Descrição do Produto: Magnésio Lactato 500 mg – 90 Cápsulas Vegetarianas
O Magnésio Lactato 500 mg é um suplemento de alta qualidade, projetado para atender às necessidades de quem busca uma fonte eficaz e bem tolerada de magnésio. Cada frasco contém 90 cápsulas vegetarianas, cada uma com 500 mg de magnésio lactato, uma forma mineral que se destaca por sua fácil absorção e menor impacto no estômago. Este produto é 100% puro, sem aditivos, enchimentos ou conservantes, garantindo que você receba apenas o que há de melhor para a sua saúde.
O magnésio é um mineral essencial que desempenha um papel crucial em diversas funções corporais, incluindo a regulação da função muscular e nervosa, a manutenção da pressão arterial e a produção de proteínas, ossos e DNA. A forma lactato do magnésio é especialmente benéfica, pois é mais bem tolerada pelo organismo, tornando-se uma escolha ideal para aqueles que podem ter sensibilidade a outras formas de magnésio.
Além disso, o Magnésio Lactato é completamente vegano e livre de ingredientes comuns que podem causar alergias, como soja, ovos, laticínios e nozes. Também é isento de glúten e não contém organismos geneticamente modificados (Non-GMO), o que o torna uma opção segura e saudável para uma ampla gama de consumidores.
– Melhor Tolerância Digestiva: A forma lactato do magnésio é mais suave para o estômago, reduzindo o risco de desconforto gastrointestinal.
– Suporte à Saúde Muscular: Contribui para a função muscular adequada, ajudando a prevenir cãibras e melhorando a recuperação após exercícios.
– Regulação do Humor: O magnésio é conhecido por seu papel na regulação do humor e na redução do estresse, promovendo um estado mental mais equilibrado.
– Saúde Óssea: Essencial para a formação e manutenção de ossos saudáveis, ajudando a prevenir a osteoporose.
– Energia e Metabolismo: Auxilia na conversão de alimentos em energia, contribuindo para um metabolismo mais eficiente.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula de Magnésio Lactato 500 mg, uma vez ao dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição para otimizar a absorção. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades individuais. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, e fora do alcance de crianças.
Sonic Immersion –
I recently learned that I am deficient in magnesium, despite having taken a full-spectrum multivitamin/multimineral every day for decades in addition to eating very healthy.
It turns out that the chemical form of magnesium in my multivitamin/multimineral is a poorly-absorbable type, “magnesium oxide”. That form didn’t give me any digestive pain, but it turns out that my body wasn’t absorbing it either.
So I tried different magnesium supplements from a number of brands, (CVS, Rite Aid, Optimum Nutrition, etc., etc., etc.). Unfortunately, each of them caused extremely severe GI pain.
I then researched online which chemical form of oral magnesium supplement is well-absorbed AND easiest on the gastrointestinal tract: magnesium lactate. That is the form used in this particular supplement from Monoherb.
I’ve been taking this each day for a couple weeks now, and never once have had even the slightest GI discomfort. I also like it that the dose is 300 mg (and not more than that), as ~300 mg/day is all of the additional magnesium supplementation that my body needs to compensate for my deficiency.
Greg Moore –
This shipment arrived in very damaged condition. Returns are not allowed, can the product not be exchanged for the same product in good condition?
Greg Moore –
arrived quickly. Easy to swallow. Good quality.
brifd1 –
I read up on magnesium, it is something that as we get older apparently becomes more important. There are a plethora of forms of magnesium, some better to use and some not doing much for you, as the magnesium part is a smaller amount than what the label says. This is one of the “some better” group, and each type supposedly helps in a different area, e.g., brain, muscle aches, etc. Unlike a magnesium chloride product I tried, this product stays intact, while the other literally starts to disintegrate when exposed to air so that it cannot be put in a pill container with another pill. It’s not too unlike what they say about apples giving off a gas that speeds up the ripening of other nearby fruit.
I was happy with this product and intend to purchase it again.
Mary Eli –
with a genetic disorder requiring magnesium to stop nighttime muscle pain and cramps I sought magensium which did not cause diarrhea when taking high doses. Here it is. I use it with out side effects. I can take an extra dose (with normal kidneys ) without risk or diarrhea. I thank the renal specialist who sent me to magensium lactate This company sells it at an acceptable cost daily. “Customer for life”
Richard Z –
I cancelled my subscription, because I feel uncomfortable about the smaller physical size of MONOHERB’s 500 mg capsule when compared to Swanson’s larger capsule containing 84 mg of magnesium lactate. I will wait until a third party can verify that MONOHERB has the claimed 500 mg of magnesium lactate before I reinstate my subscription.
I am concerned, because Consumer Lab had exposed a company that falsely reported that its capsule had more magnesium glycinate than the capsule could physically accomodate. I am not accusing MONOHERB of fraud. I am merely exercising due diligence. Third party verification gives me confidence that I made an excellent decision.
Diane Ritzema –
Can you trust a company who can’t tell you what amount of ‘elemental magnesium’ is in a 500mg magnesium lactate capsule? I sure don’t. They don’t even know what % of magnesium Daily Value it represents! I emailed MONOHERB, of course they didn’t respond. So basically, this company doesn’t seem to know what they produce and sell. Not buying from them again…
Mark L. Reed –
I used to get Charlie horses and my chiropractor recommended these to me so I got some. They seem to work really well and help with that but you never know if it’s these or something else. After I ran out I hadn’t reordered more and a week later started getting Charlie horses again and had forgotten what they were like. I immediately ordered another bottle with next day delivery and can’t wait for them to get here.