Descrição do Produto:
O suplemento em pó Pure Original Ingredients L-Citrulline DL-Malate é uma combinação poderosa de L-Citrulina e DL-Malato, projetado para oferecer suporte ao desempenho físico e à recuperação muscular. Este produto é 100% vegetariano e passa por rigorosos testes de laboratório para garantir a pureza e a qualidade. A L-Citrulina é um aminoácido que ajuda a aumentar os níveis de óxido nítrico no corpo, promovendo uma melhor circulação sanguínea e oxigenação dos músculos durante atividades físicas intensas. O DL-Malato, por sua vez, é conhecido por suas propriedades energéticas, ajudando a reduzir a fadiga e melhorar a resistência. Ideal para atletas, praticantes de musculação e qualquer pessoa que busque otimizar seu desempenho físico, este suplemento é uma adição valiosa à sua rotina de saúde e bem-estar.
1. Aumento da Performance Física: Melhora a resistência e a capacidade de realizar exercícios intensos, permitindo treinos mais longos e eficazes.
2. Redução da Fadiga Muscular: Ajuda a diminuir a sensação de cansaço após atividades físicas, promovendo uma recuperação mais rápida.
3. Melhora na Circulação Sanguínea: Aumenta os níveis de óxido nítrico, resultando em melhor fluxo sanguíneo e oxigenação dos músculos.
4. Suporte à Recuperação Muscular: Facilita a recuperação após treinos intensos, ajudando a minimizar dores e desconfortos musculares.
5. Produto Vegetariano e Lab-Verified: Garantia de qualidade e pureza, ideal para quem busca suplementos sem ingredientes de origem animal.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar uma colher de sopa (aproximadamente 5g) do pó de L-Citrulline DL-Malate em 240ml de água ou sua bebida favorita. Consuma 30 minutos antes do treino para maximizar a performance ou após o exercício para auxiliar na recuperação. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde ou nutricionista para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades individuais. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar suas propriedades.
Customer 23719 –
Definitely higher quality than other bulk brands like Nutricost. I recommend weaning onto it though because a 6g dose right away and it gave me very bad stomach/bowel issues for the day. It was only a one time thing though. Taking 6g per day now with no issues.
Alex T. –
Why are the manufacturers/distributors of these powders NOT warning people about TEETH EROSION from MALATE ACID in the powder??
I noticed over the years my teeth becoming weaker and my dentist pointed out, asked if I was drinking anything acidic. I don’t drink anything acidic other than this supplement powder. The MALIC acid is known to be acidic.
These companies should all be sued for not disclosing this information, knowing that most people are mixing the powders with water and just drinking them down.
The CosmicMoor –
I have no complaints for this product almost at all its Citrulline Mal 2:1 no fillers pure powder TART but not over whelming. Its Vital if you want to enhance your exercise performance and keep your circulation/veins healthy or in other words improving blood flow but with Nitric Oxide effects or “Pumps”. Take 1 but if you know anything about Citrulline 2:1 its takes 2 servings or teaspoons to reach the Optimal pumps for workout or performance. HOW Im a DISTURBED THAT THIS COMPANY HAS RAISED THE PRICE $10 since i bought in NOV. 21. THATS A STEEP PRICE HIKE/GAUGE AND SUSPECT TO ME. I BUY PRODUCTS ON AMAZON but NEVER ENCOUNTER a $10 PRICE hike/GAUGE in 1month as did this PureSupplemests. I bought for 19.99 now its 29.99….?? I will go back to the other bulk type sellers of Citrulline who keep their products the same with a more affordable price with small incremental increases not a GAUGING of its product prices.
Amazon Customer –
Clean profile with typical sour taste. I eat a spoonful instead of shaking. Competitive price to other products, but not many with clean ingredient list without all of the useless colors, ace K, etc. Make your own PWO for less and avoid bad ingredients. Works well if you make your own capsules as well.
Amazon Customer –
I like the Pure products very much. It has no flavor. It comes in a paper bag, so it’s easy to spill and get wet, which I don’t like, I use several B vitamins from this company. They seem to do what they claim.
JS594 –
Bought this to help with weightlifting. Taste is very sour. Mixes fairly well.
A sufficiently sized dose seems to cause an increase in blood flow (that’s how it feels, anyway). However, I’m not really sure if it makes a measurable difference in anything I do. It does feel nice though.
I’m rating it 5 stars because it is what it says on the tin. I’m not sure if I’ll buy more, but if I do, I’ll probably just get pure citrulline. The taste of this citrulline malate is very sour, which I find off putting.
Zeke Sr –
I have been taking this as a pre-workout supplement and I do feel it has helped in my workout and recovery. In all honesty it’s a little early to make outstanding claims, as I’ve only been taking it for two weeks, but I am very optimistic and plan on escalating its use.
UPDATE 7/09/2020: The above statement was an honest Early Reviewer Rewards post. And I have now purchased this product a total of four times as an uncompensated and satisfied repeat buyer.
Gary Henson –
Works great, just wish it came with more for the money but it’s still not a bad deal.