Labrada Nutrition Elastijoint: Suplemento em Pó para Suporte Articular com Sabor Laranja
O Labrada Nutrition Elastijoint é um suplemento em pó inovador, formulado especialmente para oferecer suporte abrangente às articulações, ideal para homens e mulheres que buscam manter a elasticidade e flexibilidade das articulações. Com um sabor delicioso de laranja, este produto se destaca entre os suplementos de suporte articular, proporcionando uma experiência agradável e eficaz.
Este suplemento contém glucosamina, um nutriente essencial que atua diretamente na saúde das articulações, sendo particularmente eficaz no alívio da dor nas articulações do joelho. A combinação de ingredientes ativos oferece alívio direcionado, tornando-o uma das melhores opções disponíveis para quem sofre com dores articulares. Além disso, o Elastijoint é projetado para fortalecer e reconstruir as articulações, fornecendo os nutrientes necessários para aqueles que buscam um suporte eficaz para a saúde óssea e articular.
Ideal para a recuperação pós-treino, o Elastijoint oferece suporte nutricional às articulações doloridas, auxiliando na recuperação de tendões e ligamentos. Isso o torna perfeito para atletas e pessoas ativas que necessitam de um suplemento de suporte articular tanto para homens quanto para mulheres. A fórmula poderosa de Glucosamina, Condroitina e MSM (Metilsulfonilmetano) garante uma ação sinérgica, potencializando os benefícios do produto e tornando-o um suplemento altamente eficaz.
Além de todos esses benefícios, o Elastijoint é livre de glúten, permitindo que adultos que seguem uma dieta sem glúten possam desfrutar de um suporte articular potente e saboroso em forma de pó.
– Suporte abrangente para a saúde das articulações, promovendo elasticidade e flexibilidade.
– Alívio eficaz da dor nas articulações do joelho, proporcionando conforto e mobilidade.
– Fortalecimento e reconstrução das articulações, ideal para quem busca melhorar a saúde óssea.
– Auxílio na recuperação pós-treino, ajudando na regeneração de tendões e ligamentos.
– Sabor agradável de laranja e fórmula livre de glúten, tornando o uso mais prazeroso e acessível.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar uma medida do Labrada Nutrition Elastijoint em um copo de água ou bebida de sua preferência. Agite bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. O uso diário é indicado, preferencialmente após o treino ou em qualquer momento do dia, conforme a necessidade. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições médicas preexistentes ou estiver tomando outros medicamentos.
Antonio –
I’ve been using this for over a year now and it’s helped to nearly eliminate some persistent joint pain I’ve had in my shoulder & hip. I’ve had cortisone shots in the past that gave temporary relief, but using this as part of my post-workout routine has been more beneficial than anything a doctor has done for me. …I’m sure the consistent exercise has helped too, but I still don’t let myself run out of this supplement.
Tor –
I add to water together with Rose Nectar from Pure Rose. The taste is great. The feeling this mix leaves you with is just incredible.
Jessica –
I’ve been taking this for about two weeks now and I can feel a difference in my knee joints. I wore my knees out running too much and ever since my knees have been achy. Since drinking this the pain in my knees has subsided a lot although it is not completely gone, so elastijoint definitely helps. As for the flavor, it doesn’t taste good but after the first two times it’s not horrible either. It tastes like grape flavored cough syrup or bitter jello mix. Just a really strong artificial grape flavor and medicinal flavor. I make three servings at a time and chill it so it’s easier to drink and the flavor is milder. If it were a pill I would give it five stars but since it doesn’t taste great and I have to blend it I give it four.
Jeremiah Curtis –
Not the greatest tasting product on the market but that’s how you know it’s healthy 🤣
Steven jones –
I have regional pain syndrome and I typically try anything to relieve pain. I’ve been on prescription pain killers before and they would only help so much, but they would make me drowsy and prevent me from being active so I did not like taking them.
Elasti Joint has made my life a little bit easier, and it’s those small victories that are very important to me and my daily activity and overall functionality. With Elasti Joint I can stretch more effectively and with improved range of motion. Things like stretching help prepare me for my day, the better my stretch the more active I can be throughout the day without experiencing pain, so this is definitely a victory for me!
I handle small parts at work and find myself dropping things like small washers and bolts throughout the day. Things like this would typically cause discomfort ad pain in my knees and back when I would bend over to retrieve my part. I can confidently say that I have experienced less discomfort and less pain while bending over since I’ve been taking this product. The mix even tastes good too, which was a pleasant surprise.
I her things like “improved flexibility” and “joint support” and I’m like sign me up. It just so happens that this product actually does what it says it does! Nothing bad to say about this product!
John B. –
I have come to update my review with the new info.
I thought this was an amazing product at first. In fact, I ordered a second month’s supply because of that sentiment. But, I was disturbed by what I thought was the HIGH volume of artificial orange color which was passing through my kidneys daily from this product. So, I began to do some research.
It turns out, taking daily supplements with Beta Carotene, which is used for the orange coloring in Elasi-Joint, has been definitively linked as a significant factor in a number of really nasty, and aggressive cancers. So, I decided to stop taking this product until I could get closure on this subject… that was 12 weeks ago give or take a few.
I have now learned that the discoloration in my urine which I have been experiencing since I began taking this product, was NOT from Elasti-Joint as I previously assumed, but from DIM… a different supplement which I began the same day as this one, but which is white… so I just assumed the orange coloring in Elasti-Joint was the culprit.
So, Elasti-Joint, I apologize for blaming you for making me pee orange… that said, please take out the cancer causing artificial colors so I can enjoy your product.
Aram Badasyan –
1) BAD – extremely sweet
2) BAD – (Fruit Punch) Very chemical taste, unpleasant to drink
3) GOOD – Effective formula
Bruce Wayne –
I don’t usually review but when i do it’s how I really feel. Here goes, I’ve suffered with joint pain for 3-4 months due to weight lifting, namely my wrist, elbows and shoulder.. I had suffered injury in the past. I decided to hit the gym to get in shape and look good. The pain in my wrist probably came due to bad form on the bench press. As a result it trickled down to my elbows and then shoulders. It affected my training as I had to go light again. I’ve tried anti-inflammatory medication, both oral and rub. Nothing worked or it did but only temporarily. I did a search on amazon for answers. I came across this product and decided to give it a try since it protect and also repair joints. I’m only into my 5th day and I can feel a relief. The pain is not gone totally but I could feel its working. I take this product along with Glutamine, flax seed, fish oil and a multi-vitamin. I recommend this product and maybe I would do a follow up review after the first container is finished. I will purchase again.