BUTT SCRUB EXFOLIATING BODY WASH – Nosso Butt Scrub Wash para acne nas nádegas, pelos encravados, biquíni e foliculite é rico em antioxidantes e ingredientes naturais para combater a acne nas nádegas, pelos encravados e outras imperfeições da pele. A fórmula inovadora e natural deste esfoliante para as nádegas é enriquecida com alecrim, centella asiática e outros ingredientes naturais para proporcionar uma pele mais clara e radiante.
ALVO EFETIVO PARA IMPERFEIÇÕES DO CORPO EM TODOS OS TIPOS DE PELE – Especificamente desenvolvido para combater a acne nas nádegas, acne corporal, pelos encravados e outras imperfeições do corpo, nosso esfoliante para as nádegas funciona de forma rápida e eficaz. Nossa fórmula exclusiva penetra profundamente na pele para nutrir e clarear a pele das nádegas, acne corporal e pelos encravados, sem irritar áreas não afetadas.
BUTT SCRUB WASH PARA UMA PELE VIÇOSA – Nosso esfoliante corporal com complexo nutritivo e clareador extraído da centella asiática, tea tree e outros ingredientes naturais oferece hidratação de longa duração, combate a acne nas nádegas, acne corporal e pelos encravados, proporcionando uma tez clara para suas nádegas, pernas e outras partes do corpo.
BUTT SCRUB WASH PARA NÁDEGAS E CORPO COM IMPERFEIÇÕES – Especificamente desenvolvido para combater a acne nas nádegas e outras imperfeições do corpo, nosso esfoliante corporal é concentrado com complexo AHA e BHA para melhorar a textura da pele e proteger contra inflamações.
INGREDIENTES NATURAIS E INOVADORES – Livre de aditivos sintéticos, fragrâncias e estabilizadores, nosso esfoliante corporal para acne nas nádegas é formulado com ingredientes naturais e inovadores que ajudam a combater a acne nas nádegas, acne corporal e pelos encravados, proporcionando hidratação profunda e suavizando a tonalidade e textura da pele sem sensação de peso.
BUTT SCRUB QUE FUNCIONA RAPIDAMENTE E EFICAZMENTE – Nosso esfoliante corporal para acne nas nádegas, acne corporal e pelos encravados funciona melhor quando usado 2-3 vezes ao dia durante o banho, por um período de tempo. Não indicado para uso facial.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Combate eficazmente a acne nas nádegas, acne corporal e pelos encravados.
- Fórmula inovadora e natural com ingredientes como alecrim e centella asiática.
- Hidratação de longa duração para uma pele viçosa e clara.
- Textura concentrada com complexo AHA e BHA para melhorar a textura da pele.
- Livre de aditivos sintéticos, fragrâncias e estabilizadores.
– Massageie suavemente o esfoliante nas nádegas e outras áreas do corpo afetadas pela acne, pelos encravados ou imperfeições. Enxágue bem. Use 2-3 vezes ao dia durante o banho para obter melhores resultados. Evite o uso no rosto.
Basset Hound Momlife –
I’m on my second bottle and I have definitely noticed a difference in my skin texture on my thighs. They are smoother and softer.
Allison LaPointe –
I use this every time I shower. Seems to help make a difference.
Kimberly Olsen –
Really enjoyed using this and seeing the results it had
Kimberly Olsen –
I have purchased this product before and it worked great. I just received my new bottle today and this is definitely not the same thing that’s in the picture or what I purchased in the past. I will try it but a little annoyed that I didn’t receive what I actually purchased.
sk8888 –
I bought this to deal with “chicken” bumps and some ingrown hairs that didn’t seem to want to go away. I’m not sure what the active ingredient is, but there was a slight sting on “open” sore bumps. I did the scrub and rub and was a little non-plussed, until I used a smooth microfiber wash cloth to remove it. And right out of the chute, my chicken bumps were smoother. My skin was SO soft. It’s too early to tell how firming it will be, but I’m very pleased with how silky smooth my skin felt after just one application.
Madeline –
I think this product is kind of expensive, but I have seen good results while using it. I do like how it feels on the skin. It can bother your skin if its gets near any sensitive places!
Jenesis Campbell –
I hit may late thirties and I all of a sudden started getting little whiteheads on the backs of my legs and butt. I finally caved and did some research on the best scrubs to help with this. I landed on this one and I figured it was a decent price for the amount of product. Well, after one use, my legs and butt were SO smooth. After a second use, the pimples were gone the next day. Incredible. Just follow the directions and boom. Enjoy!
Jorel Ramirez –
I bought this product with somewhat low expectations, hoping that it would at the very least just make my butt feel softer, cleaner and exfoliated. I’ve seen ads for “booty butter” all the time and thought it was just a silly new product for people to waste their money on..but I have to say, it does wonders for the derriere! It’s not super grainy, or sandy feeling. Like, the exfoliant part of it doesn’t seem like it would be dense enough to truly exfoliate, but the result definitely shows that it *does indeed* rub off dead skin and smooth butt acne. I tend to get big pimples here and there on my cheeks especially during the summer. It’s probably because i’m sweating a lot more and being more active in the warmer weather. Which I’m not an underwear model, so it doesn’t bother me that much.. but in the summer.. I do like swimming and going to the beach, so I can be somewhat self conscious when my cheeks are popping out of my suit and there’s big red pimples. However, since using this stuff, I feel like my butt is smoother, my skin tone is more even and I have less pimples(and the stubborn ones I do get are less noticeable, not super red and large). I’m not sure exactly what makes this butt scrub work, but it does. Again, I don’t have serious buttacne, so I’m not sure if it’s the best acne solution, but if you just want a firmer, softer, great looking butt, I’d definitely recommend this.