Labello Original (Anteriormente Conhecido como Labello Classic Care) (3 pacotes)
O Labello Original é o produto perfeito para quem sofre com lábios secos ou rachados. Com sua fórmula exclusiva, ele acalma a irritação dos lábios e proporciona hidratação intensa. Seus lábios ficarão macios, suaves e protegidos contra as agressões externas. A combinação de manteiga de karité e óleo de jojoba não apenas nutre, mas também cria uma barreira que previne o ressecamento, tornando-o ideal para o uso diário, independentemente das condições climáticas.
O Labello Original, anteriormente conhecido como Labello Classic Care, passou por uma mudança de nome e embalagem, mas manteve a mesma qualidade superior. Fabricado na Alemanha e importado da Áustria, este produto é sinônimo de excelência e confiabilidade. Sua aplicação suave e duradoura garante que os lábios permaneçam hidratados e protegidos ao longo do dia, tornando-o um item indispensável na rotina de cuidados pessoais.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Hidratação intensa: O Labello Original proporciona uma hidratação profunda, deixando os lábios suaves e macios.
- Proteção duradoura: Sua fórmula exclusiva forma uma barreira protetora nos lábios, mantendo-os protegidos contra as agressões externas.
- Alívio imediato: Com sua ação calmante, o Labello Original acalma a irritação dos lábios, proporcionando alívio imediato.
- Qualidade superior: Fabricado na Alemanha e importado da Áustria, o Labello Original é sinônimo de qualidade e confiabilidade.
- Embalagem econômica: Este pacote contém 3 unidades do Labello Original, garantindo um excelente custo-benefício.
O Labello Original oferece uma série de benefícios que o tornam uma escolha ideal para quem busca cuidados eficazes para os lábios. Primeiramente, sua hidratação intensa garante que os lábios fiquem sempre macios, evitando o desconforto do ressecamento. Além disso, a proteção duradoura contra fatores externos, como vento e frio, é essencial para manter a saúde labial. O alívio imediato da irritação é outro ponto forte, proporcionando conforto instantâneo. A qualidade superior do produto, reconhecida internacionalmente, assegura que você está utilizando um item confiável. Por fim, a embalagem econômica com 3 unidades permite que você tenha sempre um Labello à mão, seja em casa, no trabalho ou em viagens.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique o Labello Original nos lábios sempre que necessário. Deslize suavemente o produto sobre os lábios, garantindo uma cobertura uniforme. É recomendado o uso diário, especialmente em condições climáticas adversas, para manter os lábios hidratados e protegidos. Para uma hidratação ainda mais intensa, aplique antes de dormir e deixe agir durante a noite.
HAlapai –
When my husband and I recently took a trip to Israel, I was plagued with a bout of dry lips and cold sores. Everything I used was not working to alleviate my problem, including bleeding where one of the cold sores were. On our way home we had a five hour layover at the Paris airport. I asked a clerk in one of the airport shops about a good product for good for cold sores. She recommended two different kinds of Lobella lip balm and I picked this one. Within two days my lips were practically completely healed. I am so glad I was able to stock up on this product on Amazon!
G. B. –
My friends traveled out of the U.S. and they bought Labello at an airport store. They gave one to me and I loved it! I couldn’t find it in the United States at the time, so I was sad. I saw Labello lip balm, the exact one that I had, on line and bought it. It’s the same, it’s wonderful, and I’m so glad to have it! It gives me comfort and it’s efficient and lasts long. I really love it.
JeReba Walker –
My husband is from Germany and he raved about this chapstick. So we found it and ordered it. It’s very smooth, not oily , but very moisturizing. It kind of leaves a whitecast on your lips …. But I use it at night before bed , or wear it under a mask in public anyway. So overall it’s a great product.
pinkthedog –
I’ve used this for years and am addicted. It leaves my lips moisturized and doesn’t turn into waxy bits on the edges or in the corners of my lips.
TR –
The best lipbalm. Have been using it since 20years, and the quality is consistently great !
Pdot75 –
Minor issue with my order. Seller was very responsive and corrected the issue right away
Labello is a great lip balm, I wish they sold it in Canada
Paul Martin –
I normally do not write any reviews. But, I will for this product ! Unfortunately, Labello was the only lip balm product I use anymore after. Perhaps, 17 years ago, a girl I dated from Sarnia Canada, brought a couple of these tubes with her and I was hooked! There’s really no need for a review, if you’ve ever usd this product. Over the many years since then, I have scrambled to find suppliers of this product, since I understood the company was purchased, but the product was retained in its normal formulary by Nivia. I was able to get it locally, and then suddenly it was unavailable anymore, just like it had been initially. I had reached out on Amazon to purchase it, but it is very expensive and it’s frustrating to find it and I wonder if that pricing is fair and necessary. I don’t know if it’s being manufactured anymore, but I’m going to go back to researching available suppliers that have it more economically priced. As for now, I have a bunch of tubes that are partially used and I’m guarding them like gold. If I can find another supplier that can provide this more in a bulk order that is discounted, I am going to replenish my supplies for the next five years or so.
➡️➡️➡️If anyone knows suppliers for this Labello ORIGINAL product (I believe Nivea used to sell the same product, but I don’t think they have it anymore) please reach out to me and let me know. All I can say is this product is not greasy, it doesn’t have a flavor, it’s just keeps my lips healthy and soft even through the winter months. I will be forever grateful to anyone that knows where I can again purchase this original formulary if it’s been taken over by another cosmetic company.
Adam emerson –
Best lip balm I’ve ever used. I’d always used carmex in the past but picked this up in the Paris airport and have been using it ever since.
Mark B –
This lip balm has the perfect consistency with no flavor/scent at all. It’s made by the same company that makes the Nivea branded lip balm for the US market (for significantly less if you purchase it at retail), but it isn’t as nice. Nivea is more like Chapstick in that it’s less viscous and doesn’t feel as moisturizing. I was hoping that the Nivea would be identical since it’s made my the same company, but alas it is not. Labello is the s#$t and worth the extra cost for buying the European version in the US.
Melanie Witte –
I grew up with these and despite the cost, I will keep ordering them.