Descrição do Produto: L-arginine Plus – 5110mg L-arginine
Descubra o poder transformador do L-arginine Plus, um suplemento que combina sabor excepcional e resultados reais. Cada frasco contém uma oferta de um mês, projetado para ajudá-lo a alcançar seus objetivos de saúde de forma eficaz. Com uma fórmula fácil de misturar, este produto é fabricado nos Estados Unidos pela Elements of Health Care, garantindo qualidade e confiança em cada dose.
O L-arginine Plus é um potente impulsionador de óxido nítrico, fundamentado em uma descoberta médica que foi laureada com o Prêmio Nobel. Este componente essencial promove a saúde do coração, apoiando a circulação sanguínea e contribuindo para a manutenção de níveis saudáveis de pressão arterial. Os usuários adoram a experiência de consumo, não apenas pelo sabor, mas também pelos resultados visíveis que experimentam em suas rotinas diárias.
Com o L-arginine Plus, você pode esperar um suporte significativo para o fluxo sanguíneo e a saúde cardiovascular, além de uma série de outros benefícios que podem melhorar sua qualidade de vida. Este suplemento é ideal para quem busca uma solução prática e eficaz para problemas relacionados à circulação e à saúde do coração.
– Melhora a saúde cardiovascular, promovendo um coração mais forte.
– Apoia a manutenção de níveis saudáveis de pressão arterial.
– Aumenta o fluxo sanguíneo, beneficiando a performance física e a recuperação muscular.
– Sabor agradável, tornando a suplementação uma experiência prazerosa.
– Fórmula de fácil mistura, ideal para o dia a dia corrido.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o L-arginine Plus, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma dose diária de 5110mg, misturada em água ou em sua bebida favorita. É aconselhável tomar o suplemento em jejum ou antes de atividades físicas para maximizar a absorção e os efeitos do óxido nítrico no organismo. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições médicas preexistentes ou estiver tomando medicamentos.
Matt –
This product is amazing! I bought the grape flavor. The taste is somewhat passable but not bad. It tastes like grape flavor. It’s working great for my circulation! Whenever I bent my arm I would get a tingling sensations in my fingers and arms even with my high blood pressure meds. I am no longer taking my BP Meds and with drinking this product twice a day for the first day, I had no problems with the tingling sensations. The only reason I’m not taking blood pressure meds now is because of side effects and costs. My thigh also used to tingle and burn at times when I slept on my side for too long. Now after 3 days of taking L-arginine Plus-5110mg, I’m no longer having this problem as well. You have to drink it twice a day for this to work. I also noticed that I am no longer having constipation either. Not to be gross but I’m having soft stools now everyday. I will be ordering this again.
Klassy –
L-Arginine Plus is a quality product that definitely opens up new paths to greater circulation and oxygen getting to the muscle cells and other tissues. My fitness and athletic endeavours are truly fulfilling due to the impact that this product has on my body. The crazy muscle pump of all working muscles after taking this product is astounding. This has equated to less soreness and quicker recovery after my grueling workouts!!!!
Matt –
I’m a 40 year old male. Very fit. Completed an ultra marathon earlier this year and lift/workout daily. My diet isn’t always the best, but I don’t drink or smoke. Like most people, I have alot of stress in my life. Two younger children (6 and 3), along with being the sole breadwinner in my house. I worry alot and I take my job seriously, so this results in blood pressure spikes throughout the day. I noticed since I turned 35 that my blood pressure has creeped upward and upward. Prior to 35 years old, it was always a solid 120/80 — no matter what. I could be sleep deprived for 3 days, drink 5 cups of coffee, and take my blood pressure – it was a solid 120/80. Age is catching up to me now and I think the cortisol dump from endurance running, along with the stress of parenthood started to catch up with me. I’ve gotten readings as high as 160/100 during the day when I am REALLY tense/anxious about something.
My doctor recommended a low dose of some BP medicine because everytime they take it — I’m anxious — and of course, it runs high. So I started to do some research on alternatives. I came across this product and the science makes sense. As we age, we lose our ability to make NO2 effectively. Apparently, the NO2 is what kept my arteries flexible when I was younger. So when I was stressed out — my veins/arteries would expand quickly (flexible) to accommodate a spike in heart rate or tension. Well, that doesn’t happen as you get older because the NO2 is stripped from your body little by little. The accumulation of life (stress, bills, bad diet, coffee, etc) slowly takes its toll on your NO2 supply. When your NO2 supply starts dipping more and more, your blood pressure heads in the other direction.
Based on my research, the sure fire way to combat this naturally occurring downfall in NO2 is to supplement and exercise. Well, I already exercise, so apparently I need supplementation. So, here I am!
The first reading I took was after several “deep breathing” exercises. So if you’re thinking 130/78 is good, don’t be fooled — I had to put myself into a near comotose state to achieve a reading that low. Generally, it’s around 140/85 or higher. My left arm reads even higher at about 150/90. So I definitely have a “blood pressure issue” or “hypertension” by today’s standards even though I’m fitter than a fiddle. I guess blood pressure issues don’t discriminate. I am going to chronicle the next 2 months of taking this product daily (once a day). I’ll make weekly updates to this review to show the progression of my blood pressure and I’ll also comment on my “pre measurement” activity (e.g., deep breathing, relaxed, or not). I am hopeful that I can get my blood pressure to 110/70 consistently during the day (reading from both arms, not just my right). If I can get it down into that range, on average, during the day — I feel that I’ve eliminated a major risk factor that will come to bite me at some point. So, stay with me and follow this over the next 60 days. Here’s my 1st reading:
START – 1st Week 7/1/2021 – 130/78 – Resting Pulse of 51
2nd Week 7/8/2021 – 127/73 – Resting Pule of 54 – My sleep has been much better over the last 3 days. It appears that L-arginine is also helping with Nocturia (waking up to urinate at night). I am continuing with 1 scoop in the morning with 16 ounces of color water (mixed). It tastes good. I workout for 45 minutes afterwards.
Sterling Moore –
You probably know the alleged benefits of the product already, and have discovered the problems with tablet or pill form. (In answer to a couple of questions I’ve received, the hard capsules are the largest I’ve seen, definitely made for champion swallowers–maybe the winner of Nathan’s annual hot dog-eating contest). So the question, then, is which should you buy–L-arginine Plus or L-arginine Complete? Since my last 3 biannual stress tests have shown up “all-clear,” I’ll give either product the benefit of the doubt (getting a treadmill and watching the fats hasn’t hurt either),
L-arginine Plus arrived in a significantly larger, more costly (to the sender), protective package. But once removed from the package, it becomes apparent that the 2 products are practically identical–from the canister to the wording (“Cardio Health Formula”) to the ingredients, potencies, and taste. In fact, the similarity is enough to make me suspect that both products are made by and perhaps ultimately distributed through the same company.
Here are the differences:
1. Both products include Vitamin D3; however, L-arginine Plus (the pictured product) contains 2,500 IU’s of the currently trendy vitamin while L-arginine Complete supplies the MDR of 400 IU’s.
2. Plus comes with Red Wine Extract; Complete does not.
3. Plus comes with a “Proprietary Blend of 72 Trace Minerals.” No mention of the same in Complete.
4. Plus dissolves instantly and uses Xylitol for a sweetener; Complete also dissolves instantly but uses Sucrose for sweetener.
5. Complete’s formula includes 200 mcg Chromium (currently popular because of alleged regulation of blood sugar); Plus has no Chromium additive.
Taste: Neither is objectionable (especially after “attempting” to dissolve and swallow a competitor brand), and both (perhaps with a couple of days’ “practice”), should prove about equally palatable. (Plus is red and tends toward the taste of the bland “grape-flavored” Kool-Aid you may remember as a child; Complete is blue and has a bit more of a “chemical” hint to the flavor, but for most people, the slight taste difference is probably not enough to be a deal maker or breaker).
Conclusion: all things being equal (including price, as is currently the case), Plus has a slight edge, though you may wish to supplement it with a chromium tablet (or multi-vitamin that includes it). If either of the 2 products should fall five or more dollars below the other, go with the least expensive one.
[Late-breaking discoveries: “Complete” reveals 6g of protein in its formula; “Plus” makes no such claim. So now the call is closer than the above paragraph would suggest. If you’re not a meat eater, milk drinker, or body-builder who already consumes large amounts of protein supplements, it would “appear” that Complete has the edge over Plus. On the other hand, some of the info about L-arginine is especially emphatic about not taking the amino acid with protein: “For best results, take on an empty stomach, and at least 2 hours before or after eating any protein.” Make of it what you will. “Plus” definitely has the edge of late in promotions, its ads seeming to pop up on every newly opened web page. (Personally, at this point I’m close to flipping a coin between the two. If heads, go with the red label; if tails, try blue.)]