eat properly, 8 hrs of sleep per night, zero results with this product. I would like to request a refund.