Descrição do Produto: Best Naturals L-Citrulline Powder 8 OZ
O Best Naturals L-Citrulline Powder é um suplemento de alta qualidade, projetado para aqueles que buscam otimizar seu desempenho físico e melhorar a saúde cardiovascular. Com 8 onças de puro L-Citrulline, este produto é meticulosamente testado por terceiros para garantir a pureza e a qualidade, oferecendo aos consumidores a confiança de que estão utilizando um suplemento seguro e eficaz. Cada porção contém meia colher de chá (1,5 g) de L-Citrulline, resultando em impressionantes 151 porções por frasco, o que proporciona um excelente custo-benefício.
Este pó é livre de organismos geneticamente modificados (Non-GMO) e glúten, tornando-o uma escolha ideal para aqueles com restrições alimentares. Produzido com orgulho nos Estados Unidos, o Best Naturals L-Citrulline é fabricado em uma instalação registrada pela FDA e em conformidade com as boas práticas de fabricação (GMP), assegurando que cada frasco atenda aos mais altos padrões de qualidade.
Além disso, o produto não contém corantes artificiais, sabores ou adoçantes, conservantes, açúcar, leite, milho, soja, ovos, lactose, glúten, trigo, levedura ou peixe. É também isento de sódio, tornando-o uma opção saudável para quem busca um suplemento limpo e natural.
1. Aumento da Performance Física: O L-Citrulline é conhecido por melhorar a resistência e a recuperação muscular, ideal para atletas e praticantes de atividades físicas.
2. Melhora da Circulação Sanguínea: Este aminoácido ajuda a aumentar a produção de óxido nítrico, promovendo uma melhor circulação e oxigenação dos músculos.
3. Suporte à Saúde Cardiovascular: O uso regular pode contribuir para a saúde do coração, ajudando a manter níveis saudáveis de pressão arterial.
4. Fórmula Limpa e Natural: Sem aditivos artificiais, o produto é uma escolha saudável para quem busca um suplemento puro e eficaz.
5. Versatilidade de Uso: Pode ser facilmente adicionado a shakes, smoothies ou bebidas pré-treino, facilitando a inclusão na rotina diária.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar meia colher de chá (1,5 g) de L-Citrulline em água ou em sua bebida favorita, uma vez ao dia. Para maximizar os benefícios, considere o uso do suplemento cerca de 30 minutos antes do exercício físico. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde ou nutricionista para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades individuais. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
kathryn Hawkins –
I use this to top up my citrulline intake throughout the day, in addition to using higher amounts peri-workout. Hope it comes back in stock before I run out 🙏🏻
Check Examine to see how this may benefit you.
G Family –
L-Citrulline converts to L-Arginine in your body and L-Arginine dilates your blood vessels, giving you a better pump in the gym. I took the recommended dose, 1 level tsp. about 30 minutes prior to working out, with lots of water and some caffeine in its most common form, coffee. I didn’t do anything different in my workout, though I did notice a more pronounced pump. It’s no big trick to get a biceps pump, but this one hit my lats after a set of pullups in a way I rarely feel, and after a French press/narrow-grip bench press combo set, my triceps definitely felt mega-swole. So, I would give this supplement an immediate stamp of approval.
As for the powder form, you might ask, why not just put it in capsules or in some pre-workout drink or whatever. Answer: it’s cheaper this way. Thirteen bucks gets you 151 servings at 1/2 a lvl. tsp. per go. If you only workout two or three days a week, as I do on a HIT routine, it will last . . . um, well, you can do the math: quite a while. As for using it, this stuff is pure. I dropped the 1/2 tsp. in a glass of water, and a few swirls with a spoon dissolved it quickly and completely – no residue at all in the glass after I downed it. (It has a tiny bit of an odd taste and smell to it, but nothing off-putting enough not to take it.) So, while it’s not as easy as dropping a couple of caps, it’s not all that harder, either. I’m really glad I got this stuff.
Kilidonia de Acero –
I have used L citrulline for last 3-4 years so I am very familiar with it. This seems to be a quality citrulline but the serving size of 1.5g is really low compared to other options out there. My big issue is the packaging of this supplement is ridiculous. No scoop and a very small opening to get powder out make it very frustrating to deal with especially once you’re towards the end of the bottle.
Kaz555 –
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Fantastic taste and amazing viscosity for a citrulline product. I take up to 8g daily, dont know why the current 8 reviews only add up to 3.5, same as any other l citrulline product.
Kaz555 –
Works well. Good quality.
Dale F –
The product is excellent to take it, as it has no taste in water which is a plus. However I thought I was buying capsules so just be a bit careful when you’re ordering obviously I didn’t read properly.
Thanks for All the Fish –
If you are someone who lifts heavy things for recreation, then you know one of the most elusive things in the gym, besides getting others to stop hogging the equipment by texting and clean it off when finished, is what has become to be known as “The Pump”. Having one’s muscles swell (or swole I guess) temporarily to almost twice their proportion after a set of reps is a highly sought after state that makes one feel like they are accomplishing something.
While it can and does certainly happen naturally, substances, such as L-citrulline, can increase the probability by releasing a nitric oxide effect to the muscles, thereby swelling them up. I have found over the years of using other different nitric oxide products, such as l-arginine and beet root, that l-citrulline is hands down the best and most effective way to bring about The Pump as it is more readily absorbed and made available by the body.
This product comes in a generous sized bottle that will last awhile, or at least 151 days if one takes the minimal dosage of one-half teaspoon a day (though the directions say it can be taken 1-3 times daily). Each serving equals 1.5 g or 1500 mg. The citrulline is in powder form, which I’ve found is superior to capsule forms though it has its drawback (more on that in a moment). The smell is not very pleasant to my nose and the best I can describe it is a cross between a chlorinated plastic pool float and the gifts my cats leave in their litter box. The flavor is also kind of grody and what earns the “taste” rating one star. In short, it is not something that can be consumed straight or even in a plain liquid like water, though there might be some brave souls or those with non-functional taste buds who might disagree. This is actually consistent with most other citrulline products I’ve tried. The best option I have found is to consume it with something sweet or sugary, such as juice or a sports drink. Though the unpleasant taste also bleeds through with plain milk but mixing it with protein powder (with or without the milk) hides the nasty tang.
I consume a serving prior to leaving for the gym and by the time I start my routine it is both active in the muscles and remains so. Though it is by no means 100% effective and 100% of the time, but certain exercises, like bicep curls or triceps pushdowns seem to bring out the best results and increase the chance of vascularity as the arms are the most susceptible. There is nothing like the feeling of a swollen upper arm or seeing the already prominent veins in my forearms pop out like a slithering bag of snakes (always grosses my wife out) to make one feel a rush of endorphins. Oh, and just as a side benefit for the guys, since citrulline raises nitric oxide levels throughout the body, don’t be surprised if blood flow increases to parts that one wasn’t consciencely thinking about, though that isn’t the product’s main intention.
If you want to chase “The Pump” and catch it, then the l-citrulline in this product can certainly help you achieve that. All that, and a good value for the money too.
Kilidonia de Acero –
Pleasant taste, slightest touch of sweetness but not when mixed with water, only when tasting the powder directly. NO ADDITIVES, BRAVO!!!! So rare to find supplements without fillers, additives, et al. This apparently has none. The powder is very fine, dissolves instantly, but not too fine like powder which creates waste and dust. I read that citrulline helps remove ammonia from cells, which helps keep heart and blood vessels healthy. That’s the main reason I’m taking it. So I can’t remark yet on its effectiveness till I’ve been using it for some time. But it seems like a very clean supplement and easy to take. Nice large bottle, much more quantity than I expected (see photo next to regular-size avocado for comparison). Another review complained about the opening being too small. They must be taking a humungous amount because the opening is 2 inches wide, more than large enough for a spoon containing twice the recommended daily dose. UPDATE AFTER USING 2 MONTHS: I feel absolutely wonderful since taking this supplement. My cardiologist prescribed a CT test for calcium to check on the status of plaque in my arteries. He was shocked and happy to tell me my score was ZERO. However, I must warn that you should put a dessicant into the bottle IMMEDIATELY or there’s a risk of what happened to me, which is that almost the entire contents of the bottle caked into a solid block that shaking won’t dislodge – I have to attack it with a knife to pulverize some of it. There was no dessicant provided so I took one from another vitamin bottle. The company needs to pack these with a dessicant. I keep it in a dry cupboard and my other powdered supplements haven’t had this problem, although this citruline is finer than most, more like a powder. I still think it’s a great supplement and will absolutely continue to take it.
Jay Knack –
Easy to use – I add it to a smoothie – powder is fine and doesn’t go to lumps – no taste
Oleg Kruglikov –
Ease to take no bad taste