Descrição do Produto:
Descubra a liberdade de desfrutar dos laticínios novamente com as gotas de lactase, um produto inovador que oferece 100 porções de enzima lactase em uma embalagem de 20 mililitros. Com uma alta concentração de lactase, essas gotas são formuladas para proporcionar máxima potência na quebra da lactose, permitindo que pessoas com intolerância à lactose possam saborear seus alimentos favoritos sem preocupações. Produzidas nos Estados Unidos com ingredientes 100% naturais, essas gotas são a solução ideal para quem busca uma alternativa eficaz e saudável.
A forma líquida das gotas garante uma rápida absorção, permitindo que você consuma laticínios imediatamente após a aplicação. A enzima lactase presente no produto atua diretamente na quebra do açúcar do leite, a lactose, aliviando os sintomas desconfortáveis da intolerância à lactose. Com essas gotas, você pode voltar a desfrutar de queijos, iogurtes e outros produtos lácteos, independentemente da sua idade. Não deixe que a intolerância à lactose limite suas opções alimentares; com as gotas de lactase, você pode redescobrir o prazer de comer laticínios.
– Alívio Imediato: A alta concentração de lactase proporciona alívio rápido dos sintomas da intolerância à lactose.
– Ingredientes Naturais: Produzido com ingredientes 100% naturais, garantindo uma opção saudável e segura.
– Fácil de Usar: A forma líquida permite uma aplicação prática e rápida, ideal para o dia a dia.
– Versatilidade: Pode ser utilizado por pessoas de todas as idades, tornando-se uma solução familiar.
– Redescubra o Sabor: Permite que você aproveite uma variedade de produtos lácteos sem desconforto.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se adicionar de 5 a 10 gotas de lactase diretamente em produtos lácteos antes do consumo. Agite bem para garantir a distribuição uniforme da enzima. O ideal é consumir os laticínios dentro de 30 minutos após a aplicação das gotas para maximizar a eficácia da lactase na quebra da lactose. Armazene o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar suas propriedades.
Isabell –
Added 20 drops as others have reccomended to a 1 gallon jug of milk. Mixed via inverting gallon 3x initially and mixed every time I came to fridge, about 4x a day. Waited for 2 days. The milk tasted exactly the same, no sense of sweetness that I associate with lactaid milk and it felt like I was drinking regular milk as I had bloating and stomach issues a few hours after.
I also tested on a singular cup of milk, I added 20 drops of the lactase enzyme, stirred and let sit for the day. Exactly the same result.
Perhaps the enzyme I recieved was denatured? Either way, 18 dollars and did not work
Kenny K –
The product works well for my lactose intolerant son. The cap is childproof, but is very difficult for me to remove also.
Kim –
I put 10 drops in a half gallon of milk and let it sit in the fridge for 24 hours. Viola, lactaid milk without the brand name cost. Recently this has been the lowest priced brand of lactase drops available, and works fine.
Amazon Customer –
Despite the higher price, in comparison to the pills or chewables from other companies, I really like these drops. Perfect amounts to put in my milk for my coffee or occasional ice cream. BUT for THREE of the bottles now, the cap will not unscrew to get the dropper out, no matter how pressing down and twisting i did, so I have had to resort to cutting off the tip of the dropper and shaking out the product. Because of the terrible cap, I won’t buy again.
Ed B –
Works great for me, I use 20 drops per gallon. Depending how sensitive you are to lactose you might need more of fewer drops. I cannot detect any change of taste.
Kelly H –
I like these drops better than any other lactase product. I like that there’s less ingredients. No fillers like the chewables and capsules have. Flavor is nice. One thing I will say is that there is absolutely NO WAY there is 100 servings in this bottle. I went through a bottle in about 3 weeks using it once a day at 5 drops each. That equals to about 100 drops total in the bottle, not 100 servings of 5 drops each serving. So this is false advertising and it doesn’t last long but it’s a good product, so I’ll continue to buy it.
Xanon –
This stuff gave me milk back at an affordable price. You don’t have to use as much as it says if you’re willing to wait 24-48 hours. The longer you wait the less you have to use. I can even eat cheese if I use the drops just before I eat. I put 12 drops in a gallon and wait for at least 24 hours. Way cheaper than lactose free milk. Even leaves the taste almost the same. Maybe slightly sweeter but it’s a minute difference.
Lori Bailey –
While it did have a slight opaqueness, this still worked like a charm. As most people have said, it has a slightly sweet taste, but nothing too bad. IMO , much much better than the flavor of Lactaid tablets.
For me, I tried adding three full droppers to a gallon of skim milk and it definitely made it less of a stomachache than it couldn’t been, but personally it didn’t make it completely lactose free for me. HOWEVER- I was able to eat an entire small piece of cheesecake with ~no~ issue. And I haven’t been able to do that in like 8 years.
I took 5-7 drops like recommended with meals that I’d normally have to take 6 Lactaid tablets for and I had 0 issues. As everyone knows, Lactaid helps but doesn’t usually erase the problem like the drops did. Even though I couldn’t get the drops to work like I hoped in the milk, I’ll still 100% buy these. They worked fantastically.
Tips from when I used them –
-Stir it into a small glass of water or juice and drink it on the side if you’re not adding the drops to a whole glass of milk
-Keep the bottle in the fridge in the butter compartment. It says you don’t have to, but I think it probably helped with the longevity.
-After adding the drops to your drink, mix it really well. If not, you won’t be able to see that you missed half of it from your drink because it likes to sink to the bottom.