LANBENA Removedor de Cravos, Tiras de Limpeza Profunda para os Poros do Nariz
O Removedor de Cravos LANBENA é a solução perfeita para uma pele limpa e suave. Com sua fórmula suave e poderosa, este produto é capaz de eliminar cravos, espinhas, sujeira e excesso de óleo, deixando sua pele radiante e saudável. Com uma absorção excepcional, as tiras de limpeza profunda LANBENA são adequadas para todos os tipos de pele, incluindo pele oleosa e mista. Homens e mulheres podem usar este produto para eliminar cravos persistentes e obter resultados incríveis.
Para garantir a máxima eficácia, é recomendado aquecer a máscara removedora de cravos LANBENA, colocando a embalagem em água morna antes de usar. Evite temperaturas abaixo de 5°C para evitar a coagulação do produto. Antes de aplicar a máscara, limpe a pele com uma toalha quente ou vapor para abrir os poros. Espere secar completamente e, em seguida, remova a máscara delicadamente. Enxágue com água e use um minimizador de poros para reduzir o tamanho dos poros.
Com o Removedor de Cravos LANBENA, você pode se livrar de cravos teimosos, pelos finos e detritos em sua testa, nariz, queixo ou bochechas. Sua pele ficará limpa, macia e rejuvenescida. Adquira agora mesmo este produto incrível e desfrute de uma pele impecável.
- ✅ Eficácia comprovada na remoção de cravos, espinhas, sujeira e excesso de óleo;
- ✅ Fórmula suave adequada para todos os tipos de pele, incluindo pele oleosa e mista;
- ✅ Absorção excepcional para uma limpeza profunda e suavização da pele;
- ✅ Fácil de usar e remover, proporcionando resultados rápidos e visíveis;
- ✅ Produto confiável e de alta qualidade, recomendado por especialistas em cuidados com a pele.
Para obter os melhores resultados, siga as seguintes etapas:
- Lave o rosto com água morna ou use uma toalha quente para abrir os poros;
- Aqueça a máscara removedora de cravos LANBENA em água morna;
- Seque o rosto e aplique uma camada uniforme da máscara nas áreas afetadas, evitando os olhos e os lábios;
- Deixe a máscara secar completamente por cerca de 15-20 minutos;
- Com cuidado, comece a remover a máscara a partir das bordas, puxando-a suavemente em direção ao centro do rosto;
- Enxágue o rosto com água morna para remover qualquer resíduo da máscara;
- Finalize aplicando um minimizador de poros para reduzir o tamanho dos poros.
Experimente o Removedor de Cravos LANBENA e descubra uma pele mais limpa, suave e radiante. Compre agora mesmo na Vitaminer Shop e desfrute dos benefícios deste incrível produto.
Sarah –
– does take out some sebaceous filaments and black heads
– done quickly
– a little product goes a long when
– nice design
– smells funky
– can be difficult to use
– lots of sebaceous filaments are leftover
I bought this product because I had seen a lot of TikToks of it. I read the reveiws and saw that for many people, it helps strip lots of sebaceous filaments and blackheads out of their nose, below their lower lip, and other areas on their face.
Once it arrived, I did my normal skincare routine and after cleansing, dried my face and then opened the product. It comes in a small can, which is conevenient, and also comes with a lot of wide, thin strips bound together like a notepad.
Once I opened the bottle, the smell hit me. It wasn’t very enjoyable, and smelled a lot like chemicals. However, I persisted on. I followed the instructions and put the cream on my nose and bottom of my lower lip-chin area. The part that made application a little difficult was putting on the strips. Because they’re so thin and my hands were already wet, it was kind of a hassle to rip it out of the binding and place on the nose, however, once applied to the areas with the cream, it was fine.
When I pulled the strips back, I did see a lot of gross stuff pulled out from my skin on the strips (which was very satisfying), and my skin did feel a lot softer afterwards! However, I did notice that there were still a lot of sebaceous filaments left on the areas that were stripped, which was kind of disappointing. Any leftover product was easily rinced on with warm water and a paper towel.
Once washed off, the smell of the product still sticks to your skin, so I usually use a mask right afterwards to cover up the smell.
Overall, I would say that it doesn’t work as well as the ads describe it to, but it does work. If you’re alright with the smell of it, I would say it’s a decent product to use maybe once a week. However, I’ll have to give it three stars as I really don’t enjoy the way it smells.
Liz –
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I’ve been seeing this all over TikTok & finally caught it during an Early Black Friday sale. Worth the price? YES! Did it do what I expected? Yes, and no….
First impression: the “glue” cream is so strange. I almost returned it before trying it because it didn’t seem right. I thought all the influencers I saw used a thin creamy stuff…. But mine was almost a solid, dried-out goo that reminded me of paste that went hard. It was sticky, smelled like glue, and was hard to scoop out.
I let it warm up since it was in cold weather during shipping. It’s still a weird sticky/solid paste, but once you start spreading it on, it goes on smoothly. Strange, indeed.
I first did my nose and was shocked that not much came out using a thin layer. Then I did my chin and used a thin but slightly thicker layer. Left it on until dry, which was around 4-5 mins. The paper starts to look extra crinkly when ready. My chin was pretty covered with sebaceous filaments! Not exactly black heads, but similar. Gross!!! I could see them better if I took a picture and zoomed in.
I did a second round on my nose and chin using THICK layers. Don’t do that! If it’s too thick, the paper just rips as it dries and is a pain to get off. The thick layer also just covers up any of the stuff you’d want to see, anyway. They’re all in the middle of dried goo.
I ALSO applied some to my cheeks, temples, and forehead. Not much came out, surprisingly. I use a retinol cream daily, so that might be why my pores are pretty clear.
• Thin layer but not TOO thin
• Cut your paper if doing tiny areas! Save some!
• Don’t get antsy & remove it before dry!
• One round should be enough, unless you miss some areas.
• I did *not* wash my face prior, but instead did it on slightly oily skin (washed the night before)
** you’ll notice lots of baby hairs get pulled out. That means long hairs will, too! In a sense, this also acts like dermaplaning! All the baby hairs get ripped out, leaving silky soft skin. 👍🏼
ally –
I saw this on Tiktok and had to buy it, I use it once a week after steaming my face and the amount of whiteheads and blackheads I see on the blotting sheet when I am done is crazy. It has a glue-like texture and can be difficult to get off your hands but it works great!
Tyandra P –
Easy to use and gets all the gunk out my face especially my nose. Okay to use if you have sensitive skin as well🫶🏾
Tyandra P –
It doesnt necessarily work VERY well- I tried various timing and methods of how I used it and surprisingly I found that when i used it directly after my 10 hour work shift (before washing my face) I got the most gunk out. In fact, when I use it after I shower and clean my face and my skin softens up, I dont get as much. It definitely doesnt solve my issue of blackheads at all (no pore strip will) but its still addicting to see a few come out for fun. I will say, as someone with super sensitive skin, this product did not irritate my skin AT ALL or make me break out which is surprising to me because I was a little worried about how it smells like glue/paint. Also, I my mom accidentally threw away the rest of the paper it comes with and using a single sheet of toilet paper gave me the same exact effect even though I look silly af. Even though it doesnt take as many blackheads out, I still prefer this over the biore strips because its a lot more uses for less money. I usually put this stuff all over my face, whereas the biore strips only have specific precut shapes they give you. Overall, I definitely recommend trying it!!
Sarah –
No entanto, poderia ser de volume maior pelo preco pago.
Nini –
This does not work. It is just a runny cream. After removing the paper off nose. Nothing!!
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i did this pore mask on my boyfriend because he had quite a lot of blackheads, you heat it up by putting the tub in boiling water, and it turns to a liquid, then we put a hot cloth on his nose to open the pores and it worked brilliantly.
people seems to get confused when they open it and it is a firm substance, but just hot water will do the trick!!
Kahfee –
Incroyable, cette crème est magique, elle enlève les points noirs d’une puissance incroyable. Je vous recommande🤩
Philipe da Silva Lima Nicacio –
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