Descrição do Produto: L-Lysine Powder
O L-Lysine Powder é um suplemento alimentar de alta qualidade, disponível em embalagens resseláveis de 1 lb ou 5 lb, que oferece uma forma pura e concentrada de L-Lisina HCl, um aminoácido essencial para o organismo. Este produto é classificado como grau farmacêutico USP, garantindo a pureza e a eficácia necessárias para atender às suas necessidades nutricionais. A L-Lisina é um componente fundamental na construção de proteínas, desempenhando um papel crucial na síntese de colágeno e na manutenção da saúde muscular.
- ✔️ Aminoácido essencial.
- ✔️ Pó a granel: disponível em pacotes resseláveis de 1 lb ou 5 lb.
- ✔️ Um bloco de construção necessário para todas as proteínas no corpo.
- ✔️ Ajuda na absorção de cálcio.
- ✔️ Recuperação mais rápida de cirurgias e lesões.
A L-Lisina é especialmente importante para aqueles que praticam atividades físicas intensas, pois contribui para a recuperação muscular e a redução do catabolismo. Além disso, a sua capacidade de auxiliar na absorção de cálcio torna este produto uma escolha inteligente para quem busca fortalecer os ossos e prevenir problemas relacionados à saúde óssea. Com a L-Lysine Powder, você pode otimizar sua dieta e garantir que seu corpo receba os nutrientes necessários para funcionar em seu melhor.
1. Suporte à Saúde Muscular: A L-Lisina é essencial para a construção e reparação muscular, ideal para atletas e praticantes de atividades físicas.
2. Melhora na Recuperação: Acelera a recuperação após cirurgias e lesões, ajudando a reduzir o tempo de inatividade.
3. Fortalecimento Ósseo: Auxilia na absorção de cálcio, contribuindo para a saúde óssea e prevenindo osteoporose.
4. Sem Aditivos: Produto 100% puro, sem enchimentos, garantindo que você receba apenas o que há de melhor.
5. Versatilidade de Uso: Pode ser facilmente incorporado em shakes, smoothies ou receitas, facilitando a inclusão na dieta diária.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o L-Lysine Powder, recomenda-se misturar uma colher de sopa (aproximadamente 5g) do pó em água, sucos ou shakes de proteína, uma vez ao dia. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde ou nutricionista para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades específicas. Armazene o produto em local fresco e seco, mantendo a embalagem bem fechada para preservar a qualidade e a pureza do aminoácido.
Dana Points –
I’ve read where this stuff is great for cats with herpes. I’ve also read where it does absolutely nothing. I decided to try it, and my herpes cat had a big infection about 3 weeks after starting. I think I’ll go through this bag and then try the next newest and greatest thing!
Dee –
I have several barn cats that harbor the herpes vires, which causes sneezing, runny eyes and occasionally mouth sores. I mix a tablespoon into a can of wet food, then mix the wet food into the dry food. It must not have any taste or smell, because the cats eat it without hesitation. I think the severity and frequency of breakouts has lessened. It does seem to help boost the cats’ immune systems.
Unicorna –
I use this powder for my cats to help with sneezing and runny noses (caused by feline herpes virus). I used to buy a product from the vet that could be fed directly to the cats but since I have multiple cats using L-Lysine the cost was prohibitive. When I found this bulk powder, it did require a little math to calculate the correct dosage (about 1/8 teaspoon). I mix it with canned cat food and they don’t even notice. This 1 lb bag costs slightly more than a can of the product from the vet and lasts for months, whereas the can from the vet only lasted about 3 weeks. It is just as effective as the veterinary product and really helps with the sneezing and runny noses. This is a good quality product and the company always sends a follow-up email asking if there were any problems.
Limogirl –
I use this Lysine in my cats food. First purchase was fine, this bag had moisture in it because it had lumps and was not a clean powder as before.
Sylvia –
nice amount for the price
The Sterling Fig –
I had a URI hit my barn cats this winter/spring. Once one of them gets it — they all get it. One poor kitty has horrible red spots on her face (the kitty herpes virus which comes from that upper respiratory infection). I went to the vet and got her treated, but it was going to be so expensive to treat 12 barn kits.
the vet gave me kitty lysine powder, which was very expensive. This product from CAP Nutra was much more afforable and it exactly the same thing. I treated my kitties by adding a tablespoon into wet food thinned with water and putting it over their dry food. It took just around two weeks, but everyone was breathing better, feeling better and the sores on my precious Calico were healing nicely.
I now use as a maintenance treatment — giving them 1 T mixed in three large cans of wet cat food thinned with water (until soupy) and then pouring it over their dry kibble. I’ve not had any instance of sickness since January.
If I had a single kitty I would only use 1/4 – 1/2 tsp over food, but I used more because of the number of kits I have.
I’m actually getting ready to order another bag so I have it on hand at all times!
Melanie –
Used for my cat to get rid of the gooey irritated eyes. Did take a minute, but his eyes are now open and look perfect. I was skeptical. However, if his gooey eyes were due to allergies, maybe it’ll come back during the summer. We’ll see.
RosieB –
I put this on my cats’ dry food once daily with Fortiflora and they are fine with it. I only use 1/4 tsp for 4 cats since they don’t eat much, but it’s already helping my cat with eye herpes and the one with a chronic URI. It does taste salty so make sure they’ve got plenty of water available. This is a good item at an excellent price, and shipping was quick. To avoid the problem with the ziploc bag, I pour some into an old medication bottle and use from there.