Descrição do Produto: Pet Naturals of Vermont L-Lysine 60 Fun-Shaped Chews for Cats – 5 pack
Os Pet Naturals of Vermont L-Lysine são deliciosos petiscos em forma divertida, especialmente formulados para atender às necessidades nutricionais dos gatos. Cada embalagem contém 60 unidades de chews saborosos, que não apenas atraem a atenção dos felinos, mas também oferecem um suporte essencial para a saúde deles. A L-Lisina, um aminoácido essencial, é o principal ingrediente ativo, conhecido por seu papel na promoção de um sistema imunológico saudável e na manutenção da saúde respiratória dos gatos. Esses chews são ideais para gatos de todas as idades e raças, proporcionando uma maneira prática e saborosa de complementar a dieta diária.
Os Pet Naturals of Vermont L-Lysine são livres de corantes artificiais e conservantes, garantindo que seu gato receba apenas o melhor em termos de nutrição. A textura macia e o formato divertido tornam esses petiscos irresistíveis, facilitando a administração e tornando o momento do lanche uma experiência prazerosa. Além disso, a embalagem de 5 pacotes é perfeita para quem deseja garantir um estoque sempre disponível, evitando a preocupação de ficar sem o produto.
1. Suporte Imunológico: A L-Lisina ajuda a fortalecer o sistema imunológico do seu gato, protegendo-o contra doenças.
2. Saúde Respiratória: Contribui para a manutenção da saúde respiratória, especialmente em gatos propensos a infecções.
3. Sabor Atraente: O formato divertido e o sabor delicioso tornam esses chews irresistíveis para os felinos, facilitando a administração.
4. Sem Conservantes Artificiais: Produto livre de corantes e conservantes, garantindo uma opção saudável para o seu pet.
5. Praticidade: A embalagem de 5 pacotes oferece conveniência e economia, permitindo que você tenha sempre à mão um suplemento nutritivo.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se oferecer 1 a 2 chews por dia, dependendo do peso e das necessidades específicas do seu gato. Os chews podem ser dados como um lanche ou misturados à comida habitual. É importante observar a reação do seu gato ao novo suplemento e consultar um veterinário caso haja alguma dúvida sobre a dosagem ou a adequação do produto para o seu animal. Mantenha sempre água fresca disponível e armazene os chews em local fresco e seco para preservar sua frescura e eficácia.
HoosierJB –
I don’t doubt these work, but neither of my two cats will touch them. The treats are absolutely rock hard and don’t smell like any other cat treat I’ve ever bought. My kitten will either run away when I get the bag out or will play with and ultimately hide them when I give them to him.
EDIT: It has been a year and I’ve tried everything I can think of to get my cats to eat these without success. I’ve cut them up and mixed them with dry food (they eat around them), powderized them and mixed with wet food (they won’t even touch the food), and even mixed with water to try to make a kind of gravy (with the same result). I will be donating my unopened packages to the local shelter with the hope that there is a cat out there that will eat them.
Jan –
I purchased this for one of my “porch” cats who has a goopy eye. After about a week her eye started looking better. It was still a bit runny but the green stuff was gone. Now, after a bag and a half, her eye looks normal. She likes the taste but sometimes I’m not sure she’s the one that eats them due to the food being on the porch. But, I highly recommend these supplements because even if she isn’t getting her 2 a day, she is still looking good.
AchlysJade –
I really appreciate the quality of ingredients for this as I have been having a hard time finding a high quality treat for my desert lynx without the added fillers. Getting his daily dose of L-Lysine is perfect.
The size is a bit large even for my big guy. He tries, but just cannot get through it on his own. I ended up breaking the treats into smaller pieces and placing it in with his food with no problems. Having a resealable bag is nice as well. The treats are harder than I expected on the outside, with a softer inside. Not crunchy like other treats on the market, just harder ingredients.
I purchased a three bag set of these, with the price being well reasonable for the set. Overall, I am happy with the items and will recommend them to others, but do wish they would come in a smaller, more manageable bite size.
Linda Szymoniak –
L-lysine is good for cats – it supports eye health. However, many forms of L-lysine are not palpable to my cats and I’ve tried a number of different brands. My cats love Pet Naturals of Vermont’s L-Lysine 60 Fun-Shaped Chews for Cats. We’ve recommended them to other cat owners and they have been equally pleased. I will continue using this product as long as it’s available.
Jeri Lynn –
I’m giving this a 3 out of 5 stars because I believe the product has changed. I don’t believe, I KNOW it has. I’ve been giving this to my cat since I adopted him from the shelter(3yrs ago). In the beginning he loved them, he would run right over when he heard the bag. Back then they had a higher Moisture Max level on the back of the bag, with the ingredients list. They also had chicken as the first(main) ingredient. They used to be A LOT softer. They also had a better smell. They smelled like food sort of like Worcester Sauce. Now days they are hard and dried out. When I get them out to feed my cat he literally runs. I swear, he runs and hides behind the cabinet. Back when he liked them he would eat them on his own. Now I have to break each one into 5 pieces a put it in his mouth. He chews and swallows. We do this 10x a night. Most of the time it’s more than that bc he’ll spit each piece out once or twice. It’s a real pain in the you know what!
From the sound of my review it seems like I should’ve given this product a rating lower than 3. Here’s where the 3 comes in, THEY REALLY DO WORK! Even though it’s a pain the a$$, they work, and that to me is priceless. I love that my kitty isn’t sick all the time. I’m very thankful for this product. I recently went on vacation, when I came back he had watery eyes, no energy and was sneezing. Which just proves that these treats do work, bc he was fine before that. It took about a week to get them working for him again. I’d say he gets about 2 outbreaks a year while taking these, which isn’t bad at all, considering without them he’d be sick everyday.
Allison –
My vet recommended giving my cats Lysine gel to help with what we suspect is feline herpes. The cats were not pleased at all with the gel (I ended up cleaning a lot of gel off of the walls and couch!) so I tried these treats instead. I give them both two at night with their dinner, and they like these treats very much. I’ve noticed the herpes symptoms significantly lesson over the last few weeks.These treats are a small price to pay to see them feeling better and be able to throw the gel in the garbage!
Pandora –
loves color –
My cat with the upper respiratory condition was only 6 lbs. The chews were too big for her. I had to slice them with a paring knife and mix into a little wet food 2x/day for her. I’ve since switched to the powder and sprinkle it on their dry food every morning for everyone to free-feed during the day.
Mike in Texas –
My cat loves the treats and the lysine has made a world of difference regarding her health ( chronic feline herpes). The lysine has literally helped her go from a pain filled existence to a playful, healthy cat. I believe all vets should prescribe lysine be given to their patient’s cats.
UPDATE 7-15-2015
My cat continues to eat these readily and I have lowered her number of treats from 1500 mg (6 treats per day) of lysine to 1000 mg (4 treats per day). I go through a bag every two weeks or less so although somewhat expensive, her improved health is worth it. Cannot recommend highly enough – if your cat(s) have any type of sinus, ear or eye problems, try giving them these treats for a week and see if there is a difference.
Tara –
This is by far the best deal I have found for any product coming close to this one. The size of the pieces is about the size of a crunchy greenie for cats. They are fairly easy to break in half for my picky little Tonk, otherwise my Abyssinian wolfs it down in one go.
I have noticed that their spring sneezies have reduced quite a bit.. Less inflammation as well. There was no tummy upset with any of my crew. I must admit that my little Maine Coon Mix doesn’t care for them, however, she is of a less delicate constitution than my boys!
Fast shipping and a very good product overall. I am impressed. If the price remains reasonable as compared to other offerings on Amazon, I will continue to purchase and use happily.