Fresh Nutrition L Methylfolate 7.5mg – A Potência do Folato em Suplemento de Alta Qualidade
O Fresh Nutrition L Methylfolate 7.5mg é um suplemento inovador que oferece a forma ativa de folato em uma dosagem potente de 7.5mg por cápsula. O 5-MTHF, ou L-Metilfolato, é a forma mais metabolizável e pronta para o sangue do ácido fólico (vitamina B9), essencial para indivíduos que enfrentam problemas de metilação e não conseguem processar adequadamente o ácido fólico. Este suplemento é uma solução eficaz para garantir que o corpo receba a quantidade necessária de folato, promovendo uma série de benefícios à saúde.
Entre os principais benefícios do L-Metilfolato, destaca-se o suporte à função cerebral, energia e humor. O folato é crucial para a produção de neurotransmissores que influenciam a concentração, o sono, a energia, os hormônios e o estado emocional. Além disso, o Fresh Nutrition L Methylfolate também apoia a saúde cardiovascular, nervos e circulação, contribuindo para a função saudável dos vasos sanguíneos e nervos, além de fornecer cofatores nutricionais essenciais para um metabolismo ideal da homocisteína.
Produzido nos Estados Unidos em uma instalação registrada pela FDA e certificada pelo GMP, o Fresh Nutrition garante que cada aspecto do processo de fabricação foi rigorosamente examinado, incluindo métodos de laboratório e testes para estabilidade, potência e formulação do produto. O suplemento é testado por terceiros para garantir potência e pureza, sendo vegano, não transgênico, livre de glúten e soja, sem aditivos ou enchimentos. Com um fornecimento para três meses em 90 cápsulas vegetarianas, é uma escolha prática e saudável.
– Forma Ativa de Folato: A presença de 5-MTHF garante que o corpo utilize o folato de maneira eficiente, especialmente para aqueles com dificuldades de metabolização.
– Suporte Cognitivo: Melhora a concentração e o foco, essencial para o desempenho em atividades diárias e profissionais.
– Equilíbrio Emocional: Contribui para a produção de neurotransmissores, ajudando a regular o humor e a reduzir a ansiedade.
– Saúde Cardiovascular: Promove a saúde do coração ao apoiar a função vascular e o metabolismo da homocisteína.
– Qualidade Garantida: Fabricado em instalações certificadas, com testes rigorosos que asseguram a pureza e a potência do produto.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula de Fresh Nutrition L Methylfolate 7.5mg diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição para otimizar a absorção. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às necessidades individuais. Armazenar em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a integridade do produto.
BreezyMom –
First, as some others have mentioned, this is a small, tasteless, odorless capsule that’s pretty easy to swallow. That was a big bonus. You only need one per day, and there are 90 pills so that’s a good value for the money as well. During the weeks that I’ve taken this supplement, although it hasn’t been miraculous of course because things take time, but I have to say that I have felt a bit more “bright eyed and bushy tailed.” And knowing that it’s vegan makes me feel great about putting it in my body.
There is one side effect that I wasn’t expecting however. Forgive the TMI but one drawback that I wasn’t expecting has been that my menstrual cycle has been elongated and heavier. I mean the darn thing doesn’t want to stop, despite my having an IUD, which makes my periods all but nonexistent. With that said, I love the fact that my moods are good and I feel a bit sharper. I also love that it’s beneficial for my cardiovascular health (all major lures for me as someone with Lupus). That one side effect however is definitely one to consider for women.
BreezyMom –
For the past two weeks I have taken one pill in the morning as soon as I wake up. They are quite small and easy to swallow and have no flavor at all. I have noticed more motivation to get things done and I believe it has helped with my recent depression by putting me on the move. I am more focused and yet I don’t feel strange or jittery as I do with energy or diet pills but they obviously carry me productively through the day. I have also noticed that I have lost a few pounds in these past two weeks, probably because I am more active. Overall, I can say that they have made me feel better, enhanced my mood and given me more energy. I would absolutely recommend trying!
Alrightythen –
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*Must have for all moms!* This product delivers! I bought it because since COVID and homeschool began I have had an awful mental fog and fatigue I just couldn’t shake. After some research I found this gem. I was pleasantly surprised that there wasn’t any odors or gross after taste. It went down with ease. Within about an hour (the first use) I felt alive again. Not being over dramatic but seriously! The brain fog was gone! I was able yo focus and have clarity. Homeschooling and dealing with kids and working from home is now a breeze. It also did help with my hormonal acne (side effect of meds per my obgyn)! It also helped me lose some weight! I breastfeed and am gluten free and vegan so the ingredients list was so important to me. It’s hard to find amazing supplements that are not full of the gross things our body doesn’t need. Would 100% reccomend and I will be buying monthly!
Joanna D –
So, in 2015 and with a long list of health complaints, my doctor ordered a couple thousand dollars worth of blood tests including some genetic tests. One of the things she told me at the time was that I was an “undermethylator” and should take methyl folate. I took some at the time, but I have never been able to swallow pills all that well and so it wasn’t long before I stopped taking that and the dozen other giant pills I was expected to toss down the gullet all day every day. I am just a bad and non-compliant patient that way.
Fast forward to 2020. In those 5 years, I can’t tell you how many thousands of dollars I have spent in alternative healthcare, since traditional medicine dismissed my fibro decades ago. I started reading up on MTHFR gene mutation and pulled my 2015 lab results to review. Turns out I have a heterozygous mutation on one gene and a homozygous mutation on the other. Long story short, the recommendation for that is a prescription strength version of this supplement at 15mg. So I figured I would try it out to see if this time around, it would make a difference in my life.
The short answer is, yes, I think it does! 🙂 For the first time in years, my fibromyalgia pain in almost nothing, which for me is HUGE. I have literally started running again, for the first time in 8 years. Now, I am not saying that’s all on the methyl folate supplementation. However, I am also taking two prescription medications, which I have taken in the past but without the methylfolate, and did not havec the same experience. And like I said, I took methylfolate in the past but in combination with other meds, and also did not have the same results. But for whatever reason, I think I have finally stumbled on the magical combination of stuff to control my inflamation. I am looking forward to going back to the doctor for repeat labs to see how this has affected my cardiac health. In terms of mood and brain health, I don’t know if it’s the supplement itself, or the fact that I no longer feel so crappy, but I can definitely say that my mood has improved in the time I was taking it as well.
I will also add that the capsules are small in comparison to some of the horse pills I have been asked to swallow in the past. I still have troubles with them and have to chew them or open them and mix with a liquid sometimes, but not nearly as bad as some other supplements I have taken in the past.
So, if you’re a genetic mutant like me 😉 I think it’s definitely worth trying it out. If you are not sure about your MTHFR status (it’s a pretty common mutation from what I have read), YMWV but it can’t hurt to try it and see if it makes a difference for you.
Stuart & Bridget –
I really hope and pray that the manufacturer of this supplement never stops making it. I purchased it (11 times so far) because my doctor had me do genetic testing which found that I have a mutation in the MTHFR gene that stops my brain from processing folate correctly. I started taking it, and within a month or so, my thinning hair began to fill out! This is not even the reason I started taking it (was to help anxiety/mood). I searched and searched for several years to find something that would help my hair grow back after surgical menopause and chemotherapy, only to find this by accident. So I am very happy. Easy to take, no aftertaste, goes right down. And my mood is good. A game changer for me.