LABO Nutrition I My Kids Brain: A Nutrição que Transforma
Em um mundo onde o desenvolvimento infantil é uma prioridade, a LABO Nutrition apresenta o I My Kids Brain, um suplemento inovador que combina a pureza da natureza com a ciência avançada para oferecer o melhor em nutrição para o cérebro das crianças. Cada burstlet mastigável é uma explosão de saúde, formulado com uma dosagem funcional de ômega-3 DHA na forma rTG, além de vitaminas D3 e K2, que juntos promovem um suporte eficaz para a função cognitiva, visão saudável e fortalecimento dos ossos.
- ONLY NATURAL GOODNESS NOTHING ELSE: Cada 3 burstlets contém uma dosagem funcional de ômega-3 DHA na forma rTG, vitamina D3 e vitamina K2 para apoiar efetivamente a função cognitiva, a visão saudável e construir ossos mais fortes. Os triglicerídeos reesterificados concentrados (rTG) são a forma mais superior que permite uma absorção superior no corpo e máxima potência.
- MOST EFFECTIVE, BETTER ABSORPTION, HIGHER POTENCY, HIGHER BIOAVAILABILITY: A proporção alta de DHA e baixa de EPA é a mais eficaz para atravessar a barreira hematoencefálica, garantindo a melhor absorção e eficácia, além de funções cerebrais e cognitivas otimizadas. A maioria dos suplementos de DHA para crianças oferece menos de 30% de DHA. O I ♥ My Kids Brain & Bones Burstlets oferece 76% de DHA e 5% de EPA. 3 burstlets fornecem 380mg de Omega-3 DHA.
- HEALTH BENEFITS: Melhora na aprendizagem, visão saudável, crianças mais saudáveis e fortes, fortalecimento de ossos e dentes, aumento da imunidade, aprimoramento do foco, desenvolvimento social, melhoria das funções cognitivas e suporte à absorção de cálcio.
- PURITY & FRESHNESS: Extração supercrítica de CO2. Isso significa que o ômega-3 é extraído, purificado e concentrado sem altas temperaturas e solventes tóxicos. Fabricado em uma instalação com boas práticas de fabricação (GMP). NÃO contém glúten, trigo, levedura, laticínios, soja, ovos, milho, crustáceos, nozes, amendoins, conservantes, sódio, sabores artificiais, corantes artificiais, açúcar artificial, metais pesados, dioxinas e PCBs. Seguro para consumo a longo prazo, altamente recomendado para crianças pequenas e adolescentes.
- GREAT TASTING CITRUS FLAVOUR WITH NO FISHY AFTERTASTE: Para crianças de 4 a 12 anos: 3 burstlets mastigáveis diariamente. Podem ser mastigados ou engolidos. FEITO NO JAPÃO.
1. Desempenho Cognitivo Aprimorado: A alta concentração de DHA promove um melhor aprendizado e desenvolvimento cognitivo.
2. Visão Saudável: As vitaminas D3 e K2 contribuem para a saúde ocular, essencial para o crescimento das crianças.
3. Fortalecimento Ósseo: A combinação de nutrientes ajuda a construir ossos e dentes mais fortes, prevenindo problemas futuros.
4. Aprimoramento do Foco e Concentração: Ideal para crianças em fase escolar, melhorando a capacidade de atenção e foco.
5. Segurança e Pureza: Produto livre de alérgenos comuns e substâncias nocivas, garantindo segurança para o consumo diário.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se que crianças de 4 a 12 anos consumam 3 burstlets mastigáveis diariamente. Os burstlets podem ser facilmente mastigados ou engolidos, proporcionando uma experiência agradável e nutritiva. É importante que o uso seja contínuo para maximizar os benefícios cognitivos e de saúde geral. Armazenar em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a frescura e eficácia do produto.
Customer Reviewer –
These little burstlets arrived in a triple-sealed package (the box was sealed, then there was an inner seal, then a very sturdy foil seal under the cap). They’re very small, so don’t let the little bottle fool you. There are 135 burstlets in the package, but the recommended dosage is three a day, so this is a 45-day supply.
They have an orange taste inside the chewy outside. Kids with texture issues may balk at the latter part. They’re sweetened with Monkfruit, which reduces the number of calories but gives these burstlets an artificial taste that real sugar doesn’t have. I can’t say I’m a fan, but I understand why manufacturers have moved toward using this product instead of sugar.
I’m a little confused as to who actually makes these; the label says they are made in Japan, but Lifestream group lists two addresses on the package, one in New York and one in Singapore. There’s an email address and a hotline; the hotline is a Singapore number, so I’m not going to call it, and I’m not sure about the email address.
Of course you’ll want to check with your doctor (or pediatrician) to see what’s right for you and your child. I mostly do like these, although I’m a little curious about the manufacturer here and am less excited about the sweetener. If those aren’t issues for you, you’ll likely enjoy these entirely.
Joe Joe Joe Joe –
These are fun in theory, but none of my three kids really liked the flavor. They love things like boba, so maybe they were expecting more of that kind of experience? I tried them too, and the texture when you’re chewing is not… pleasant. I think the idea is cool, just slightly a miss for us.
DRSills –
Oh these are so fun & delicious!!! What a bursting delight!!! LABO Nutrition I My Kids Brain & Bones Chewable Burstlet, Gluten Free, for Stronger Bones & Behavioral Management, 76% Ultra-Concentrated rTG Form Omega 3 DHA Fish Oil, Vitamin D3 & K2, Orange. 3 chewable burstlets contain a proper, functional dosage of omega-3 DHA in rTG form, vitamin D3 and Vitamin K2. High-DHA-low-EPA: Docosahexaenoic acid, Eicosapentaenoic acid, Fish Oil.
This brand is so thorough, they even use supercritical CO2 extraction; the omega-3 is extracted, purifies and concentrated without high heat and toxic solvents. Manufactured in a Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) facility. NO gluten, wheat, yeast, dairy, soy, eggs, corn, shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, preservatives, sodium, artificial flavour, artificial colouring, artificial sugar, heavy metals, dioxins and PCBs.
Safe for long term use! Great for kids & toddlers (adults will love it too). Wonderful holistic care in a supplement!
Calandra Mitchell –
I got this for my 4yr old and the taste is so horrible she want eat it and I couldn’t even return it so make sure before you waste your money that your child is not a picky eater even i don’t like the taste of it over all money wasted i wish I could give the 0 star do not buy you can’t get a refund or a credit and these are expensive
Staciana –
Quoted from my just-turned 4 year old daughter:
“What do you think about these?”
“No, no, no. Yucky!”
When she first tried them, she was excited and she loved the shape and “squishy balls”, but it was the taste that she didn’t love. I tried them as well thinking, ‘how bad could orange taste?’
Well, it’s not exactly that it’s the flavor of orange, it’s just that’s so crazy-concentrated orange that’s the problem. It tastes more like orange zest. Like super strong orange flavor like that.
I can get her to take them every once in awhile, but definitely not on a regular basis. I appreciate the ingredients, and I guess it’s good that I can get them into her sometimes, but wish it were every day.
Darrah –
Imagine trying to chew a large pea made out of a thick rubber band then, when mixed with saliva, feels like it’s covered in oil. These things become almost a game to try and chew as they slide out from between your teeth over and over until you finally get the right grip and they burst open with a gooey orange flavored substance leaving the thick rubbery skin behind for you to spit out. It says no artificial ingredients on the label but it lists “orange flavor” as one of the ingredients. Not saying “orange flavor” is not natural but it is suspect in y book. No one in my household wants to eat them. These are made in Japan.
Calandra Mitchell –
We’ve tried LOTS of gummies and this is certainly unique. They’re really not gummies per se but what seems like plastic bubbles with orange juice in them. It’s an odd concept, but the kids absolutely love them. It’s hard to keep them to the serving size of 3 a day but that’s fine I guess because I don’t know if you can have too much of the omegas. You can have too much vitamin D since it’s fat soluble but a serving only has 50% dv for that. It’s an interesting concept for sure and clearly you’re paying for that at $.50 a serving. The advertising says “they’ll keep asking for more” and that was certainly the case with my kids at least the first couple days.
Joe Joe Joe Joe –
LABO Brain & Bones Chewable Burstlets offer vital nutrients in a tasty orange chewable. Packed with Omega 3 DHA fish oil, Vitamin D3, and K2, they support strong bones and behavior management. Simplify your child’s nutrition routine with these convenient and effective chewables.