BulkSupplements.com L-Ornithine HCl Capsules: A Revolução na Suplementação de Aminoácidos
As cápsulas de L-Ornithine HCl da BulkSupplements.com são um suplemento de aminoácidos que promete transformar sua rotina de exercícios e recuperação muscular. Com 1000mg de L-Ornithine por porção, cada frasco contém 90 cápsulas, oferecendo um suporte robusto para quem busca aumentar a energia, melhorar a resistência e acelerar a recuperação muscular. Este aminoácido é um verdadeiro aliado para atletas e entusiastas do fitness, proporcionando um impulso significativo na performance e na recuperação.
- ✔️ Para Aumento de Energia – O L-Ornithine HCl é um suplemento que pode ajudar a elevar seus níveis de energia e apoiar seu desempenho. Ao aumentar a energia e a resistência, as cápsulas de Ornithine permitem que você supere seus limites durante os treinos, facilitando a manutenção do seu progresso.
- ✔️ Para Recuperação Muscular e Resistência – As cápsulas de L-Ornithine HCl auxiliam na recuperação do corpo após os treinos, além de ajudar a manter a resistência muscular. Este suplemento pode acelerar a recuperação dos músculos, permitindo que você retorne à academia mais rapidamente e se sinta energizado ao longo do dia.
- ✔️ Bloco de Construção para Aminoácidos – O L-Ornithine HCl é fundamental na produção de aminoácidos como citrulina e arginina, essenciais para a produção de óxido nítrico. Este suplemento é ideal para pessoas que levam um estilo de vida ativo e saudável, proporcionando um impulso geral na produção de aminoácidos.
- ✨ Puro e Sem Aditivos – As cápsulas de L-Ornithine HCl são puras e limpas, sem aditivos, enchimentos ou sabores artificiais. Além disso, este suplemento é livre de laticínios, soja, glúten e açúcares adicionados, garantindo uma opção saudável e segura para todos.
- ⭐ Alta Qualidade – Todos os suplementos de L-Ornithine da BulkSupplements são fabricados de acordo com os padrões cGMP, assegurando a mais alta qualidade em fabricação, embalagem, rotulagem e operações de armazenamento. O produto passa por testes de terceiros em várias etapas de produção para garantir conformidade e consistência.
1. Aumento de Energia: Melhora os níveis de energia, permitindo treinos mais intensos.
2. Recuperação Acelerada: Ajuda na recuperação muscular, reduzindo o tempo de inatividade entre os treinos.
3. Suporte à Resistência: Mantém a resistência muscular, ideal para atividades prolongadas.
4. Produção de Aminoácidos: Contribui para a síntese de aminoácidos essenciais, como arginina e citrulina.
5. Pureza e Qualidade: Produto livre de aditivos e fabricado sob rigorosos padrões de qualidade.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas de L-Ornithine HCl por dia, preferencialmente antes ou após o treino. É importante acompanhar a ingestão com uma quantidade adequada de água. Para maximizar os benefícios, combine o uso do suplemento com uma dieta equilibrada e um programa de exercícios regular. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições médicas preexistentes ou estiver tomando outros medicamentos.
L-Ornithine is an amazing product and this supplement by Bulksupplements lives up to my expectations! I discovered L-Ornithine a long time ago when I was cleansing and it was recommended to “mop up” ammonia from your body and help with sleep. Well, I’m one of those lucky ones who not much helps with sleep so I had very low hopes for it and never purchased it until years later.
If you are cleansing, this really does help your system relax. A lot. I’m taking some stuff for my liver and find at times I’m getting super emotional and feel overall just very agitated. This also makes for some restless nights! This supplement calms that immediately. It’s effective overnight. Also, if you take it about an hour or so before bed, it may help you sleep better. At least it does for me. I take 3 pills for a total of 1,500mg before bed and I sleep through the night for about 7 hours straight. This is magical for me! Currently taking it for cleansing purposes but will continue to do so afterwards to see if these benefits continue. I’ve been a customer of Bulksupplements for years and I’ve always received great products from them. This one in particular I highly, highly recommend!
Kimmi SL –
The taste is decent enough and they’re easy to swallow. It’s a good value considering the quantity and price but how much of the active ingredient you’re actually getting and the quality of it is a complete mystery with these supplements. There is surprisingly not much info on the label and the web site is very vague about the origin and manufacturing process of these supplements. Also, the bottle was a bit dirty (see pics).
Kimmi SL –
I have been taking L-Ornithine supplements for several years. I’ve ordered from Bulk Supplements prior but not for their L-Ornithine.
Their L-Ornithine product is similar to others that I have taken and works. I used this daily for increased recovery after working out especially for those that are age 50 +. I’m less sore the following day, even after a hard training session at the gym.
The actual dosage amounts are equal that you have to take compared to other. With this product each tablet contains 500 mg so if you were needing or wanting to take 1000 mg per day, that would be 2 tablet.
Overall Impression: Works and is effective. Helps with recovery after workout which is important after you hit age 50+. Each tablet is 500 mg per, to get the daily dosage of 1000 mg it’s 2 tablets per day. For the money and value it’s a good buy. Averaging .10 cents per tablet or .20 cents per day if you are taking the 1000 mg dosage. Each bottle contains a 90 day supply which is a good value.
Gregor Samsa –
I started using ornithine 20 years ago in the form of PKG which was a popular bodybuilding supplement at the time. That stuff is pretty rare today, but you can still get ornithine – and get it much more cheaply, and it still works, but the difference between the two is unclear to me.
What does it do?. The most obvious thing is that it cuts down on muscle fatigue because of its involvement in the urea cycle. To me, this simple feels like less.muscle fatigue when training. It’s useful on my tougher mountain bike rides, especially hill climbs when I haven’t been training in a while. I also feel it in the gym when weightlifting, where it helps me push longer and harder, but doesn’t make me feel stronger for some reason. It may also be unhelpful if your muscle growth depends on the stimulation of that fatigue.
This effect is similar to that of beta-alanine (carnosine) or mineral lactates – subjectively.
Ornithine is said to help in muscle and wound repair, and also sleep – but I haven’t actually observed these effects, at least with this product.
Rel –
Great price point, easy to swallow.
Author: H. Michael Sweeney –
As an official Amazon Vine Reviewer, I review numerous health aids in a uniform manner, and with a caveat. The caveat is that everyone’s physiology/body chemistry is rather uniquely different to any ‘norm’ or ‘average,’ such that whatever my experience is, it may be different, for you: compare the whole of many reviews looking for the weight of good to bad results. By uniform manner, I mean that I do not start one review until at least ten days since finishing a prior review. I have no prescribed drugs and otherwise only rely on a standard one-a-day vitamin, so there can be no conflict or unexpected interactions which impact results. However, today, I’m violating that by evaluating two products simultaneously, from the same supplier, on the assumption they are cross compatible, and such seems to have been found true in the results. I insured that they did not ‘compete’ in function, so that each’s performance could be separately judged. That supplier is Bulksupplements.com.
This review is of their L-Ornithine HCL product, which I co-tested with Mucuna Prurient Extract, and if you are like me, you wonder ‘What in the heck are those things, anyway, and whey would I want them?” They are not what I’d call ‘staple items’ or ‘well known’ supplements you might expect to find at your pharmacy, though I’m sure better stocked pharmacies likely do carry them, and real health nuts (not me) do know what they are. Each has a fairly simple health benefit claim. L-Ornithine HCL is an energy boost supplement, and by its description, it seems to be aimed at workout and other high-energy expenditure periods, as opposed to ‘normal day-long’ boost. However, that’s hardly me. Even so, I do have such high-energy periods, but also days where I do not, and I took the pills daily, and found a notable improvement regardless of my activity levels in any given day. The other product is a brain function/mood enhancer.
I’m almost 78 years old, overweight, with no serious health issues other than a neuropathy which makes walking difficult and has resulted over the years in an atrophying of my leg muscles. Only recently have I taken up e-bike exercise which I do as many days as the weather and circumstance allows, and that has helped more than anything else, to get my legs to come back to more normal functioning. I do find myself able to do several miles at 20 mph on the bike for a decent workout, using this product, and feel better doing so, and afterward, than without it. And, when not riding at all, I also am aware of feeling more fit and overall, ‘better,’ in daily routines. It there was a star rating for doing as claimed, I’d give at least four stars.
This product works for me. What I cannot tell you, is if it works better than any other alternatives, for I have tried no others, thus far. I am not a fan of energy drinks (other than I do like electrolyte added flavored water, which I do use regularly every day, to rid myself of a soda-pop habit).
Likes: notable success in claimed benefits, seemingly competitive pricing options in bulk. No unpleasant taste (not much of anything, actually).
Dislikes: I find their caps are excessively kid-safe and difficult to open, such that I don’t put them back on: not good for a bulk product, long-term, I suspect, but there’s always a zip-lock bag option. They are also not terribly precise in fit, such that they are easy to cross thread. These are in the split-shell capsule form, which for some reason are difficult for me to swallow… I often choke on such pills, but that is more due an unusual irregularity in my esophagus, as confirmed by x-ray. Likely not a problem for most people.