Descrição do Produto: Nature’s Way L-Theanine
A vida moderna pode ser repleta de desafios e estressores que afetam nosso bem-estar mental e emocional. Para aqueles que buscam uma solução natural e eficaz, o Nature’s Way L-Theanine surge como um aliado poderoso. Com 200 mg de L-theanine por porção de duas cápsulas, este suplemento vegano é formulado para promover relaxamento e suporte ao estresse de forma rápida e eficaz. A L-theanine, um aminoácido encontrado no chá verde, é conhecida por suas propriedades calmantes, atuando no cérebro para ajudar a reduzir a ansiedade e promover uma sensação de tranquilidade.
- Nature’s Way L-Theanine proporciona alívio rápido do estresse.* A L-theanine de ação rápida atua em 30-60 minutos para promover relaxamento.*
- Alívio do estresse sem medicamentos.* Apoia uma mente calma sem causar sonolência durante o dia.*
- Adultos devem tomar 2 cápsulas uma a duas vezes ao dia.
- Sem glúten e vegano. Não contém milho, trigo, soja, laticínios, gelatina ou cores ou sabores artificiais.
- Na Nature’s Way, acreditamos que a natureza é a solução definitiva. Há mais de 50 anos, buscamos inspiração no mundo natural. Nossos suplementos e vitaminas de qualidade são formulados para ajudá-lo a encontrar seu caminho para o bem-estar.
1. Alívio Rápido do Estresse: A L-theanine age rapidamente, proporcionando relaxamento em apenas 30-60 minutos.
2. Sem Efeitos Colaterais Indesejados: Ao contrário de muitos medicamentos, este suplemento não causa sonolência durante o dia, permitindo que você mantenha sua produtividade.
3. Fórmula Vegana e Sem Alergênicos: Ideal para veganos e pessoas com restrições alimentares, pois não contém glúten, soja, laticínios ou aditivos artificiais.
4. Suporte à Saúde Mental: Promove uma mente calma e focada, ajudando a melhorar a concentração e a clareza mental.
5. Compromisso com a Qualidade: A Nature’s Way tem uma longa história de confiança e qualidade, garantindo que você receba um produto eficaz e seguro.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Nature’s Way L-Theanine, recomenda-se que adultos tomem 2 cápsulas uma a duas vezes ao dia, preferencialmente com um copo de água. É aconselhável não exceder a dose recomendada. Para maximizar os benefícios, considere tomar as cápsulas em momentos de maior estresse ou antes de atividades que exijam concentração e calma mental. Este suplemento é uma excelente adição à sua rotina diária, ajudando a manter o equilíbrio emocional e a promover um estado de relaxamento saudável.
Marcie Rodriguez –
Have suffered from anxiety in traffic off and on for the past 7 or 8 years. This stuff is a god send. Since I have been taking l-Theanine the anxiety has almost completely disappeared. There are no side effects that I can tell. I know some other brands include Magnesium in their formula and people have complained about loose stool, that happens sometimes with Magnesium. I have not had this problem with this formula from Enzymatic. I haven’t really ever had a problem sleeping at night, but this does seem to help my sleep. This has worked great for me since my problems with anxiety seem to happen in traffic, and I am able to stay alert and not drowsy, while still remaining calm. For anyone with these problems I suggest trying this product, and some meditation as well. There is a great free app you can get from the itunes app store called Deep Relaxation… not for while you are driving… but it does help.
Sherri Griffin –
I have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder and mild OCD for quite a few years. They have been mostly managed with prescription medication, but I do not like the side effects of the prescription meds and I wanted something more natural. I did a great deal of research and it seemed like L-Theanine had everything I wanted.
I’ve been taking it for nearly a month and It has helped me to take less of my benzos and sometimes I can even take half doses of the klonipin and one of these pills and I will feel a significant change in my anxiety and compulsion. I have even felt close to panic attacks and been able to take an extra one of these pills and the feeling leaves me. It’s really wonderful! And this product has ZERO side effects compared to anything I’ve taken– especially the benzos! The prescription meds make me sleepy and uncoordinated. This pill, however, does not make me drowsy, unless I’ve had no sleep– then I actually can sleep! Yay! I usually take 2 pills a day, and sometimes 3 over the course of the day in addition to my nightly benzo.
I believe that for people who have severe anxiety and panic disorders, they cannot totally replace their prescription medications with this, but they can definitely supplement with it with good results. It simply takes off the edge– not fully lifting all the anxiety, but I think for many people with severe anxiety that’s all you ever want. For people who have mild anxiety– I imagine this would be a wonderful product on it’s own to help you deal with your anxiety. Definitely give it a try!
Amber C –
This is the real deal!! It’s helped me sooooo much with my anxiety. A friend gave me a bottle of this, and then I thought it was helping, so I ordered another bottle….it’s definitely helping! I had crippling panic attacks almost daily and taking this throughout my day (in conjunction with a nightly dose of Calm Now supplements) has completely eradicated them. I still have anxious thoughts, but I’m calm and peaceful and able to “talk” myself down from them. I take a little more than the recommended dose, but I played around with it a little to see what worked for me. I’m a bigger lady, so maybe that’s why? I take 3 capsules 2-3 times during the day. With or without food. I can really tell when I miss a day or two…it’s not pretty! I will say, make sure you give it time. The first week I didn’t notice nay thing, the second week I thought I started to, the third week I upped my dose and BAM! It was like a wave of calm!! So glad I found this stuff!!
Lisa –
This supplement works great to calm you.
Doesn’t make you groggy makes you feel normal for me better than normal.
If you take this and want to go to sleep just relaxes you enough to go to sleep.
You don’t want to go to sleep you do not feel tired.
This does effect your serotonin and gaba be careful of what you mix it with do your research.
Do not take it with sleep medication.
Debora –
I love this supplement, and it works great as advertised. I cannot live without it.
Claire –
I’m currently going through a stressful situation and started having anxiety and panic attacks. Now I can’t even leave the house because I’m scared I’ll have another attack. It’s a horrible feeling. I came across L-theanine when I was researching alternatives to presciption meds for anxiety. After reading nothing but positives everywhere I looked, I decided to buy these. I chose these because they are Suntheanine which is supposed to be higher quality than just L-theanine.
These truly are a life saver!!! When I take one, it seems to kick in after about 15-30min. My anxiety goes away and my negative thinking stops. I immediately feel more positive and happier. They seem to work for about 3 hours for me, but I’ve read the effects can last all day. They don’t make me sleepy at all.
I will never be without these! They are a must have for anyone with anxiety or panic!
Spiritual Sojourner –
I believed I had ordered Enzymatic Therapy LTheanine 100mg. That is the product photo. Instead, I received Nature’s Way 200mg of L-Theanine. When I looked more closely at the product description and title, it does say it’s Nature’s Way, but doesn’t give the mg’s. I recognize that this is partly my fault for not reading all the print. However, I love Enzymatic Therapy brand and quickly bought what I believed it to be. My lesson. And big warning for the seller: Straighten this out!!!!! I’m not sure if I paid more for what I believed was a higher quality product….
James gaskell –
Could be a sugar pill for all the effect it had.
Patti –
Seems to be working very well for me. I’ve been taking it twice a day for a week. I have a very high-stress job and have felt amazingly calm and focused at work. I am sleeping better than I have in months. I attribute it to the L-Theanine as I’ve made no other changes.
Be aware that if you are looking for something as strong as Ativan or Klonopin for anxiety, this is not it. But, if you are looking for something to provide a feeling of general well-being and focus, it is definitely worth trying. Some reviewers have stated that the results diminish over time. If I don’t find that the case, I will update my review to 5 stars.