Descrição do Produto: Legendairy Milk Liquid Gold Lactation Support
O Legendairy Milk Liquid Gold é um suplemento de lactação inovador, formulado com uma poderosa mistura de seis ingredientes orgânicos certificados, conhecidos por seu suporte ideal à lactação. Entre eles, destacam-se a rue de cabra, o cardo mariano, o shatavari, o funcho, a alfafa e o anis. Este produto foi desenvolvido para mães que buscam aumentar sua produção de leite de forma natural e eficaz.
- 𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐏 𝐔𝐏 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 – Liquid Gold é uma mistura poderosa de 6 ingredientes orgânicos certificados, conhecidos por seu suporte ideal à lactação – rue de cabra, cardo mariano, shatavari, funcho, alfafa e anis.
- 𝐒𝐔𝐏𝐏𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐒 𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐊 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 – Mais do que um suplemento comum para amamentação, Liquid Gold também pode apoiar o crescimento das glândulas mamárias. Isso pode ser incrivelmente útil para mães que precisam de suporte ao tecido glandular.
- 𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐏𝐒 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐍 𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐄 – Liquid Gold pode ajudar a estimular a prolactina e desencadear a produção de leite, o hormônio responsável pela lactação. É uma maneira fácil e natural de ajudar a aumentar sua produção de leite.
- 𝐅𝐄𝐍𝐔𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐊-𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐄 – Embora o feno-grego seja um suplemento de lactação bem conhecido, nosso produto é livre de feno-grego, pois um número significativo de mulheres relatou efeitos adversos em si mesmas ou em seus bebês ao usar suplementos de amamentação com feno-grego.
- 𝐀𝐋𝐖𝐀𝐘𝐒 𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇 𝐐𝐔𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘 – O suplemento de lactação Legendairy Milk Liquid Gold utiliza apenas ervas orgânicas certificadas e cápsulas orgânicas certificadas. É Certificado Vegano, Certificado Kosher e Certificado Halal. Também somos verificados pelo Non-GMO Project.
1. Aumento da Produção de Leite: A combinação de ingredientes naturais ajuda a estimular a produção de leite, proporcionando um suporte eficaz para mães que enfrentam dificuldades.
2. Suporte ao Crescimento das Glândulas Mamárias: Ideal para mães que precisam de suporte adicional ao tecido glandular, promovendo um desenvolvimento saudável.
3. Estímulo à Prolactina: Ajuda a regular os níveis de prolactina, essencial para a lactação, facilitando o processo de amamentação.
4. Fórmula Livre de Feno-Grego: A opção sem feno-grego é segura para mães e bebês, evitando possíveis reações adversas.
5. Qualidade Garantida: Com certificações veganas, kosher e halal, além de ser livre de organismos geneticamente modificados, o produto assegura um consumo seguro e ético.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar duas cápsulas de Legendairy Milk Liquid Gold diariamente, preferencialmente com um copo de água durante uma refeição. É aconselhável iniciar o uso algumas semanas antes do parto ou logo após o nascimento do bebê, para maximizar os benefícios de suporte à lactação. Consulte sempre um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplemento, especialmente durante a amamentação.
Ashley mares –
I had my baby via c section so my milk production hasn’t been as good as I was hoping it would be. I’ve tried everything: coconut water, tons of water, oats, extra protein, surplus of calories, mothers milk tea, body armour, everything! This is the only thing that has made a big difference. When I went back to work I had to go from pumping every three hours to three times a day and my supply really took a huge hit. I was taking this daily for a couple of months and then stopped because I figured it didn’t really make that much of a difference. A month later and my supply has tanked, like less than 6 oz a day tanked. I was desperate so I decided to buy these again just to see if they actually did work. One day after taking it my supply doubled again. I’m still not making as much as my baby needs but this stuff really helps to boost it so I can at least give him more than I was able to before! It can be a little pricey if you’re taking it as recommended on the bottle but in my opinion it’s definitely worth it if you’re struggling with your supply.
Haley B –
Update a week later:
Ok, so I want to explain one way to use this. My baby did end up having painful gas after using this a couple days, but not as bad as some people in these reviews. However, I found that taking 4/day for 3 days boosted my supply. Even though I EBF, I pumped 1-2x/day for those days (and after), to create more demand to sustain the supply. My goal, in addition to making sure baby is satisfied, was to pump 1x/day to build a small stash, and I’ve been able to do that, even though I stopped taking the pills. If I ever felt my supply dropping in the future, I would just take 2-4 pills for 1-2 days, not enough to bother my baby too much. So I suggest doing it that way. Overall it’s too painful for my baby for me to take all the time, but I don’t need to, which makes sense why they give you a small dose! Just make sure to increase the demand when you take it and your increased supply can be sustained.
Original review:
I just started taking this today and decided to take 4/day instead of 6, so far. I took it around 8am and 4pm with my usual sunflower lecithin, but am skipping my 12am dose because my milk supply is good overnight.
I have a baby ~8 weeks old and had breastfeeding latch issues which are better, didn’t really struggle with supply, but have felt like my baby is still hungry after feedings the last few days. She loads up on calories at 9pm-12am before bed, and I felt like I wasn’t replenishing enough in that timeframe, where she feeds over and over. Day supply was also lacking a little during random times.
I decided to take this because it’s natural, and figured it couldn’t hurt.
So far, just today, am having great results. Like I said I took 2 this morning and had abundant milk throughout the day, and 2 around 4pm, and have kept her very satisfied tonight, so she’s falling asleep after feeds like she was before, not constantly still searching for my breast.
I don’t plan to do the midnight dose yet, but will later if I need to.
It’s only day 1 and I just needed a little more milk to top off her feeds and this has definitely given me that. Praise God! I will update again soon if there’s anything to add. My baby has had no adverse reactions.
TJ –
UPDATE: Ladies, it can be really easy to disregard critical reviews when you are desperate to increase your milk supply. It’s what I did. And I just want to share the very heavy price my baby and I paid for thinking “it won’t happen to me”. I only ask that you consider the risks with an open mind and watch out for signs of intolerance in your baby.
My 8 week old baby had a total of 7 full days of diarrhea and green stools. She averaged 10 bowel movements daily. I called her pediatrician and a lactation consultant who were all kinda stumped and said the herbs should have been out of my system in 2-3 days. I then brought my baby in for a physical exam on her 4th day of diarrhea worried about dehydration. The doctor wasn’t concerned at that point and said to watch for signs of dehydration. By the 6th day there was still no improvement so she told me to go to the ER for evaluation. My baby had an IV put in (a traumatic experience) and received fluids just to be safe. They tested for a bacterial infection which was negative. The doctor said she wasn’t dehydrated and her electrolytes were balanced so they sent us home advising that it may take 7-10 days for her system to normalize.
We are so blessed things did not end up worse than they were. But when I say it was the worst week I’ve ever had in a decade it would be an understatement! My worry over this issue sent me spiraling into postpartum anxiety. I felt myself losing my appetite and not being able to sleep even with all my sleep deprivation. It was absolutely horrible. There was just no indication her diarrhea would ever stop! My mind constantly raced: is she absorbing any nutrients? What is this doing to her insides? Is my breast milk hurting her? Should I stop breastfeeding? (devastating) Is it actually an infection that’s causing this? I was exhausted from all the pumping and dumping. Ladies, this situation almost ended my breastfeeding journey. And here I am now with a reduced supply. Baby gets breast milk and topped up with formula now. It is what it is and I’m grateful I have any breast milk for her at all.
This product wrecked my baby’s bowels. Baby is 8 weeks old. I took 2 doses (4 capsules) on Day 1 and 3 doses (6 capsules) on Day 2. No other diet or supplement changes. At the end of Day 2 baby’s frequency of bowel movements increased. By noon on Day 3 the stools turned green. At that point I realized the product was to blame. I had to dump pumped milk from Day 2. I also pumped and dumped the rest of Day 3 and baby got formula. I was so angry!! I don’t make enough milk as it is (hence trying these supplements). Baby is also a bit more gassy than normal and slightly more fussy. I started breastfeeding again once it had been 24 hours since my last dose. It’s the morning of Day 4 and baby is still having frequent bowel movements and green stools. Hoping things regulate today. I’ve been worried about diarrhea in a baby this young and it’s stirring up so much anxiety that I can’t sleep. Will be calling the pediatrician if this issue doesn’t clear on it’s own soon. I’m so upset that this product has wreaked so much havoc on our lives! Will update as things change.
Elena –
This supplement is a fantastic addition to my breastfeeding routine. The combination of organic ingredients like goat’s rue, milk thistle, and fennel feels thoughtfully crafted for supporting milk production. I noticed an improvement in my supply after just a few days of consistent use, which was such a relief. The capsules are easy to take, and there are no unpleasant aftertastes. It’s comforting to know this supplement uses high-quality, organic ingredients. For any nursing mom looking to boost their supply, this is a great option that I would happily recommend.